Show SALT LAKE AND ANDL L STATE NEWS MURDERERS WENT BACK TO SALOON Discovery of Torn and Bloody Shirt In Bombings Bambinos Place PI on Commercial Salt tIt Lake MaTch March 6 News That the murderers of John C Bar Barnott Barnott Barnott nott In Ia the notorious American house hOlle on Commercial street returned to Bom saloon after their crime was clr cir proved this morning by bythe bythe bythe the finding of a bloody shirt minus the sleeves In ln a closet at the rear Nar of oC tho saloon Tho The pieces found In the room after niter tho the tragedy fitted the tho shirt shirl and there thero Is no doubt In the minds of or tho tIm officers that It was tho the article of wear wearIng wearIng wearing Ing apparel worn by b the murderer when ho he beat his victim to death Tho The police are still working bard In Inan nn an effort to locate Boston Joe and Mann fann the tue two men believed to be guilty of the foul murder of John C Barnett In room Toom 42 of oC the American house on Wednesday night AH All the trains have hae ben been b en watched carefully and tho the railroad yards ards and places whore where hoboes usually hang out have been beon thoroughly searched De Do Descriptions I of or tho the two men have been sent to officers throughout the tho state slate i while somo some or of the local officers have havo gone to Ogden Provo Murray and other points In the hope of or picking up some duo clue that will lead to tho the ap apprehension apprehension apprehension of oC the Hugh the one legged man who came from Park City with Dos Bos I ton Joe Joo and Mann Is still detained at atthe atthe I Ithe the city jail and the police poUce and Justice Hanks Hanles are firm In the opinion that ho lie hoIs heIs lieIs Is keeping something back They Ther feel certain he knows more moro about the mur murder murder der than ho he Is willing to admit but buthe buthe buthe he still sUIl sticks to his 1119 first story and otters offers no explanation as M to how his hat and shoes become spotted with Wood Last night an autopsy was per performed performed performed formed on the dead mans body bod by br the county count physician and It was clearly clearl shown that came to his death from the tho blows received on the hend head and face with some somo blunt Instrument or bottle Today loday loda the Jury again went over the premises of the vile den clen on Commer Commercial Commercial Commercial cial street and discussed various phases es of or the murder It Is possible that thata a verdict will be reached by tonight but may mar not be rendered until Mon Men Monday day Tho The Jury jur will probably hear henr the tho testimony of others about the move movements ments meats of the tho three throe men me and Barnett I on the night of the murder I of the 50 vagrants taken from tram the notorious American i house on Commercial street following the murder of John C Barnett were given floaters by Judge Bowman this morning and according to fo the po police police lice tho the rags are beating It rapidly out of or town The court released them themon on their own recognizance hut but there Is a sentence of or days da 5 each hang ing In over oyer them themA A man Fred Pred ed Stevens Steena pleaded guilty to the charge and an offered no de do defense defenso tense Ho was wa sentenced to days daye at labor in the city Jail |