Show O ot C Q 0 V Vi 5 5 i S at or p pO l o 1 TZ I J fj c f l lr C r H 9 W 2 4 o Mo Q 1 Matthewson Tens Tells of the ireat Batters aH H A C Boston March b 4 Christ son the giant New York National pitcher and mill now coaching the Har Harvard Haryard Haryard yard vard twirlers went Into a n general criticism of ot the groat batsmen whom he has lIaH faced Iu lii his career today toda The heavy hitter says sas Matty is s most feared for his ability to break brenk breakup up lip games gameR The Thc place hitter hiller Is feared with wRit men on bases lases as he can cnn work the hit and run and squeeze plays pla or 01 ad advance advance advance vance the thc base e runner by h bunting at nt atthe atthe the most unexpected times Of bOf course In any criticism of oC bats bal batsmen men of the thc present day ilay I am limited I to lo my own experience in the National I league loague except in the worlds cham championship championship I series of 1905 1105 when 1 I pitched against the tho Athletics who failed to lo do much hitting in the entire series When pitching against a great batsman a n pitcher can bring Into Inlo play I his best skill 81 and IK iS II most on hh met I if f lie Ie The man niost to be lie feared Is Hans flails Wagner of nf the club I lie Is the tart rare combination of place I hitter hitler and slugger n T Is J equally dangerous In either style of oC hitting hilling While he lie is a free hitter hitler he lie Is con coil j trying tr to outwit tho the pitcher I When hen the outfield Is playing deep j 1 to cut off a long lilt hit I have lite known kil wn him to purposely push the ball over ocr the infield for Cor a two baso Texas leaguer With Ith thu tho base runner on first some sonic of his hardest drives go past the thc first I baseman who of oC course has to play playon plu on the bag Most lost of oC his longest lon est drives I Igo go KO toward Iowan left lert field but he hc has haG been i known to lo hit the ball over ovel the Brook i ilyn lyn ln right field fence Cence which is a great I feat fent oven oren for a hitter hiitter hi Her I I While discussing the great Pitts j burg hill star It might not be remiss to remark that thai It II Is wonderful with what i power Tommy Leach hits a hall haiL For a I I little fellow he Is I a marvel marel Fred Frell j Clarke Clarice too Is a consistent hitter hiller and especially dangerous with men on the I j bases ba cs Some batsmen have hare Improved in their hitting hilling and cannot bo be fooled by b j certain balls that originally origInal bothered ll them Such batsmen are arc Frank Chance and loe JOP Tinker of lie Iho Chicago o j i club The hits hils of both these thee I Now York helped Chicago I Really t In winning tho he championship I last season and most of oC these hits hilts were made mad I off balls pitched pitch cd to their supposed weaknesses Doth Both are difficult cult cull mon men to fool and Chanco Chance is ably the more scientific hitter bitter Mage lago and of the Ole Phil Phillies lies ls 5 are arc valuable men with the tho willow Loben Lobert of oC Cincinnati Is a dangerous long lOllS Tim rim Jordan lordan of oC Brooklyn Droo hn taken talce a avery very ep vicious swing awing at every o ball ho he 7 at t and for making home runs causes the pitchers to bo be careful not to nut the boll ball over ocr when a long hit means a lost game No 0 discussion of oC our great batters would ho complete without reference to Willie Keeler formerly of the BaU BaI and Brooklyn championship teams He was one of ot the first mon monto monto monto to adopt the shorthold method of I grasping the hat hal In n this way wn he was always prepared to bunt or to slap lap the theban ball ban past third base l and was wa equally successful In putting the ball past base He lie has haa not made malic many home runs but hut he has haB always kept tho posing opposing pitcher guessing as astr to what i kind of a ball could possibly fool tool him himlie He lie Is the lh best type of scientific hitler we have had since McGraw quit play playIng playa a Ing I SANTA ANITA RESULTS Los IMS Angeles March C Before the smallest crowd that has ever witness witnessed ed el d the lO running of a Derby on the coast and over a track that was soft from the morning rains Joo Joe Madden from the stable of oC Cam Carn won I Ithe I the Los Angeles Derby this afternoon i 1 i at Santa Anita park parl In one of the j I I j most moRt thrilling finishes ever witnessed on oil a local track Joe Badden closing at 3 to 1 I in Iii the betting belling was always I I close up in the field of oC six keeping leeping l I close to the pacemaker Guy Fisher Fishier The Thc latter hitter maintained his advantage I until the last eighth where be ho was wag challenged and passed by Joe Joo Madden I Guy GU Fisher appeared to bo be beaten in inthe inthe the last sixteenth when by b a supreme I effort ho lie camo caino on and an In a desperate drive drle closed stride for stride with Joe Madden the latter getting the vor or diet by a close margin with High Private I rl ri 1 yale vate ate four lengths away awa Leo and Walsh riders of or High Pr Private vate ate and Donald Mac Donald respect respectively respectively I ively hel claimed a foul which was hot allowed the stewards however took action on the thc rough rouSh riding and sus suspended flU Shilling indefinitely while Powers was fined and McGee who rode redo J II Reed Results First race one mile purse Star F Kennedy I to ta I 1 won John A J J 1 Brooks 5 to 1 I second sf cond Law Lawton Lawlon ton Wiggins J 12 V Powers Jl J I Ito to 10 third Time Second race five fie and ami a half furlongs selling Jane Swift Kennedy 7 to t 5 G i won Kerry Korr lOG V Powers 11 II to C j second Tim T TRice Rico Rice 8 Ii to 1 third Time 36 Third race the handicap handicapS S mile wile and an nfl eighth X Czar Ken ICon Kennedy nedy 5 to 15 won Far West VeSt Cul l len n oven second Vox J 13 Walsh fi 6 to 1 third Tim 1 13 15 Fourth race the lie Lou Los Angeles Derby guaranteed mile and a quarter Joe Joo le Madden lI Shilling 3 1 to 1 won Oily Guy GU Fisher Il 1 V Powers Power 20 to tp i 1 second High Private Leo Ue Leoto fin i to IA 2 third thin Time 25 2 5 Fifth race Swift handicap five fur fliT furlong long 10 Archibald 13 to 5 ro won 01 Colloquy Ill J 11 Kennedy i 1 ito to I 15 5 Elizabeth Marwood Harwood 88 SS C Russell 15 to 1 third Timo 10 l O Sixth raco rac mill mile Burnett Kennedy dr S to 10 5 won Grandy Grando Dame Damo 10 1 J I too toS sec see second second ond Powers 7 to lo 1 I third Time 1 10 race mile and selling G 1 Brooks con evon won K IC lOr Rico 20 to 1 second Goldway lOG Shilling 9 to lo 2 third Time 45 EMERYVILLE RESULTS Oakland March C Clamor a 23 25 2 to toI 1 I shot shut won the Waterhouse cup at two t I miles and a Quarter ter over ovel a muddy mudd The Ilie Keone i track at Emeryville today I horse houw was Wn almost completely over overlooked looked In the tile hotting I Firestone assumed command after 1 i the first quarter and anh ani led bit over a mile ml I and anh a half when ho h tired Clamor moved up from last position and won easily easl from Animus while Firestone I was The was worth 54 HO fO to Iho winner I First Jil l race raco six ix furlongs soiling selling Keogh KI D 9 to ii 5 won von wonIa May Mav Ia Amelia King 3 5 to 1 sec see second ond Taplin IS 18 to 5 third Time 45 5 Second race mcc four Cour furlongs James Archibald 13 to 1 won lii Butwell 5 to 1 second Indian Maid 10 t Deverich 18 to 5 third Time 49 fI 35 Third race mile and twenty yards Grinstead handicap Rose Queen Q 92 9 Taplin IG to 5 won Tony Faust I 10 C Burns IS 18 to 5 j second secant Or cagna 97 9 Clark S to 1 third Time I 1 12 Third race two miles and a a quarter cup added a Clam Clamor or Buxton 25 26 to 1 won Ani An Animus Animus mus lii 1 U Butwell 12 to 5 second Firestone Duller Butler 5 j to lo 1 I third Time 4 01 0 I 25 G Fifth Filth race r e mile and seventy yards ards soiling Oldfield Archi Archibald bald 13 11 to t 5 won The Peer 93 la Ross 11 to 5 second 91 Deverich 10 to 0 1 I third Time Tinie 1 j Sixth Sl th race five and a half furlongs Temps 1 1 2 McIntyre S to lo 1 won Bubbling Water Burns 9 to 2 second Rubia 10 Duller Butler 0 Ii to 1 third Time I 1 01 0 I PRINCETON DEFEATED I BY THE VALES I Princeton N J March 6 Yale de defeated defeated Princeton Prince lon 35 to 18 IS in the an annual annual nual dual meet here to tonight night It was the thc first time in many years that hat the locals were defeated by b Yale Tho New Haven Hayon water polo team also defeated Princeton by the score of oC 2 to 0 O relay relar race won by hy Yale Stoddart Winslow Howe H we Richards second Princeton R It S Wilson II on Barn Bam man Parke Time 45 Fancy Fanc diving won by br Parke Prince Princeton Princeton PrInceton ton 57 5 points second Stoddart Yale 01 51 points third Stern Prince Princeton ton lon 48 8 points swim Chambers Prince Princeton Princeton Princeton ton and Ho Howo wo Yale tied for first place third Richards Yale Time rime 27 15 swim Won by Stoddart Yale second Palmer Yale third Hazon Princeton Time IlIne 2 Ii Plunge for Cor distance Won by b Grant Yale 64 feet 3 inches second Head Yale 57 6 feet Ceet 12 Inch third Princeton 56 feet Ceel 12 Inch swim Won by br Chambers I Princeton second Howe Yale third Damman Princeton Time rime 1 01 25 I I DODE DO DE CRISS QUITS BASEBALL St Louis G 6 Criss who had tho the highest batting average of oC American league players last sea season I Ison son today toda quit the training quarters of the thc St Sl Louis Americans according I to a special sp dispatch from Dallas I Texas to the Criss It I is stated asked Manager McAleer for Cor fora Cora a salary salar of oC for the 1909 1 09 play playIng playIng playing Ing season and on being refused do I dared his Intention of or quitting base baseball baseI baseball ball Lall I WRESTLING MATCH ARRANGED ARRA GE WITH GOTCH I I Omaha March farch C GA A wrestling match has been arranged arran bed between Frank Gotch and John an al Hal Ital HalIan Italian I Ian to be here bere March 26 |