Show I I NEW FLAG flag Is so now I that Turk Turkish ish gunners recently failed to recognize nize it and I I with blank 1 shots It turned back IJ a n steamer t amer flying It The Tho official realization of events is often oCten slow siow In Incoming incoming coming comins When John Quine Adams sought bought to enter Berlin as American minister to Prussia he lie was held up at the gate sate and the officer of oC the had doubts about letting him In never Der having heard of o the United States or Of America A Sergeant moro more Intelli Intelligent Intelligent gent than his superior knew Ime all about the United States and a 1 on his Inter Intercession intercession cession Adams was allowed to pro proceed proceed coed The Turkish gunners have havo rea rca reasons reasons sons of their own for or official Isnor Ignorance ance atice which the i Prussian lieutenant I could not plead J |