Show I Directory In lu this column coal COSI Sc per por line per month mouth payable In acV a aVance Vance vanco ANYTHING Everything Bell VM aaa j ABSTRACTORS The Tho D W Ella Ellin Abstract Company Inc Licensed and Bonded Abstractors of Title Tillo to any land lan In Weber Tebor county count Office under FIrSt Bank W WA A G HORN Offices over Bad Bath cons cona Drug Store I seek the business of ot nil all parties am attorney tHomey against all corporations nod and monopolies Prepared to transact any an and all kinds of ot legal business E T Rooms First National Dank Bank building General practice practiceS S T CORN First Nat Bank Joseph Chez Attorney and Coun Counselor Counselor at Law La 40 and 41 First National Bank Dank Ogden Utah Both phones Notary I R a S Farnsworth Attorney at Law and nod Eccles DENTISTS DR A W WATSON room Ec Eccles Eccles cles des Office hours 9 to 6 5 KALE HAm GOODS COSTUMES Hair Switches for Gale salo at reduced prices Hair chains a specialty Mas Masquerade costumes to rent for balls and theaters All moll mall orders promptly attended to Mrs C E Leo P 0 O Box Bo 87 INSURANCE W N Pierce P erce Notary Public Roal Estate Fire Life Lite and Accident In Insurance 10 St Sl JUNK If J you ou have any an kind of ot Junk phone to Ogden Junk House wo we will call for It Bell Ind lad OSTEOPATH Dr Gordon G hes Osteopath graduate Room Reed Hotel both phones 65 Every Eor week weekday cok day dar 9 a m to 5 p m PAINTER AND PAPER PAPE PAPERHANGER PAPERHANGER HANGER J R rt Drane Painting and Paper Paperhanging Paperhanging hanging 2219 2 19 Madison Boll Phone PIANOS PIAN as asI M I G Barnos s the tho music dealer 2246 Wash Ave Avo PHOTOGRAPHERS I Tho Thomas StudIo High grade portraiture rc in Facial Crayon and India Ink 2457 2467 Washington Ave Avo Both phones phone 1 PHYSICIAN SURGEONS Dr A Fernlund Physician and Surgeon Office hours 10 and 12 a n am nm m 12 to 4 p m tn 3 iO St Sl Office phones Bell Ind lad Residence GiG Wash Ind md phone SANITARY WORK NELS MCCARTY All work subject to sanitary In Inspector 2728 Grant Bell phone OGDEN SCAVENGER CO COCalla Calls Calla answered promptly Ind md 1166 A SLADES TRANSFER Vans Drays Baggage Wagons Piano Furniture and Safe Moving I Prompt carriage service I Bell Ind lad TRANSFER COMPANIES Allen Allon Transfer Co Albern Allen Proprietor Furniture Vans and Stor Storage ago age Cabs at a moments notice Of Ot lice flee HZ St Phone 2 Transfer Vans Piano moving a specialty sp dalty A St Both Phones UMBRELLA REPAIRING Umbrella repairing and Ind md phone Boll Bell UPHOLSTERING REPAIRING Parlor furniture upholstered and re roo repaired paired varnishing mattress mattross making carpets cleaned fit fH and laid Esti Estimates Estimates mates matos submitted on request Phones Ind hod Bell K Van Kara Kam Kampen pen n 2709 Volker Ave ATe WANT ADS I BRING BIG t RESULTS I k CLASSIFIED J ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS DEPARTMENT PAYABLE STRICTLY IN ADVANCE ONE CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION NO FIRST INSERTION LESS THAN 25 CENTS CElTS 25 26 CENTS PER LINE PER WEEK TWO LINES OR MORE 75 CENTS PER LINE PER MONTH HELP WANTED FEMALE F EM A L WANTED Press feeder girl week J O 0 Woody Printing Co 2376 Wash Ave AYe i 3 i 5 at n nW WANTED W A chambermaid at tho the Virginia GOOD girl for general housework 2752 Wash 3 3 U II IIA UA UA A competent girl wanted at the Wood Woodmansee Woodmansee mansee St 3 1 U tl WOMAN companion with no children Inq Inci Amelia Goodman St SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE rEMAL STRONG girl wants position by h the day or hour Washing Ironing or cleaning Bernard Phone Bell 1583 3 6 DRESSMAKING and plain sewing reasonable prices 2356 Washington avenue HELP WANTED I MALE I 1 1 WANTED W Experienced solicitor ol of o I character and ability for local busi busl business business ness directory work splendid opportunity for the right man Ideal Directory Directory tory I Co City Ill 11 3 6 G It Wanted Responsible men and strong boys at LOS Angeles Fair pay while mastering trade of plumbing bricklaying ing Lag or electricity In months instead of years ears No expense for Instruction Write quick United U Trade School Contracting Co Los Angeles WANTED V 30 young men at once to lo qualify for railway mall clerks goon wages permanent positions Exam Examinations Salt Sail Lake Lako May 1 th Call Callon Callon Callon on Mr Allen Broom Hotel 3 SITUATIONS WANTED 1 MALE PAPER CLEANING James Thompson expert paper cleaning painted walls burlap Jackson Bell 1168 Ind md I I BY student attending school Call Ind md phone A A JAPANESE young man nia wanted position of ot school boy bor Bell 1262 1 6 2 1 w t I IFOR FOR RENT REN FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished room mod modern modern modA modera ern era A TWO pro LARGE ROOMS ROO S furnished for housekeeping 2758 2768 Lincoln 3 FURNISHED parlor bedroom 2204 2201 Grant Ave 3 6 Jt t l FOR RENT RENTi 1 and 1 two unfurnished flat fIat also 1 1 two room d flat all modern gas ga and steam heat Kell Herrick 3 1 J i tt U THREE housekeeping rooms in cottage between Lincoln and Wall lot street 3 TWO ROOMS for housekeeping 2337 Adams LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms fur furnace furnace nace nac heat and gas 2356 Wash ave wk NICELY furnished rooms bath and electric light 2616 Monroe Ind 1136 HOUSEKEEPING rooms Wash Ave FURNISHED FURNISH D rooms for housekeeping FURNISHED ROOMS lor tor light house housekeeping housekeeping keeping no children no dogs dobs THREE E light housekeeping rooms 2334 Wall Vali ave Call in rear FRONT room bath hatli Phone Ind p FURNISHED rooms for or housekeeping 2220 Lincoln 3 1 tf tt MODERN housekeeping rooms 36 2 8 Imo ROOM for tor gentleman bath modern I terrace 2341 Adams aye ave refer references references references 3 i u t tl ti t FURNISHED with bath 2182 Washington 2201 rao mo FURNISHED ana anil nat 2634 Grant 12 22 Gmo 00 1 FOR R NT UNFURNISHED C ROOMS iwo 8 Continued FOUR ROOMS for or rent First st at corner cornel of oC First st sl and Wash Vash avo ave wk FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS j I THREE THRE good rooms 10 street wk TWO UNFURNISHED rooms street FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD HOARD BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms with board moderate prices 2708 nos J I son eon Ave I THE WOODMANSEE Is IB again taking boarders per por week best In the tho I city Imo FURNISHED rooms with board 2333 2332 Adams ROOM ana aDd oarl fth 5 S 1 I U ii AND ROOM R at reeL t r FOR FOB FO RENT HOUSES FOR RENT RE house modern Inquire at nt 2340 Jefferson avenue 3 6 tf te FOR RENT Elegant 8 S room modern modem brick house furnace f la e heat he hc t KELLY HERRICK A house uso J and barn for foe forI rent Inquire at n 2965 Lincoln Avo Ave I 36 FOR RENT Modern house af at a ter April 1st 39 C D Ives Ivea Broom L i I Hotel notel Corner Corn or 3 4 tt U I SIX ROOM brick house and bath 1923 1922 Grant Ind md phone A FOUR ROOM HOUSE modern moll em con conveniences Rear 2755 Jefferson house modern St FOR I OR RENT house apply at 2332 Jeff Jet 2 20 W tf tI t modern brick house 2171 L Reeves Ave Inquire St 2 9 tl SIX ROOM with bath and barn street I Two TIo houses on Adams Adama I avenue Inquire 28 street Bell phone conveniences C FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES FOUR ROOM HOUSE st at phone Bell SMALL S house pantry closet cellar Ind lad D 1563 Wash 3 2 SIX ROOM house pantry and closet at 2126 Washington are arc Call at ai 2214 Washington FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Small thIcken chicken and fruit Inch farm lions liens Incubator and brooder everything first class close in also alac largo large lot near car line lino Inquire at al 2632 Monroe ave are NEW modern house close In pantry closet and bath room by b bowner owner Boll Boil phone L LWE WE W ARE SELLING the cheapest 50 foot lots l ts In the best bost loc locality for 00 2349 12 Wash ave ae Imo ONE NEW NEr frame with cellar large lot barn and chicken coop coon Inquire of oC owner Grant wk A REAL BARGAIN Two ranches acres each cacti all nil fenced part good farming land the tho lie rest resl hay ha meadow good water waler right Address Fred ll L Keller Murtaugh Idaho 37 imo I HAVE two nice homes for sale cheap and can cnn also aso build cheap Call at aL C Christensen first house west of 3 A GOOD farm ann of 44 acres In Harris HarIs yule lIle good water right part of 1 rn in will 1111 consist of hay wheat an Rn ani l sugar Husar beets Meta Street cars will pass by bj t properly property also building and lot used use 1 for rol atoro purposes good location d dress W V H Taylor Hell Bell j 3 1 1 i ti tt FINE BUILDING LO on below belo Madison cement sidewalk Inq of ot owner 2120 Quincy 2 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Continued J J Je BRUMMITT Either Phone 2374 Wash Ave AveAN AveAN AN IDEAL HOME On Twenty street ct near the tho Sacred Heart academy a braced new live lIre room St Louis Loula Bellow buff butt brick cottage coUnse with large largo specious rooms finished In mission oak line Une Imported paper massive electric light lI ht fixtures line porcelain bath hath stationary s wash washstand washstand Washstand stand toilet hot cold water con connections strictly modern and date In Iii every eol detail The most attractive thc tive feature about this home Is the price 2600 on terms lerms to suit NEW HOME A brand new four Cour room house with large pantry closet porch electric lights city elt water papered with willi im irs imported ported portel paper II lW eat n and located near the car line on the bench Lot to an alley aile Only ani 1200 on OD easy terms low rate of or Interest BUNGALOW S U N GA LO N NA A brand new now Bungalow In the tle south southend end ond of the city near nea Washington aven avon avenue avenue ue lie Five largo large room pantry closets largo large porches bath toilet finished In elegant style Only 2500 on easy terms terras CAPITOL BLOCK BLOCKI I leave have a few Cew of those elegant lots In Capitol Block left feet to an 18 1 8 foot alley a 11 or Those TheBe The lots lols have hare had lund a n sale have only been on OnIce the Ice L market a short time the tho most of them are arc sold soM As long as ns they last I It will sell them at por lot on easy cas terms t erms They The Thc are located near the Sac Sacred Sacred red r ed Heart Henrt academy and are tho the most elegant lots In the city cit for the tho price If I f you something g elegant you should seo se me mo at once for I 1 expect to tolo close c lo them all out In the next 30 days daj dajAny Any kind of 0 terms low rate of In Interest interest terest J J BRUMMITT Either Elthor Phone 2374 Wash Avo Ave FOR SALE Mountain Springs Ice Co place with facilities for Ice raising and cold storage brick rca res residence line fino lawn nod and shrubbery fruit and shade trees splendid val valley valhey al alley ley hey view Inquire of G 0 G on promises p 1219 5 24 tt if l GOOD building lot on bench west wesl of ot canal faces south feet Ceet Price Hunter Huntor Kennedy sec see second secand ond and floor First National 3 G 6 al CHICKEN PLANT also good build buildIng buildIng building Ing lot In See 2140 Harrison avenue HOUSE and lot on Madison Ave A e Call Bell 2 20 2 Imo C G ROOM hOUG 12 l Z aero acre land Bell FOR R SALE House and lot hot 2778 I Park Parl Ave Are 2169 FOR HOUSE FOR SALE On easy terms lerms boarding and anel rooming house of 21 rooms cheap rent Inquire Washington L House HOlIse 2272 Wash Vash Ave FOR SALE ROOMING HOUSE CHEAP by br party leaving city room rooming lag ing In house twentythree three rooms street 3 5 wk 1 ROOMING and boarding house West Vest 2 th street 2 22 Imo 30 33 ROOMS ROmIS 2 8 Imo ROOMING house 2526 Lincoln 2 I 4 U II FOR SALE PIANO TRY MY KURTZMANN Merrill or Bros Pianos lowest possible possible ble prices J M lL factory agent 2 th streeL street FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TWO ladles ladies tickets for Cor Chicago cheap Address G H care Standard 3 I I white Leghorn setting selling eggs W r Strain at I Egg Farm 1st pen 2nd pen per setting 15 eggs Ind md tel t 3 i STANDARD bred broil Rhode Island Red RedI I eggs for setting 13 Jell Dell Phone 1166 2646 Fowler Ave violin for tor salo sale at 2500 See Sec SeoW W v L I Crawford at Wright Sons Store 3 6 G tf tI l FURNITURE for sale Inquire Washington avenue a wk FOR SALE Tent and furniture cheap Call Bell FOR SALE Hallet and Davis Davia Piano I nearly new 1 Heinz Runabout 1 set et single harness 1 set act double har bar harness harness ness fleas fresh Jersey cow Call after 5 p ru m No 10 Wilson Lane Lano SETTING eggs Rhodo Rhode Island Rods Reds Barred Barrod Plymouth Rocks White Leg Leghorns Leghorns Leghorns horns for 15 eggs s St Bell Boll phone 3 1 i 11 wk HORSES for sale We nav nave mom at any price Farley Williams rear street 2271 k kW WAnTED WAITED W MISCELLANEOUS CURTAIN Laundry Bell phone mo WANTED v Worn horse and wagon In exchange for piano O 0 J Stilwell 2785 Grant Bell Dell Ind lad 67 6 GOOD TEAM for farm arm work mares marcs preferred Kelly Koll Herrick 3 tr MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS repaired at al st at TRADE OR EXCHANGE LOGAN business property for or Ogden residence Address E P care Stan Standard Standard dard LOST LO GOLD WATCH W A Open face ra p Elgin with monogram B A C Return Ret m to 10 i St Reward 30 tf J W WANTED TO BUY 1 j TO BUY Vacant or improved prop pro properly erly erty close in Address H B care enre Standard VACANT PROPERTY wanted Must 10 ho b pay Ja cash Add X Stan dard elard A PAYING BUSINESS BUSNESS or part Inter Interest est eel In on one Address H F caro care Standard wIt WANTED W Clean white whito rags at the Standard office 2 17 tr U PIANO TUNING A 4 H GROSE Broom Hotel 19 years ears success In Utah Ut h Entire satis satisfaction faction guaranteed Hundreds ot of o testimonials Seo tho Professor ProCessor of or Berlin BarUn Mr Groso has hns done lIone for me mo tho moat most ur ar artistic and satisfactory tuning and voicing I over ever have havo had hail dono done In Ku liu u rope ropo or 01 America 2131 mo MONEY TO LOAN MONEY Advanced salaried without security on easy payments Drake Eccles Building THE CITY LOAN AGENCY Eccles Any Salaried or Wage Waco Earner Can Got Just on His Noto Mo Io Weekly V kiy 50 Return 1335 25 or or 36 10 0 Return 1065 or or Go 30 Return or or 15 Return or or lOO Or any other sum and anel pay back In proportion confidential courteous cour treatment no nD unpleasant Inquiries FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YO E M E N Ogden Homestead No 1505 meets second s ond and fourth Thursday nights at in K C hall ball No 2473 Wash avo Visiting archers cordially Invited to moet meet with us Henry Burchell foreman street streeL Laura M Il correspondent nth st Aurella Crocker Lady Rebekah Wall ave are ROYAL ARCANUM M Fraternal Beneficiary Bt Order Insures Insure men at al reasonable rates Accumulated emergency nearly five fire million dollars Rocky Redo Mountain Council No meets second and fourth Thurs Thursday Thursday day at I 0 O 0 F hall ball 2416 Wash Washington legion ington avenue H L li Peterson Regent Hegent J W v Collector G B Roberts Secretary So B P O ELKS B P O 0 Elks Ogden Lodge No and and club rooms second floor 2416 Washington avenue Regular meetings every Tuesday evening F A BURT Exalted Ruler J H KNAUSS KiA Secretary ODD FELLOWS Ogden Lodge No 5 Independent Or Order dor der of or Odd Fellows Meets In L 1 0 O 0 o F 1 hall hail every overy Tuesday evening Visit Visiting ing lag brothers cordially invIted to De D present JAMES JA lES MacBETH Grand HENRY KISSEL Secy I Queen City Rebekah Lodge No 4 I 0 O 0 O F Meets second and fourth I Friday evenings at nt Odd Fellows Follows hall hail Visiting members Invited VIRGINIA MATHEWS N O G AMANDA LANSING Rec Secy Sec St MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Utah Camp No Nt Business meet meetIngs meetIngs meetings Ings every Tuesday night Team drill first and third Tuesday nights at 8 S p pm pm m rn Eagles Hall HallA A W AGEE AGIlE V C 0 CJ CJ J H SHAFER Clerk OGDEN LODGE NO 1 D 0 OF H HOgdon HOgden HOgden Ogden Ogdon Lodge No 1 D of ot H moots mach In I 1 O 0 0 O F Hall 2416 Washington I Avo Ave tho the first and third Thursday r evenIngs of or each month at 7 30 p m ra |