Show r i t IN THE I- I I f. f i t t V POLITE LITE W WORLD I Is 4 s t lt t COMING EVENTS THURSDAY THURSDAY Mrs Warren Bogues Bogue's card ard party Mrs tea FRIDAY Valentine FRIDAY Valentine ball at Eighteenth ward hall Mrs 1 Twomey's card party L. L D DS S 5 U. U ball at Chris Christensen's ensen's Mrs 1 J A. A D. D Lynn cards Mrs A. A T T. Kerr v-i v was s the g guest st Of of honor honorat at ata a a. stall party given at the the Theatre Tuesday evening by Mrs 1 A. A EI I. I fa Tarbet t. t The other guests were Mesdames Pinker Pinker- ten Parker park T Reed Geoghegan and Miss Edith Parker i Miss Bertha Dertha Strauss of New York is Visiting in the city v If Y Mr and Mrs aIr Wilbur Flagg entertained at luncheon yesterday their guests being Mr and l Mrs rs John Armstrong Jevne Mr and Mrs David l Murray and Mr Leo Manx Marix 4 Mrs George W W. Moyer has as her guest Mrs Chester E. E Coulter of Ogden i Mrs Warr- Warr Warren Warrn n C. C Bogue will entertain at a card party this afternoon and at whist tomorrow afternoon C C i Mrs C. C J. J Farlow left Tuesday morning for a short trip to San Fran Fran- cisco C S C Mr and Mrs Hoyt Sherman leave the latter part pf the week for a California t trip P. P v- v va a C C C Mrs irs l Briant t Wells WelTs arrived in this city Tuesday from Chicago she will return with her her husband to the Philippines about the tha end of the month Mrs Mis A A. A T. T Kerr will leave shortly for New York C C liss 1 Edith will entertain the Sewing club Friday afternoon Her guests will b bd MIsSes Edith Allene Crismon J Josephine Wells Lillian Lil LIl- han lian Chish olm and Vivian Little C C C Gov an and Mrs went to Provo last evening to to remain until Friday Friday- C C C The Misses Howat entertained the Whist club yesterday n. 10 Mrs Thomas W. W Jennings Jenning's and Miss 1 Rattle Hattie Jennings returned Tuesday Tuesday from Chicago C C The Th Euchre club will meet with Mrs Hyde Dale a week from Tuesday A pleasant affair yesterday afternoon was the open opel meeting pf the Council of Jewish Women Rabbi Reynolds gave an interesting talk on the Possibilities q the Jew in the United States Miss Bertha Strauss of bf New York gave several good readings I. I including C a scene td aiho f from the Merchant e of t Venice Mrs 1 Coulter of Ogden read real a carefully- carefully prepared paper on ott the Benefits of the theA t W Federation to t the It Individual Club A pleasing solo Island of Dreams was rendered manner by Mrs l Some well-selected well readings readings read read- ings lags were also given by Mrs I John Reed Refreshments were served d. d after the pro pro- gramme C Mrs Mis John JohnM M. M will entertain at luncheon today r 7 Cs i f r Miss Edna Bailey of ot this city Is spendIng spending spend spend- ing the winter in New Orleans ad Mrs Irs r Tiernan rna and son sn will leave for forSan forSan San Francisco on on the C S C 1 V W. W P. P Noble accompanied by his two daughters will leave for Honolulu next Saturday C C C i 1 M Mrs s. s H Harey y Gr Grant t Twomey will give a acard acard acard card party tomorrow night S C C i I The students of the I 1 L- L D. D S. S university will give another of their delightful i dances at Christensen's tomorrow night I C C C The marriage of Miss Ella McDonald to Mr Richard l Chamberlain Chamberlain- I r took place sr ago n Pi yesterday d at noon in the Salt Lake Tern Tem pie An t elaborate wedding reception f followed followed fol fol- ol- ol lowed In the evening at the home of the tho brides bride's parents S C C CA' CA A pleasant euchre l party was ws given last evening by Mr and and Mrs airs Charles Brink Miss 1 Par Parker er and Miss 1 Edith Parker er assisted assisted as as- Mrs Brink Archbishop Ireland was Wa the guest of honor at so a dinner gives Riven by Senator Kearns last night in Washington Among the guests were were Monseigneur Rooker Fathers Stafford and Malone Perry S. S Heath Dr J. J E. E Jones Senators Scott and Clapp Census Director Merriam Commissioner Hermann and MrA MrA Mr A A. A. A Wilson Alison Speeches were made by Senator and Archbishop Ire Ire- land |