Show 7 Y ehe q p pr r s 4 S av J Js v Y s yr r Cr r m r JI F Ky l r r G t 1 l I Vf i A P c sh V fi fir i 5 r t r f 3 b IlE the tile Important mutter of DC the tine thel ij l wedding gown hns lies been bren finally set act tied the lustrous u lengths of or satin have been sent cent to this the dressmaker be Is 18 opt to discover time the force of o n a familiar truth that Its It tho time little things which count It H I is tho the small the dainty ty accessories which must bo Ito provided to mao make the wedding costume correctly perfect cat cot tutu Into the dollars dollar however generously ell prodded liven the brides pocket lOCket may b r no ordinary or of f plain Plula linen C but must express the of or do eventful dray day by hr I Its It elegance The friend who presents a 8 duchess ti or point polut Ince handkerchief r ns I a wedding gilt gift mAY rany maybe bo be sure Iuro that hat lacy her remembrance will go 10 to the tho wedding tucked In fa the brides altars or In 10 some ome other of oC the crevices where are concealed If IC no nobody nobody body boJ remembers to 0 provide the bride with witha n Ittia ILba a wedding handkerchief a 1 very Ter pretty one ono of or lace luce way ho bo purchased for a n moderate sum Thu Tho footwear means another con cnn c n I sd ruble Item hem of or expense Of course coarse tiff nIT bride would walk to tier her new nn In anything but time the daintiest of oC shoes or slippers rind and beneath th the th snowy natty wedding frock must be foot toot footwear footwear wear In keeping Equally of or course cou e It would bo be a n pity to such ouch pretty I re tt slippers with army nn stockings limit hilt those of or silk hose hn of ot cobwebby ebby thread silk sill ham baud embroidered with white flowers anti bowknots are arc to be he mil hud from seven to dollars dollar the pair though of oC course ry plain silk sorts fortI may many mn be bought for more modest prices TIll The pure white stocking of nt all nil others must most be Infinitely line hue nod and 10 after oil all allIs Is a n trifle to my pay for tor the bole hOlle one ODe walks to happiness In Whom When It conics comet to the tb bridal slippers no woman expects to spare expense ex and well itch the crafty cratty shopkeeper ler knows It for Cor some Rome of or the prices set on 00 bridal slippers would make the prospective pro husband feel positively po faint Three charming styles In wedding slippers are aro shown lu the tho pic pie tare ture tur two tm pairs paced of ot satin BoUn nail and Ino tho third pair heir of ot bended buckskin and for tor these pretty slippers the bride may mu her own stylo style of or bow hotl buckle or rosette Bended Beaded buckskin slippers suppers are considered smart Just now no but there Is n century old sentiment that clings about the time little wedding shoes and most brides pre ter fer them The rho headed satin slippers shippers sl art artmore more expensive than the plain toed eort sort but hut arc scarcely prettier than the dainty pair shown with puffed tulle tuBe rosettes rosette In which nestle blossoms Tho The wise bride who counts count on en wearing her C at al n a series of re rc receptions and anti nt at home na nR well as ns dur ing that momentous though h brief journey up the time aisle will select elect n 1 pair poll roomy la in I I l e even ern If IC she sho must sacrifice n bit lad And every bride brille Is I warned not DOL to t I follow tollow the time example tample of or the thc young youn woman who was wan so 60 fearful of or soiling her spot pol II I leis lea white while wedding 1 slippers slipper rs on the tho rug rill of oC the carriage that she wore rore over o r them her tier mothers red worsted bedroom slippers and a 01 forgot fo ot nil about removing the latter laller when she abe reached the tho church The bridal bouquet Is 18 another Item which may make moe or mar the wedding Of or course Url the tb brides bouquet Is Js the ibe grooms proud privilege to pro provide provide vide Ide but bill It Is In Pinto to ten assume that ho hue has an In Inkling of ot what will his bla icily before an order Is glean given to tIll the No o 0 matter what flowers the brides bridesmaids maids may terry carry the bridal flowers must bo ho 0 snowy y white and 20 O Is a 1 very cry modest mcd t sum slim for the thu happy groom room to pay for tor thura nud and white or orchids I arc are time tile approved blossoms pad they will be he so arranged by bI the I rt gent florist that the tho bouquet may b W t f shaken apart Into souvenir clusters cluster when whon the thc bride trips trIp down clown stairs to LO start on her honeymoon t Shower bouquet with small bunches depending on ribbon streamers front from n 11 I large c center bouquet ure are very graceful Iru crul and tile this season Benson an on enterprising florist t hi h hs brought out nn on entirely new bouquet bouquot which he hc calls the tho bridal muff This hlll big hll flat tint mull muff Is b composed of ot white J orchids nettling nestling ne In n 0 mossy bed tied and dozy ens of ot clusters of ot the ralley Jinn boarn n from limo tho mutt muff oil on ribbons of or inrID lenth The Tho bride rIll I Is 18 permitted very Iry little Jew Jewelry elry pearls I or the bridegrooms gift lJ brooch buln Ming being the only ornaments allow allon allowable ti able nubs The young Countess Counte s of ot wore score with Hh her white embossed N satin calla frock tiro t o superb strings of ot pearls one ant wound round r lod and ond round time the throat the tha other oilier ot wr falling over ocr her lAce Ucc bodice At n u recent wedding In high social soda I circles th tb the brides real lace veil sell was WItS caught up with an all ornament of or silver beneath lt hr J r trailing satin frock peeped put out sliver silver slip slippers slippers Slippers pers Tradition however r inns hns so estal estop line Iho Wen Idea of or nil while for tor the bride I t that most women will abide by the tho while lilt satin footwear and orange bloom which In III limo tho brides own ova par particular Ir e Whatever else cUc tho the luler Eisler bride sacra fIal sacrifices 1 flees lu Iu the tine way 11 of ot welding wedding paraphernalia nalia naUn sho will not target r ret Lo something old and something now new something harrowed bar bor borrowed rowed and something blue blut which all nil time the happy married women tell tall her are arc c e cs ori eo Ual for tur or luck end and s Of or masse every women woman know that Invariably In ii variably the time old re ro requirement r rind mind II nil that t Mr r rowed will mot most IDl l likely be bt the pinky pink ring rim of ot one on ones bet beat girl friend lint the time 1 we f thing bine blue M Is I every eef woman also l o very lery well tlell but Lut there Is I no necessity for or letting mere mero man lute Iota tho thin A secret crot Pretty ones one ore are of or blue blua satin rib ribbons bona bons shirred over silk illk elastic with t tone one a big bl rosette and Inti shower bower l bets orr of or narrow blue ribbon If rt the time blue Is I n q gift Itt a n pretty s sat t IrI rhinestones r l ceto will 11 bu bin a dainty f I J 4 |