Show NORTH OLDEN OGDEN BRIEFS From Its ils Inception lion eight el ht years ears ago aso Missionary Day Da In North Ogden huts has duly dimly dul and anti elaborately the tho event and amid the observance of tho the day dart last Friday was as no exception to the thc vile rule It was the anniversary anniversary I sary BaT of o the appointment of Thomas Dunn as the tho first bishop of the tide North Norm Ogden ward The celebration of ot the event was ahead of former occasions held In a like capacity due Inn Ina meas mens measure measure ure to the Increased accommodations offered for such events in the comple comille completion tion of or the annex to tho the old meeting meetinghouse meetinghouse house Tho The day dar was a most pleasant one ono tho the precipitation the tho day dar previous be tie being Je ing to settle seUlo the dust and clarify darIC the tho atmosphere The rho sun on tho the day of or the celebration shone brightly which added much to the brilliancy and cheerfulness of tho the oc occasion occasion casion The Ilic old assembly hall had been con conS converted ortell into l hining room Jilted fitted with three tables luty feet long which were wore lavishly la supplied with tho the delicacies of oC the season The Tho delicious viands were brought from the anterooms ol or ortho tho the buildings by an nn army of young women appointed to that service The amusement hall which was el cl elaborately decorated with beautiful pic pie pictures tares lures curios and mud cut lowers flowers flo erR was used as the general assembly hall hull The services wore were given glen In III tho the forenoon fore rore forenoon noon under the tho direction of or Thomas B 13 Storey Appropriate music was furnished M il N Reynolds Re offered prayer cr and a speech of or welcome was waa given ghen by lW Bishop James lames Ward ard was responded to by Elder Ider James Marker Barker Other speeches were given len by hr visitors and It was nearly one otic in tho the morning marling before the pro program program gram ram was ended The musical numbers given slon were exceptionally and of much interest Take Talce It Il all In all It wins was u Il Iler avery very er praiseworthy gathering which reflects much credit upon who furnished the program lam |