Show PUPILS DOING DOmn GOOD WORK The Tho music test given by br the tho pupils completing tho the elementary course of oC the Effa Birn Ellis System of Ill III music at nt atthe atthe the studio of the tho Instructor Miss Ma May fa Hunter was a decided success Tho The following children ranging In ago age from rom 7 to 14 years participated In a I pleasing manner Catherine Hender Hendershot Hendershot shot Mary lary Geraldine D Motle Motte j i iNed Ned Helen Helon Hunter Frank Smith Marian larlan Wright Halt Halo Burton John Smith and Douglas Gibson Gloson Tho The new system of instruction has I only been taught In Ogden during tho the I past live five months but these children who were wore only beginners In Septem Septen September I Iber ber her were able to Lo answer readily ques questions questions in harmony theory theor musical his history history history tory and terminology besides be playing pla pieces usually given glen at the completion of a years rears ears work Miss Hunters ability as a teacher Is being recognized throughout the and she has recently been se 50 secured secured cured by Fred Graham of or Salt Lako to open a conservatory of music In tn the he state capital |