Show TheArt of Song When Shen into TV The poet weaves his though tit il i-il The Tho feeling of 01 hi his hia heart defines The measure to to-be to be wrought For or happy moods a as ab tinkling Inkling rills h Run nun p per er a pebbly way vay p v. v And i enU loving 10 laughter fills fills' g gA J A q quiet let summer bummer day i i j The llie crystal rhymes but check k V t the flow now Of liquid W cOrds that the t blena Into nto a Ii song Rong that sweet et and low In praise pd peace doth end ena nl put Put when hn his hili heart Is tilled filled with with grief By fellow-feeling fellow wrung ills IUs Us sympathy hns strong relief relict A nobler harp Is 15 strung nd then then- the melodies repeat The voice oice of ot wind and wave pa ocean where Are AFe weary a souls to save Charles r W. W Stevenson e o i in the Washing St. Star r. r |