Show U L i ji 1 L r HH H lj r ri i I Ii le leIs t Is Certainly a Wonderful I Woman I II I I H I I 4 Grand Opening l l Sale I Of the YALE I t I I Toilet and Health Preparations I Souvenirs From Mme Yale for Our Lady Patrons I The rho lecture given by Madame ladame Yale at tho Grand Opera House was j certainly a remarkable performance bv by this exceedingly remarkable I woman This is tho the first time that Madame Yale has ever visited our I city and her ller coming cominS hero certainly opens up anew era e ra to women extend I ing log to them an opportunity to see and hear hoax her herand and profit by b tho the good advice given The press have havo proclaimed Madame Madam Yale as aa the most 1 brilliant anti successful woman In her work today She has lectured In ln all parts of tho the globe Her Hor well known products are sold by b the tho lead I Ing merchants throughout the breadth of the land Such houses as I Marshall Field Co CD of Chicago who are arc known as the Merchant i Princes of the tho world and in fact the tho most prominent house in each i large city represent Madame Yale as her agents for tor their territory and wo we are aro exceedingly pleased please to say that wo we ha have hae o secured the thc agency for I this city for the celebrated Yale line of o Toilet and Health Preparations I As Is s always our aim to give Cho the public the th best of everything the world 4 produces so go It is with these preparations that tha t have havo boon been on the market marl el elt t for years and years We shall make tho the Yale line a prominent and per manent feature fero of our Toilet Goods department Wo We have the tho entire line Une 4 hero some 55 different items In this connection we e wish to direct cial elal attention to this our opening sale Bale of these products arid and to make the I event even more interesting and as Mme DIme Yale is anxious to have all w women men use uso these wonderful preparations she has sent Gent us for distribution a of or Souvenir Jars of the Yale Skin Food holding one dollars H HF worth w Tho Yale Yalo Skin Food sells eolla regularly at and per por Jar Jarin jarit it F Yale Skin in Food Free Iree i I WO will present one ono of ot these Souvenir jar Jara of or Yale Skin Food FREE during during j i this special sale to each purchaser of any an of or the tho Yalo Yale dollar ar tides to Introduce thorn Ii J We Wo desire to suggest that purchase bo be made early as the tho supply of or I Souvenir Jars Is IB limited This sale cale will continue all nil the coming week i I I I We Wo mention below hel a few tew of ot the ho Yale preparations MADAME HAIR TONIC MADAME BEAUTIFYING MME IME YALE CONSIDERS HER REMEDIES HAIR TONIC TO one of oC her greatest MME SKIN FOOD for achievements em It Is praised In tho the nourishing the tho skin akin and obliterating I I highest terms torm by b those who use uso It wrinkles Two sizes and theres fO and quantities of or It sold I Price per bottle SOc and MME ALMOND BLOS SOM SON COMPLEXION ION CREAM for 3 I HEALTH REMEDIES cleansing healing enhancing and iMMEL IME FRUIT CURA CUR a presen preservIng Ing beauty nothing like It ill strengthening tonic for women a acure Price and 1 00 I cure for certain organic ailments The Tho wonderful cures effected by It MME ELIXIR OF BEAU testify to Its it great merit Price Frie e 1 TY for tor protecting tho the skin from sunburn and tho the Inclemency of or the thet MME t iE YALE FERTILIZER TAB TABLETS weather w It makes tho the skin naturally I LETS cure constipation and venti ventilate ally nil white gives gIve tho the complexion late lalo a clogged system Two sizes brilliancy Price Price SOc and nd MME MAGICAL SECRET I MME M r YALE S DIGESTIVE r E TAB TABLETS FOR SOFTENING HARD WATER I It j Is one ono of or the greatest known toi tol j 1 LETS aid digestion and cure Indi Indigestion let Price and luxuries delicately fragrant tr ant as ns asa a bouQuot bouquet of f choice flowers Price MME ANTISEPTIC II Is Ie a I most mast valuable household article VIOLET TALCUM and must be bo used to be bo appreciated POWDER Price For cleansing cl the mouth and gums I in the tho morning morn InS gargling the tho throat MME ALE I S COMPLEXION I for or sore throat dressing sores SOAP SOA Price f wounds or bruises It Is unequaled MI MME CO Price and 1 POWDER Price i t MME YAL 5 LINIMENT Is a o MME IM CORN CURE CURB Do newcomer and said to have magic not suffer another day with like Influence In curing muscular Mme Corn Cure makes corns ill affections such as ns rheumatism quick work of them Use Tse It and neuralgia sprains etc Price SOc GOc the en Joy comfort of sound I feet Madame Demonstrator Here lIere All This Week I I Mme Yalo s demonstrator will remain hero here all this week In the tho I i I Yale Section of our Toilet Goods Department main floor where she win will willI j explain to tho the ladles ladies all about the tho preparations made ma by Mme Yale Yalo j different so that ladles ladies can find fiad among the tho list I lust just I II what they need Ladles Ladies L may mar consult Mme assistant without charge charce I I and the young joung lady In 3 will assist you ou In the proper selection of o the reme rome 1 dies dle needed I t I t J A PIONEER Says Peruna is is Worth its Weight in Gold Go Goj 1 1 j 4 41 1 1 l Cp r d 1 John PaulIn Sr Says Peruna Cured My Catarrh 1 Mx Mr John Sr a pIoneer of oC Port Washington Win Wl St Stin S Is in hold hoM in high esteem by hr tho the residents of or that Ho is Js ono one of tho the oldest citizens In a 1 recent t lottor letter ho he says I 1 have used Peruna with good results for or coughs and colds which c troubled mo tao every overy ewer fall and nat winter It IL has las also cured my m catarrh which always annys became worse when affected with but bui a slight cold I am i mending Peruna Perona because it Is worth Its Us weight In sold gold Mr John aha J Paulin Paulino 1 S Port o t Washington WIs S Is 15 a Catarrhal Tonic Especially EspecIally Adapted to the Ute Declining Powers of Old Age Hale and hearty old ago means mean simply healthy organs and healthy retained beyond the tho usual time As All a rule at tho the ago abo of or 60 or 70 years tho the functions begin to wano anti ami the various organs to loso 1050 their natural power This need not occur At A t least not In all cases Many a man anti and woman have hao retained their health and vigor much Inter in life ifo Wo We 0 have havo on file several letters lotters from octogenarians who havo have found Peruna Perma of c priceless 8 to thorn as n their do de declining clining yearn years advanced 1 lbs lias Reached Four Score Years and Weighs 1513 Pounds n fl Mr U Pa 1 3 writes Your lias hM done mo me BO so much y good 1 I intend to keep It on hand all nil tho the tIme III I had nil the tho symptoms of oC systemic r s catarrh My oyes red and In my throat stomach and bowels troubled mo me was Willi nervous had bad nervous headaches I am now entirely cured by Peruna I l nm am eighty ol years old and I never nevor weighed more moro than BO b 1 weigh Impounds pounds WANT ADS BRING RiliNG BIG DIG RI 2 week only cut glass bowls a I CRESCENT JEWELRY CO CHARLES E WRIGHT Manager t Hero to Stay Notary and Corporate SEALS Typewriter Repairing a c Ogden Office Supply Co C St Phones I r tL |