Show I B Appraisers Named T A A D and an A McFarland have haC teen Leers appointed appraisers of or tho the es estate estate s state tate of tho the late William A Chamber Chamberlain Chamberlain lain InID I Heavy Shipments Stock ship shipments shipment menu ments continue heavy in all nil directions on nn tho the Harriman lines and cattle sheep and horses are moving in and ano an out on every train Pay P Day for the Bridge Men Cash Cashier I ier ter McGaw of tho the Harriman joint freight depot dc ot received receive l checks yes yesterday yest yesterday t for Cor of bridge and building department of oC the Oregon Short Line Une road Wm Chapple Chappie Recovering William Chappie Chapple who was operated upon for lor appendicitis last Tuesday at the Og Ogden Ogen den en general hospital Is IB rapidly re reo recovering recovering covering Will VIII Arrive Monday The Templo party of oC twenty Des Dee Moines people will arrive at Ogden tomorrow morn mom morning morning ing from Crom the east en route to Califor California nia in the private car cr Twilight A H Bailey Demurs A separate demurrer was waR tiled flied yesterday by byA byA byA A H Balloy Dailey In tho the case caso of two 10 First National Bank against William S lU lUand Ife and A H Bailey Stipulation Filed In tho the case 01 or orthe the tho Ogden Rapid Transit company against Orson Badger gor et cL al 01 a aUp stipulation has bas been beon filed granting defend defendant ant aut nt until March 13 to plead to the com complaint complaint complaint plaint Stay of Proceedings A stay sta of o pro proceedings proceedings has been ordered until March 15 13 In the th case ase of tho the State of oC Utah against H L charge with practicing dentistry without a license Ministers With Labor Unions The Ministerial association of oC Ogden will willbe 16 be 6 represented at the State Fedoration Fedora Federa Federation tion of Labor meeting In Salt Snit Lake Lako on Monday by bj Rev McCreory of oC the Methodist church and Rev Re ElderkIn cf of tho the Congregational church En Route East Assistant General Solicitor 0 O E Butterfield of the Mich Michigan MichIgan igan Central Contral system accompanied by l Ills hIs family and a party part of friends will arrive at Ogdon Ogden In a day daj or two on CD route cast east from Crom an extended trip through California Funeral of Infant Son Funeral ser sor services services I vices over ocr the remains of Thomas the tho Infant son of Mr Ir and Mrs Irs George W WWilson Wilson were held Friday afternoon at 2 at nt the family fa mil residence 1516 Washington avenue The speak speakers ers era were Bishop Miles L Jones and anti George Shorten Solos were rendered I by Uj Miss Martha Shaw Interment was as asIn In tn the city cemetery Condemnation COndemn Suit A condemnation lion tion suit has been set for Monday in inthe Inthe inthe the Federal court the Rio Hlo Grande Railroad company being tho the plaintiffs vs n r s McDowell owner of certain corwin prop property property erty which the tho company desires to secure for additional spurs of oC track to tobe tobe tobe be used In facilitating the freight In the tho vicinity of o the tho sugar factory Pleads Plead Not Guilty In dis district district i court yesterday George Wil Williams liams hams pleaded not guilty to a charge of or burglary In tho third degree and the tho case caso will bo be set for Cor trial later on Irrigation Case Argument Arguments ments meats In the case of the North Ogden Irrigation company compan against Georgo A Fuller et ct al are being made mad In dis district court yesterday and will extend ex eI extend tend oer over until Monday noon Conference In Mansons Office There will be a general l meeting of or ortho tho the heads of all departments of tho Ogden Union Depot Dello Railway corn com compan pan pans and officials of or the Salt Lake Lala division of o the Southern Pacific at Superintendent Mansons ollice Sun Sunday Sundar Sunday day dar morning at 10 for Cor a con conference bronco ference and the discussion of o matters connected with such departments Cavalry Departs A B 13 Moseley traveling passenger agent of oC tho the Har system returned from Crom Sparks to which point he accompanied the military train Mr Moseley says tho the cavalry ca troops reached Oakland yes yesterday yesterday without an accident having baYing occurred on the long trip across the tho continent and tho boys bars in blue em embarked harked barked during the day da for or a voyage across the Pacific to the Philippines I Reception Sunday A special effort will bo ho made this evening by the tho Methodist to get all tho the people of oC the Methodist church ac acquainted acquainted acquainted with each other To ro this end a reception to strangers and friends will be held following the tho reg regular regular regular ular service Sen Ice This will last but halt haltan haltan haltan an hour but will be made a very at attractive attractive feature The Brotherhood In Invites invites vites viles all to come como and get acquainted Departs Dep for Elko District Grazing I Chief Homer E B Fenn left for Elko Nevada Neada to attend a meeting of o the stockmen of oC the Humboldt national forest There have arisen a number er of vexing questions In connection with tho the range allotments to be bo made malic on the Bruneau addition to the Humboldt forest and It is to settle these ques questions lions that tho the meeting has been call called called called ed Assistant Forester F W V Reed will leave I o for the tho sarno samo district ct to lend his assistance in the Uie matter malter H O 0 Hanna of Manila H 0 O Han Hanna Hanna na naf of or Manila P I 1 was a guest at atho atthe ho tho Reed Heed Friday Frida having stopped off in Salt SnIt Lake to visit his brother Dr G GF GF F Carman formerly of Ogden Mr Hanna stated that It had been ten years ears since he last visited his brother he le having hating spent most of that time in Inthe Inthe the tho Philippines as manager of the tho Manila MaDlin Trading Transportation Co CoHe CoHe I He left Ogden for tho the company head headquarters headquarters headquarters quarters at Cleveland Ohio after which ho expects to return to Cali Call California California fornia forma and Joining his family pro proceed proceed ce d to Houston Texas for a visit with other brothers broth erg and sIsters slaters before belore returning to tho the Philippines County School Board BO A regular mooting meeting of or the county count school hoard was vas held yesterday Clerk Froerer re upon tho the promptness with WItO which the Insurance company holding he tho risk on the Plain City Cily school i had a ml l paid laid the recent loss by b fire amounting to o 3 The treasurers report shows show shown n a balance on hand Fob 2 of III ReceIpts Feb F el 9 24 20 Feb Peb 15 IS 30 il total otal on hand Disburser Disburse Disbursements ments r 5 i The rhe principal coming before beCore the board oard l was as the no matter of oC handling delinquencies A V resolution was then adopted to lh the effect that delinquents would be ex excused used cured when whon in possession of excuses excuser granted grantell by b the superintendent Pup Pap its not holding such however would not be bo considered excused |