Show r HIS Bank Bonk combines In a high degree Offic Officers and Directors S tors tore of business probity and financial standing This assures assure good go od management and exceptional I care careIn careIn carein In the handling of all au the tho Banks funds I Your account Is 13 cordially y Invited I COMMERCIAL NATI NATIONAL ONAL q Capital lANK Surplus Profits 4 w m I Eo ITS DIFFERENT NOW Adam shaved with a clamshell and Eve Ee fastened Cains diaper with a thorn Those were the tho clamshell diaper days das Dont Bet Beta Betway Bo Simplest a it Safest Safet way back Most number f Reliable I It Motor Washer it The Yost Made ii tr Water Motor It puts put Washing Cobwebs Machine on Ic is I your the modern washboard helper and for caves saves the tho troubles t woman THE MUD TURTLE Lays as many man eggs as the hen hon But the tho mud turtle does docs Moral rt Ft pays to advertise By B advertising adverting not nol cackle our Yost motor washing machine In the Local Papers day a da day o of pleasure instead of one of we have hao made mado wash ivas drudgery In ia Ogden mau many homes In Will WUl your jour home be the next Machine can C ln be seen In operation at W H Wright Son SOM GEO A LOWE CO i I The Car That Has Established Established Established a New Standard in AUTOMOBILE Values r Cadillac 30 the interchangeable car Ogden delivered price As much chrome chronic nickel steel used in its construction as in inthe inthe inthe the highest priced ear Workmanship equal to tho the best American car Cadillac factory and system of manufacture only make this possible We V c will take pleasure in showing you them at our Garage Grant avenue Browning Bros ros Co 2461 WASH AVE OGDEN UTAH I The TROY WAY A Y Is The RIGHT WAY I 0 TROY LAUNDRY 2538 Wall Phones Bell Lid md 16 1 6 f |