Show True Politeness u 0 Parents might Well Insist upon brothers treating their sisters with a good deal more of tho the po o 1 I lioness which thoy they bestow on other s sisters and young oung ladles Indies might beam on their brothers con considerably moro moio with Immense fleets lu In the way Wa of promoting Joy at the tho household hearth It If Is a n sham politeness which is not nol sufficient to go round to ones onos own ahO brothels and nud which Is IB only ottly reserved rot for strangers lS Besides It n sOu l fits hits ono one properly pr when one olle puts it on for a n occasion Homo Home mann IA arc re rc irthy rth of oC a n good deal more attention than many lIeo plo are arc apt to lo Tho world orld outside Is mOde mado a n much moro agree ablo place by b tho the exercise Of bt them People Vople who ho fool fol any nu ularm about and who think they the aro are moro more Polite outside for Cult r t biting being Inside might j l what hat happened d to Suchs parrot t that thai Max Adler Adlor tells of or taught his parrot some phrases hrasc tot for C l public recitation recitation tion ion bUt bUl someone suggesting that tho the t might got get tired of or the tho con constant stOat stant n Suell Snell S oll taught him some tailor fur his hl private use uso Tho The worst wort of nt t it i l Hint t the tho th parrot pa trot always s forgot when ho was In It public end and When hen In private a |