Show r RECITALS AT EBER ACADEMY PROF S H CLARK AT WEBER ACADEMY Favorite to Four Dram Dramatic Dramatic Dramatic Recitals Special for Public School Children Tuesday Tomorrow evening at the Weber Academy cadem commences the tiro first of or a series of four dramatic recitals to be given by b Prof S H Clark of the Uni University or Chicago The Tho public Is perfectly familiar with Prof Pro Clark and his lils unexcelled ability In dramatic work orle Last ar arIs Is tho the first time lime for Cor live five years lie he has hns not nol appeared as Mono one of the big at attractions attractions attractions tractions on the tho big course This year ear ho lie Is 18 scheduled for or tho the following dramatic recitals Monday londa evening March S 8 A Ser Sere Servant vant cant In 1 the House Tuesday mall mati neo 4 Ip p m Les s and day evening Les and Wednesday Wc evening Brand These recitals are all on tho the regular course courno lint hut for tho the benefit of oC those who do donot donot donot not hold season tickets or who have used them up a t special Clerk sea seaS season season son ticket has been Issued Issue 1 Tho ho committee thinks that tho the ren rendition dillon of or George Elliots human story Sites Siles Marner la Is It of or so 80 much importance Im to the child of the tho 1 public school age that they the have hao arranged to admit all children of school ago age to hear this story stor with Its moral und and spiritual uplift to the matinee Tuesday afternoon at a u very YOI low Jow rate rale Tho Weber cher Academy for tho the past six years ears has had llad the best in ill Ic Interpretation but It 11 like the putt pub public lie lic look upon lIpon Mr r Clark as a the tho one who leads lends tho the list Iho 1 ho power powel and soul he ho puts Into InLo his hl i Interpretation hit his perfect velco under perfect con control control control and his magnetic personality are arc tho the qualities that make up the man and have won for foe OJ him first place In tho lie hearts of or the tho Ogden public This will fcc be Mr Tr Clarks first ap appearance appearance appearance In the large auditorium of the academy and as H it will seat et 1100 II It is IB just possible that tho the largest est audience Sir Mr Ir Clark has ever eer appeared I before in Utah will ll greet him next Monday londay evening |