Show I m men and their s. s I b m fe t tt v v. v t v v. v H Hi i t For three years they have bave haves l lV s V worked side by side As a a. rule they have worked in lu their shirt shirt- H t v t Sleeves leeves without collars or cuffs cutIs S and with their eyes protected by tP H tt green paper shades As a rule a I also each of them has smoked durIng dur- dur V t t. t lag Ing most of his working hours hours- a a. aD V t D' D corncob e pipe They have called 8 i each other Tom Torn and Bill Bm with If tf p the familiarity due to long act ac- ac acIf If t e eV V As It happens they live in different dif dif- V ferent parts of t tie the e city and never I V V meet outside of the theoffice ot cc The other oth- oth S V r. f er night both of t them went to the t tV l' l V theatre each without the knowledge knowlt knowl- knowl tf H t edge of at the tho other Each of them Vi wore or his eve evening ve i g clothes an opera 5 H har and anda d- d a cape topcoat They 8 b 8 Po 5 see tee the same ctr and P 5 li after fter ter the h show was over It happened hap- hap 9 Vi en d that hat the they stood side by side if 5 together r on the edge of the curb 5 tf t tit t for Tora i a. a moment en 65 V II Bill looked at at at- Tom and r.r. r. r r. r Tom Torn Tom stared back at Bill but tf V tf 5 not not- a ag gleam a gleam e m ot of recognition came V 5 tf p. p e ot of either In the un- un unI I tf tf accustomed n d costume a and d surroundIngs surroundIngs' surround- surround tf tf 5 Ings' Ings were they te strangers But ButI BJ t I tl there ere was Something ab about ut Bills i tf tf face which j seemed to Tom TomI I tf strangely familiar Finally lIy It tf 5 Po I it t dawned on him He tie smiled all over t r. r 5 i Why hello Bill he said t stretching out h Ws' Ws Shand S' S hand do tf tf 5 yell dd tf I tf 5 In Iii return jle ho got a look of sur- sur surI I t tf IP pr sed arid and p puzzled inquiry tf 5 IP tf Im afraid sir afraid Jd sir said Bill who J tr JI I t ti Is is some somewhat hat nearsighted that t tf If bl II you have havethe the ad advantage vantage of me tf t Tom t thought the Joke was too Ii V tf g d tp spoil and he did not at- at b tf II tf tempt to explain matters mattes As for forI tf 5 I 5 he Is still laboring under 1 he the idea that hat a complete stranger tf itt t tried i to work rk a a. confidence game gameon J l Jt t tt on him tf tP P V lff IP tf tf V. V Vi tf IP tI 9 a. a If tf tf tf t |