Show l I OGDEN TURF I F EXCHANGE EXCHANGEr 1 I I r i Private Wires to All Call CaU CaUl 1 fornia fornie Tracks l OVER ELITE ELrrE CAFE Receipt That Cures Weak W ea 1 Men MenFree Free Send Name and Address To Today T 0 day You Can Have It Free rree and be Strong and Vigorous I have hae In my m possession a proscription tion lion for Cor nervous debility lack of o vigor rigor weakened manhood falling failing memory and amI lame back brought on by br ox unnatural drains or the follies o youth that has cured so many worn and nervous men right In their own homos without any an additional ad help or 0 medicine that 1 1 think every ever man I who wishes to regain Ma hIt manly pow power powel er el and virility 1 It quickly and quietly I etl should havo ha 0 a 1 copy So t I havo de tic determined to send a copy of the pro proscription proscription free Cree of charge char c In a plain sealed envelope to any an man who will write mo me for It This proscription prescription comes from froni a phy physician ph who has made a special study of oC men and an I 1 am convinced It is Uio combination or the cure curo cureo 01 Ot o deficient manhood and o oser Olor er put lut together I 1 think T I owe it to my follow man manto manto manto to send them a copy In iii confidence so that any an man anywhere who Is h weak and discouraged with repeated rail fail failures au tires ures may slop stop drugging drug himself with harmful patent medicines medici secure what 1 J believe is tho the restorative tho INO ING remedy over devised anti and PO so cure himself at homo home quietly and quickly Just drop me a line lIno like this Dr DrA A B E 1 Robinson Luck Dc De Detroit troit Mich and 1 will send you yz ou a copy of this splendid receipt In a plain ordinary scaled envelope free freeo of o charge L S WilES M MI I In this tIlis short talk we want to tell you something about the cause of Rheumatism and what is necessary for its cure Ve We hope to be abla to o show sho you exactly what brings br the disease about and then to tell teU you in ill a plain honest way just why S S S cures it Rheumatism is really an internal inflammation a diseased condi condition condition tion lion of the blood cells cens which supply the nourishment and strength necessary ne necessary essary to sustain our bodies bod es The disease is caused ed by an ex excess FROM RHEUMATISM cess of uric unc acid in the blood I wu terribly with for which gets into he cir circulation cr t n months and during durin ray my tried the tho of ol many good goad ph alt all of ci whom pro pronounced I I because of indi indigestion ray my case cles I was waa for it a year In soch socha a 1 b condition that I was unable U to diet cr or constipation weak wea k feed fm I had hall Sued filled it at t times flit kidney action and other ir irregularities two r c by nono of fi edI them me nay relief I dually e to In Include regularities of the tile system clinic clude d S S S a in xay my hot liot and toot tOl tho the first dow whilo I hobbling I on crotchet After which are sometimes consid considered two r I found o relief iffe 1 WA able 10 to re me relinquish ered of no importance This linquish o e coo crutch arda tt con continuance continuance of ci tho relieved cv mo me of tho other uric acid produces an inflamed crutch t Aad shortly enabled I rue roe to co o to tomy tomy ne t my work O at which I 1 have been ever since mince n I havo and acrid condition of the bud no return cf Gi symptoms of ot al at although blood and the circulation in fn instead though Touro this very e was truly five ym aso AIO J stead of nourishing the differ different 1135 m II Seato Ave Avo Av jj led bA ent cut portions of the body con continually OFTEN CO D TO o BED BCD deposits into the atit h n iT G C muscles l I and d For years I would woul b be completely broken nerves I 1 mus es joints 0 n t S an down with Rheumatism In all bonce And junta bones the irritating of my body Iwao I timM confined to my boA bed for weeks and ics The Tho pain was d acid aCI d with WIt h which W I h it is I 1 vos fearful that I wai IJ going come to become a filled Then follow the pain painful hopeless rn cripple c t About ts three these Ij years yema aco I corn com commenced tho ate of I S S S sod And I commenced to Im Improve ful and torturing t symptoms of prove from the flit first I continued the medicine I until 1 I got my blood blod I rum pure and tho thu u en entirely Rheumatism The fhe very life cured Since linea S S S 8 restored re tor mo to health and vitality of the blood is I 1 have hAvo not had an ache or pain LUCY CARR being destroyed by the uric THE BEST REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM acid poison and every muscle I was waa severely troubled with R I had it In my who bo nerve and sinew of the body has ever ball bad Rheumatism knows hon bow bO suffers in the tho pain la to and how howit it Interferes r with th one at consequence I was vai t truly In bad l n Don bothered d Vc We do not claim for forS with lh it for ten teD years tarn olf oU and lUll on Ol 1 A physician ad AdS advised vista me roe to use uso S S S I 1 did PO ro Alter Aller taking S S S that it is anything h mg 1 a i few tew bottles I noticed the tho and aM pain were reduced 1 continued the medicine o and w woe n more than a blood thoroughly f cured d all W pain And dD purifier and tonic and that is lien gone I S S S to oil all Rheumatic J 3 L all nil you need to cure Rheumatism Bait Bast Gambler G r St Ml Mt Yemen 0 It is true that liniments RHEUMATISM nEur plasters plas rs and other external Newe ew Vt Ye v applications often tempora temporarily Lost gammer while whilo recovering from irom from of ol fever I bad a 11 evera verc t attack of inflammatory rheu rhen rheumatism I rily n I y relieve re I leve the t h e pain pam and an d agony in i the tho knew Ime from which Iwao iwas 1 WilO unable to tot toI toof I of the disease and it is well ell I t my teem r m for several Cyer ll I was wea W II treated by two doctors and nod also alro tried different kinds of ol lIe lin liniment enough to use them for the and medicines which teemed to relic TO me we I Ir r cr I from for lor bat at the tlc same fame t time I wu wa comfort they t I afford allOr d but b ut such not any nearer getting well day white while read treatment does not reach the thc in a paper pcr I saw an advertisement of S S S ice cr t I W i IT J Rheumatism e 1 I decided d to civo it a trial which ic I Idid I seat of the he trouble and of did nt once After I had taken Kelt a deal better and ADd I still un continued to tko tits t o It t course can enn have h ave no permanent regularly until I 1 waG wao entirely cured cared I now no ei good effect S S S cures hotter g er have f lot or years end and I do recommends S S I oar c fc r Rheumatism permanently be bc because b C CEAS CAS B 8 Street cause it purifies the blood It goes down into the circulation circulation la lation tion removes the excessive uric acid from the blood purifies and re revitalizes revitalizes revitalizes vitalizes this stream and causes it to nourish and an d strengthen the system instead of or gradually hardening the muscles and stiffening the joints by destroying the natural oils and fluids with this uric acid poison Rheumatism is a blood disease and S S S cures it because It purifies the blood Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free rree to all who urile THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA IF IP YOU KNEW That there was wat a Laundry where your Collare Collars Cuffs and Shirts would al at always 11 ways waye be carefully and perfectly laun Isun laundered dered YOU BE INTERESTED Just tuch uch work can bo be found at our OUI plant as we WO have recently Installed a l machine to do away with tho the saw UW on collar band and collars OGDIN STEAM 00 Both Phones QUALITY COUNTS ONLY LAUNDRY IN CITY HAVING HAVINGA A WATER SOFTENER BALLARD EBELING I St I IThe The Only Meat Market That Handles Eastern Meats Both Phones Pho 63 Ta |