Show WHAT Y THE OTHERS THINK THEY i KNOW 6 THE PASSING PASSING O or THE THE POPULISTS 1 rom From the Kansas Kansas City Journal Fate has moved swiftly fitly to remove the thelast th last tast vestige of the he populist party In the United States 0 of t America There Is not now n w a Populist W a either cither branch of of the National Legislature The death of Gov Coy Rogers of Washington Wahington takes away the only remaining- remaining x belonging to that party pirty There probably will be no Jio further attempt to run a Populist State ticket in any part of the Union Gov Rogers wa was elected last fall for fora a term teim s. s For s' s me reason h hr he r n of his if ket And carried tho the election while all an alof of his asso associates lat s failed The Republicans elected th the Lieutenant Lieutenant- Cox Go and by succession slon tey fley now now nor have lav come come Into Int l full l control of ot the Washington tate State government I |