Show LIVE STOCK MARKET L CHICAGO Ch Chicago cago Feb 12 Cattle Rece Cattle Receipts 20 slow lower except for fancy beeves good to prime steers poor to medium stockers and feeders 2 W. W ii cows s f. f heifers helfers 2 25 canners bulls calves Texas fed steers Hogs Receipts Hogs Receipts today tomorrow 0 tOJ 43 sl left r over heavy y steady light weak mixed and butchers' butchers good to choice heavy 6 rough heavy light bulk of sales a bM Sheep Sheep Receipts ee Receipts sheep and lambs steady good to choice J l 25 WJ J Je fair to choice mixed 1 3 60 Western sheep e a and 4 25 n native W lambs 65 Western estern ste lambs ST. ST JOSEPH St. St Joseph Feb 12 ReceIpts Cattle Cattle Receipts 17 1700 market i r 5 Fl lower natives t r. Jg stockers and rockers and feeders 4 75 Hogs Receipts Hogs Receipts market steady light and light mixed medium and heavy 5 pigs 90 Sheep Sheep Receipts market l loc c higher Western lambs 50 Western Vestern sheep I KANSAS IS q cry r. r Kansas City Feb Feb 12 Cattle ReceIpts Cattle Receipts Including 1100 shade h lower native iv beef ln steers te 4 50 Texas l and ed Indian steers Texas cows native cows and heifers helfers stockers and f feeders bulls 3 4 f 50 ter calves f Hogs Receipts Hogs Receipts market steady bulk of sales heavy 63 packers 4 medium light 61 yorkers pigs rc 6 Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts 2000 market marlet et active muttons lambs range 4 SO 80 ewes i 01 OMAHA iIA South Omaha Feb Cattle Receipts 12 Cattle Receipts market lower native steers cows and heifers fe 3 00 4 50 Western r sf steers e l Texas x steers 60 canners stockers and feeders calves bulls stags etc Hogs Receipts Hogs Receipts market steady to shade lower heavy hea mixed light pigs bulk buli of sales is Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts market steady fed muttons Westerns 4 00 ewes common and stockers stock stock- ers era lambs DENVER Denver Feb Fob 12 Cattle ReceIpts Cattle Receipts active and firm beef steers 37 25 cows 2 4 00 stockers and feeders freight paid to river bulls stags etc Hogs Hogs Receipts Receipts weak light pack pack- ers 05 mixed and heavy 6 No s sheep Silver San Francisco London San an Francisco MiDi Mining g Stocks San Francisco FrancIco Feb 12 The The official closing quotations for fol mining stocks toay today to- to day dav ay were as follows Belcher 5 OS 06 Mexican 5 33 35 B B B. B 26 Ophir 89 Bullion 06 00 Overman 08 Caledonia 28 Potosi 11 Chal Con c 16 Savage io 10 10 Chollar 10 Sierra Nev Nev lo is loC C C C Va Silver Sliver Hill 75 Crown Point 07 en Standard G C C. C 14 Union Con 22 22 H II N N. 28 Utah Con 01 oi justice 10 10 Yellow Jacket 16 Occidental Occident l Cort Coil 10 10 I I London Closing Stocks COn money 16 N T Y Central Cons ConC acct 94 16 13 Norfolk West Vest 59 Anaconda 6 I preferred 95 A Atchison 86 Ont West ri 4 preferred Pennsylvania g 77 Bait Ohio 17 R Reading 30 SOW Can Pacific J 1st preferred 42 42 Ohio 48 i 2nd n preferred r 34 g Chi Ches Gt West 1 g 23 2341 So s Railway r 34 ihl hl 1 M Iii St P PD P. P 1717 preferred 97 D B R H G G. Pacific 68 A preferred 95 Union Unton Pacific Erie 41 i preferred 93 1st preferred 73 72 U S Steel 2nd P preferred i W r T. T 68 58 preferred lf l 97 Illinois Cent Wabash Wabash v 24 j Louis Louis Nash preferred 45 Mo 10 K IC Tex 2 77 77 preferred pre erred 64 54 Bar nar silver stead steady 25 per ounce Money 2 per cent The rate of discount In the market fO for time short tI bills I Is rI 2 23 per ncr cent ed su The h rate of discount In t the o open market for three months bills Is 2 per cent St. St Louis Wool Market St gt t. t Louis Feb firm TerritorY Territory Terri Tern tory and nd Western Vestern mediums fine coarse |