Show SPECIAL SERVICES FOR FATHERS AND MOTHERS At the tho Baptist church Sunday night at a a very verr von Important sen service Ice will willbe willbe be held hold at this U time In the Interests of oC the young people of oC Ogden Ogdon For a along along along long time sentiment has been Increasing ing lug and public opinion changing In I relation to the home and Its I In shaping the characters of the tho boys bos bosand and girls gins Fathers and mothers have havo been too neglectful In the post past an to toa toa I a certain extent tho the home has baa lost Its Influence over oer tho the children Alive to this lack of ot home homo training every ef effort effort fort tort should be put forth to stem the tho tide that Is sweeping our homes away awa and to throw around the tho children In Inthe Inthe the tho homo home an Influence that will help I This service will be characterized by b simplicity and earnestness There will be nothing said fald to hurt the most moat sensitive feelings but In a plain practical way war Chief Browning of or the OK Og Ogden den ilea police department will ad address address dress this meeting will toll tell fathers 1 and aul mothers of or the many pitfalls In Inthe Inthe inthe the city of oC the many man devices that are arc put forth to ia entice the tho and will urge upon parents a return to the tho old time homo home life whore around tho the fireside the children may gather I and be shielded from Crom the tho many of ot Hie life Special music will bo be rendered at this service Alt All are aro cordially Invited Irrespective of religious belief belloC or de do denominational affiliation Since tha tho greatest good can be bo done to the tho great grant greatest est eat number let lot all plan to attend this service |