Show J r K o oo iJ Ho I I iI J r H JI H M Mo I i 1 o id e eAny 1 Marxian Club Cb Socialists f E Any question concerning Social SocialIsm Editorial Committee r I Ism answered Address all com corn communications KATE I ATE S HILLIARD X r to to K S E A BATTELL Avenue ROY E SOUTHWICK f i Of Ot all the lie various wa s In which tho the Imagination has distorted truth there Is nono none that has worked so much harm harmas as an n exaggerated respect for past ages This reverence for tor antiquity Is repugnant to every eyer maxim of reason reaSon and Is I merely mere the Indulgence of or a poetic sentiment In favor mor of tho the remote and unknown It Il Is this for instance which Inspired the poets with their no notion Ion tion of a Golden Goldon Age It Is 15 this again which gave to theologians their idea Iden of the primitive virtue and simplicity of man nian and of his lila subsequent fall rail from that high estate Buckle ARE THINGS IMPROVING Or Getting Worse A Vital Question Answered No 0 answer can be given ghon to this question by Yes or No The matter must be approached sides systematically If things are getting better there thero must be symptoms of It likewise if they arc are getting worse One symptom to be considered Is 18 the physical condi condition condition condition tion of or the lie workman as S Indicated by b his longevity and his efficiency while at work One statement made on this subject is that of oC tho the British In Chicago Reporting to his hll govern government mont ment on the condition of tho be employed class ho he said The Symptom If a machinist in tho the United States has reached Ills his Cort second year and andIs andIs andIs Is out of work nork It Is hard harl for tor him to 1 get set another Job If ho he worked as na hard hardas as he Is expected to he Is so com corn completely completely worked out that nobody wants him But Dut If he ho Is still strong and ro to robust bust it shows he has not worked as ashard ashard ashard hard an M he ho was expected to and no noone noone one ono wants him anyhow A year or so 80 ago tho the Typographical T Union Journal mal said Balli tho the mortality In Its union was appalling out of all 11 re roo relation relation lation to the mortality In the tho days da s of or hand composition The strain upon the machine compositors mind is In he lie sits over a melting pot which exhales poisonous no wonder the death rate rato Is stupendous dOlls dous This Thin would seem to be a symptom tom toni that things are getting decidedly worse To take another symptom papers contained the tho news of ot the tho open openIng Ing In With great rent rejoicing of the tho new Municipal Lodging House with a ca capacity of oC 1000 The number of home homeless loss less mon monand and women Is obviously Increasing Evon women with their children have havo to bo be provided for there tho the number of or homeless families Is Increasing Take Tako that as symptom No 1 2 For symptom No 3 there wore re rc recently recently conti over 1300 mon killed anti and In Injured Injure jure J on the Pennsylvania R R H alone as au trespassers These men wore beating heating their way wa In search of or em om employment omI This tells of a condition I of o uncertainty of o living which throws added light on the other two symptoms symptoms toms Charities Statement The Ith symptom I want to lo take tako from rom another official publication Here la Ia the report of o the lie N Y Association lion Ion for Improving the Condition ot of o the Poor I know charity charlt concerns always understate but oven ovon at that this one says nays that In the last lust year ear It has had 1052 families In hi charge e an Increase of oC sixty per cent over the pre previous Iotis year Further that lint thoro oro among our families children of ot school age needing relief And now hold bold your our breath It Is the tho stereo stereotyped stereotyped typed argument of o charity organisations that bat destitute people arc aro so bo lIo of o shiftlessness ness laziness drink etc But hero here Is tho the state statement ment mont Tho The number of or applicants brought to us through no fault ault of oC their Continued on Page Fourteen WV f I t I MARXIAN SOCIALISTS Continued From Pago Twelve TeJo I own Is ninety per cent com If It ninety per par percent parcent percent cent of these people aro are left leCt 20 o desti destitute tute as to bo ho thrown upon public charity chant f it can eRn only be that their wages nages were BO so low thor they could not prepare preparo for a rainy rain day da A larger and larger number of people must be lIc becoming dependent on oil the thc employers readiness to give she them I work and when whon they the are arc their wages will only keep them a short month from the tho poorhouse When we wo find that in a single city elt J families arcIn arc ln this condition It shows that more mom and more of tho the people of the country are Ire being thrown into wage slavery told and that t their share shuro of their product Is IB sinking over ever lower The Tho country began under conditions such that every 01 vet American male and ami female lemale could look forward to attain attaining ing Independence such as ai asIt It Il was wal atu Men leD gladly became apprentices I ces and n girls servants well veil knowing that In a few fow years eals thoy tho would be ho able to become householders in their own right in lii n the United States today there thero are school children un tin underfed underfed and with some somo physical defect defector or another children underfed imply an nn amount of poverty that limit you Oll may lOa imagine for tot yourselves That they the are arc physically defective tells another talc mule It tells of Improper material conditions Women are arc un tin unsexed sexed by lIy tho nature of the tho work they the have hae to lo perform especially In the tho New Nev England stales states When luen Mr Mi J Robert Ho erl Hunter says sas tho the reason the native nathe American has ims not nol populated ted the coon coun country COln try is because of oC the tite hordes hoiles of Eu Europe rope rOlle ho he should be told toll that It Is be because because because cause the native American woman Is It Isto II to such uch a large extent forced to take t ke up tilt 1 unsexing worl Decrease In Marriage asia as a Symptom Another symptom Is the tho decrease of marriage We Ve know that lint when mar marriages marriages rinses decrease it Is an ami evidence of in increased increased creased difficulty in living Marriages aro arc decreasing at a terrific rate rne anti and divorces ate arc alo increasing proportion proportionately ProPortionately With husband and auth wife that happens which happens to partners In Itt business When business goes well weH there Is no clash But let business go Et bad and each discovers flaws in ln the tho theother other and ad the lie partnership la Is sundered The number of divorces Is an Index of hardship In tho the homo inducing clashes This is symptom n No 5 that things are arc deteriorating g For FOI another symptom the In the lie series take nice tae the lie constitution of the Postal Telegraphers Union Un lout which wIt ich gives the te company which rules rles thorn thom tho right of absolutely ab running the af affairs affairs affaire fairs faire of the union thus all al the tho rights conquered by hy the lie American revolution This vol voluntary ol 01 relinquishing of or rights can cn only point l to decline I All Al these things point to ton a growing gowing worse of conditions Adulteration as Another Symptom Then there Is the tho adulteration of foods Senator Stewart of Idaho speaking In the UC senate on en December 12 1 l OG said I do not think the country has any alY Idea l ea of o the tho poisons administered in foods It I is sapping the constitution of the people If I wo we had to lo raise soldiers soliers as we did in ISIl ISIlI J I doubt whether wo we could find the bout 1 Clothing is also frightfully adulterated ed cd The result of o this on health and nl life Is obvious So then things are arc getting worse wor C But Bul Is it Il a misfortune No Xo it is a de tic decided fortune Tho The sufferings g of tU social period cannot be lie looked at in lui inthe il the lie The Iho present social this rl I tress test less is It a condition that loes tint nut por portend 01 tend cud worse it portends hotter it Pot por portends tends revolution The rite present physical ph sl cal sufferings anti and on II discomfort are mar marshalling the people Into shape for the tho next slop Stel t p In iii Industrial government Anti And It Is not the tho suffering which Is making for progress hut but the tho condl lons which and 11 cause Cluse it It Those conditions ar the tho race to its i duty lilt in tho the class chas which is today toro standing between it and plenty Do Loon con I THE WHOLE HOG HOGl That Is the only logical demand That does not moan that labor while It is fighting forthe for tho whole hol of or what It produces should II not take tako everything it Ii can conquer I It I means that lint the the working class as asa asa asa a whole can sot got no permanent Im un Improvement provement In its material condition while wage slavery lasts War on the Industrial field neM kills kis more lucre titan than on Ito Iho tented tent d field feld of gore The he class clasI war al between hue iho capitalist I class and tho lie working class cas always goes on oui onA onA ouiA A Frenchman is with ihu saying A few fv C people are arc put jut In insane asylums hums lums to make the lie rest believe belco that all al outside are sane The insane are cared for and live lve 10 in healthy anti and beautiful ul surroundings the hue sane vegetate in vile le smuts slums breathe foul air wallow In poverty and live le in fear and trembling Com Corn Compare Compare pare the surroundings s of Insane asylum with the lie ugliness and arid filth th of Chippendale Waterloo and Al AI Alexandria exan where the lie sane satie workers are arc stabled Sane people starve stanc whet when too loo much Is I produced and make a a a black hell of what luat ought to lo be lie a bright earthly par paradise adise It Jt would seem scent that lint men have hac Indeed lost their reason r aon and antI become brutish beasts Socialism is the tho only onh salvation on of the world Nothing short of tho I complete abo abolition liton of capitalism will wi suffice Ui to t create a saute sane society and anti transform tran this earth carth Into Inlo a civilized place where whore all may marle live in economic peace and ami social harmony The Tho logic of oC capitalism Is merciless likewise the lie logic of socialism 50 for It ItEa says Ea s Nothing short of lie tho abolition I capitalism of m can end nd the tho crucifixion of ot labor Sydney Australia People |