Show REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following real estate os tate transfers have hao been filed flied for record In jn n the ot ut orfice flee fice of ot County Recorder Wallace Charles Ruler and anti wife wiCo to Bertha ot al aI a tenth Interest in inthe Inthe inthe the southwest quarter of or section 10 township 5 range 1 west Consideration tion 1 I Peter Crezee and wife to Aldo B BStephens BI BStephens Stephens the north half of or lot 12 and I tho the south 19 foot feet of o lot 13 block bled 2 I Main Street addition to Ogden Consideration U 1 I Mary Ann Patterson ot al ai a to Hans Hons F Patterson part of or section 22 2 town ton township ship 6 range 2 west Consideration 51 1 I George M it L Ritter and antI wife to John JohnT T flitter Ritter part of oC the northeast and southeast quarters of or section 13 11 l township 5 range 2 west Consideration tion 1000 Frank S Higley and wife wire to Joseph parcel of or land in section 11 ii township 5 range ran go 3 west vest Consideration tion lion 5 |