Show THE PRICE OF THE TEE TELEGRAM TELEGRAM TELE TELE- GRAM IS IS' EXCEPT ON ON TRAINS Patrons are respectfully requested requested re re- requested re- re quested to insist Upon tipon having it at that price o of at newsboys and agents w P Parasites Cause All Hair air Troubles tenths Nine-tenths of the diseases of the scalp and hair are caused by parasite germs The fhe importance of this discovery discos discos- ery en by Professor r Unna na of ot of the Charity hospital Hamburg G Germany can not be overestimated 1 Jt l explains why c or ordinary hall hair preparations even en of the lie most expensive Ihara character fail tail to cure dandruff because leCaUSe they d not and they can n not t kill kiU the l germ The only hair preparation in the world that positively destroys tile the dandruff parasites para pam sites th that t burrow hut up up- t the Hie e scalp into Ino scales called dandruff Is New New- ew I bros bro's I In n addition to Its destroying de dE'- de- de the d t germ Is also a delightful hair hail dressing making mak mal ing log the hair glo glossy s ap ansi soft soft- t as sm silk Kelly P Printers Lithographers rc turing Stationers Blank Book Dook Makers Modern Forms Form and I LaborSaving Labor Labor- aBor- aBor Saving a g Devices Unsurpassed s e 68 W. W Second ci ss South JItu St St. Salt it Lako City H M- M H i 1 I driCi SupH S. S 1 t i Tnt mount aln e electric tt iC Co eo i t 1 45 EAST 1ST SOUTH STREET REET I-E I 11 t I Mo Wells Fargo Co Bank SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Capital Parent Office San Francisco Ca Cal Branch Broadway New York city bank Portland Oregon Branch A general banking business transacted J. J E. E DOOLY Cashier 4 4 4 4 M 0 I M M Mt 4 0 1 1 lt 1 t Deseret National Bank J JI t I i UNITED ig STATES DEPOSITORY lo i I IT T Capital 4 I surplus 1 T L. L S. S S Hills President 4 T Moses Thatcher VJ e H. H S. S Cashier s 4 41 c WESTERN DENT AL CO EAGLE BLOCK B Best st Set of Teeth Crown and bridge work specialties All work guaranteed Teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN VITALIZED AIR WM BROADBENT D. D D. D S. S Prop Sier Sierra ra Nevada LUMBER LUMBER- GO co Lumber Lath Shingles Doors Windows I 7 W Work 1 I i. i i tr h. 35 33 South Third West est Salt Lake City S. S S J J. J L Mgr one ne 26 and I FOR RENT RENT FURNISHED 3 SINGLE ROOMS ROO PANTRY AND closet water inhouse in 37 Ith So St. St P PALMISTRY STR YOUR FUTURE REVEALED AT Prof office o fice S So Main ST STORAGE RAGE REDMAN VAN STORAGE CO largest and best movin m vans vens Fireproof storage PhOne Office 51 Sl west 2nd I South opposite Evening Evening- Telegram gra I Storehouse hou t opposite It Tribune 1 fe office I IFOR II I I FOR SALE s r fc-r FRESH JERSEY COW WITH CALF CALI 65 S. S Sixth Ix h East CARPENTERS E. E N. N RACE AC E. E 2ND SO JOBBING of ot all kinds Tel 1324 WANTED TOP FLAT-TOP DESK SECOND HAND must be In good Address r giving giving Fn ing S o lowest g price I ft Pien oIt 16 care Evening e g Telegram SECOND-HAND SECOND SAFE tion lock Address H H. H Evening Telegram office C AMERICAN HOME CO 51 W. W 2nd So will ill turn furnish Ish you mone money to buy or build a home anywhere No interest You can pay us back 50 Q a a. a month on each 1000 you 1011 use Stop paying rent FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THE FACT T STILL REMAINS THAT more homes are sold through h h my agency c- c than any other ether l t in the city Why Because Because Be Be- cau cause e you are treated right See me if you ou wish to purchase A. A Richter 19 West First South WE SELL REAL ESTATE ESTATE THAT'S THAT'S all Tuttle Bros Eros Main Red Ball II sign WE SELL THE EARTH Over properties to select from location location loca loca- tion any part of the city We iVe can please you Try us The Realty Co Main 1 Phone FOR RENT BENT 25 HOUSES ALL KINDS PRICES AND lo locations Tuttle Bros 9 Main 1 St. St IFOR FOR VACANT HOUSES TEL 27 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER ON easy payments P. P O. O box city TICKET BROKERS C r GROSHELL'S TICKET OFFICE REduced REduced REduced RE- RE rates everywhere Established 1888 1858 Main st. st CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS OScar OScar OScar OS- OS car Groshell sales ales ag agent nt No l Main sL st Expert Cash Register Repairing HEALTHY KIDNEYS AT 72 12 YEARS OF Am Mrs Louise Grau Who is 72 Years Old Has lias Beer Bee Permanently Cured of Rheumatism I 1 Kidney and Liver Trouble by byOR C Wl S eURE eUREA WORLDS WORLD S GREATEST KIDNEY CURE SE SEN T OF THE s A TRIAL THE TRIBUNE Y FREE TO EVERY READER OF WR WHO ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTE LIVE LIVER R BLADDER OR BLOOD DISEASE o KIDNEY SUFFERS COMMONLY KNOWN AMONG WOMEN AS FEMAL FEMALE OR WHAT IS COMMONLY CO WEAKNESS for all forms of kidney liver WarnerS Safe Cure is the only sure cured cure thousands it will cure you it 11 has bladder and blood diseases Cure cured her Safe or Warners Warner's o Louise Loul e Grau who is 72 years old says rheumatism kidney a and ml lIver liver complications CURES eURES No 37 St. St Marks Mark's Place Brooklyn N 1 YI Y I am over 72 years old and have lon Ion long suffered from kidney and liver ti trouble Not Nat long ago I called a physician tv who did me no good and a friend friend- mended Warners Warner's Safe Cure I bean taking it ope that it WOuld be of t any service but bull at once onca to notice a- a In to to lIver lOUbIe have suffered uffe ed from rheumatism The Tin latter has entirely disappeared and andl feel like a young girl I all times to recommend this greatest all remedies Thankfully yours MRS LOUISE GRU GRAIl GRAU tU 7 fd jl I i Nov ov 18 1901 Tt r J- J i TEST YOUR KIDNEYS Pat soa morning orn ing urine in fri a glass or bottle W WIt It stand twenty four hours if then it is milky or cloudy or has a red reddish reddi if or float abs about chalky sediment in tn the bottom of the glass glas or cm- particles germs In it your kidneys and yO you should not lose a moment but get bottie bottle of Warners Warner's Safe Cure as the disease works very rapidly and is flab to gain such a foothold you that cannot cure curo it stOp or its spread without i great deal of f pain and suffering Warners Warner's Sate Safe Cures Cur Is purely vegetable and contains no harmful drugs does not constipate i is a most valuable and effective e tonic it 1 is-a is 3 to 10 digestion and awakens th the tha liver live putting the the patient TO vet best b st receptive state for the work of the restorer re tor r of the thC h kidneys It the tissues soothes inflammation and Irritation stimulates the enfeebled organs or i igans gans and heals at the same time It builds up the body gives it n strength am m restores the energy that is or has been wasting under the baneful of kidney disease 1 Warners Warner's S Safe e. e eurl Cure is is now put up in two regular sizes and sold by all druggists or O C CENTS NT AND 1 f A BOTTLE J Ii LESS THAN ONE CENT A DOSE 1 1 if 1 Refuse su u t sI There is none just as good as lS Warners Warner's Safe It has cured all of forms of kidney disease during the last thirty years It prescribed by all and used in the leading hospitals hospital as the only abs lute lute cure for all forms f of dl e the kidney liver bladder and blood T L BOTTLE B Tr E FREE To convince every sufferer from diseases of ot the liver kidney bladder bladders ii blood that Warners Warner's Safe cure them atrial bottle will be sent abs ab free to any anyone one who will write W Warner r r Safe Safe- Cure Co Rochester N. N I having seen this liberal offer Yn rn Pa The Tribune The of this offer is fully guaranteed by the pp publisher of this paper Our will send medical booklet containing symptoms and treatment of ot each dl dJ ease and many JL Convincing EngA timo to t Q any ny one ong on who will write w te 1 WEAK KIDNEYS lAND I AND 1 c BLADDER TROU LI Had ato to lass ass iss Water Very Often Day and Ni Cured by the Great Kidney Remedy vamp Swamp I- I p. i 1 c Jf d' d 4 0 0 1 s 1 S t tI I f 7 I 4 4 S DR KILMER CO Binghamton N N. T. T ro t About tw two years ago I had a a. very severe case esse of f 1 kidney and bladder troa tron 51 The pain in the small of my back was so severe that I could not stand it to tOs In one position more than a moment or tw two and was obliged to pass very oft often n day and night I tried medicines and ad doctors without getting re Noticing an advertisement in the Topeka State Journal of Swamp Root t I 1 de ei I mined to give ft t. t a bought a 8 bottle By the time I had finishes finished first bottle the he pain had entirely disappeared from my back The pain ad ano J III quent desire to pass water ceased However I continued to take tale the tha me meow med j using about six six- bottles In all aU That was aver a year ear ago and I have Ii 11 I return of ot the trouble since I A. A H H. Nooney Chief Engineer State ate Capitol Building To Topeka peka Kan Jan Tari 2nd 1502 J 51 sufi d Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for tor more sickness an and ana c C ing than any other disease therefore when through neglect or other kidney tro trouble ble is continue fatal results are sure to fOl O but We Ve often see a friend or an acquaintance apparently we I well d da a few days we may be grieved to learn of their f severe evere illness or sudden caused by that fatal type of kidney trouble trouble BrightS Disease I The mild and extraordinary effect of the worl famous farnous famous kidney i remedy Dr Kilmer Swamp Root is soon realized It stands the 0 B 8 Band its wonderful cures of the most distressing Oases A trial will convince conVie and and you may have a sample bottle sent free by mall mail Sample Bottle of of- Swamp-Root Swamp Free by Mal If H you ou are are a already re dY co convinced Vin that s Root SWamp amp R t is nee nee et YOt stil Ii chase 1 the regular fifty cent and one-dollar one siz size size- bottles at the everywhere Dont Don't make any mistake but reme remember the name SP Dr Dl Kilmer's Khmer's es e's Swamp Root o and d the he address dJ pg l I on N N. N Y L |