Show WHOLESALE HOUSE DOUSE MEETING OF THOSE INTERESTED INTEREST En EnIN IN BIG CONCERN All Preliminary Plane Plans for Launching L of Big Company Comp Have Been Carefully Considered At a meeting In tho the Weber club clubrooms clubrooms rooms at noon of local and outside I parties j Interested in tho the new whole wholesale sale salo grocer grocery concern which Is iii to oc occupy OCcum occupy cupy cum tho the warehouse on the west side sl o of Wall avenue details ol oi the organization of the company wore wort gone over ovel and arrangements made fot Cor or another meeting to ho bo o held within the tha next few tow days da Ample Amplo capital to hack back the Ule concern Is In sight and ono one of the promoters promote s after aCtor the meeting at nt noon said the now company compan would be bo equally na nJ strong as ns were the and would attempt to do as u ii business as ns thoy the did who 1 II groceries This Is ono one on of the biggest enter put on foot fool In Ogden In many man months mon |