Show u r r Jc a ft r r 5 I S err t v a F Fd jR Y lr I v itT J kr e ei or E s I I Sc l wn d 1 3 i y 1 rA 1 Co Cott tt Ti 0 I l lW y k t Nr lt ra 1 65 i fx W if 1 i Ph aSP r f h rI w ry 1 t h hr hi r ro L d f fn 1 1 5 i i t J n t J Jr a r nr t tt it t 1 or i j jT r e i s i t iW f f 4 Il V f 4 M V f 4 ri Y o f Q r y 1 f 1 4 3 m l vret j lc t 1 L Lc t I c J 1 i i 1 d l i t i t S 1 U r I Y Y k bt f 1 7 1 d 4 r 0 ff t f 1 fl I Y i f t V t r O I i j I 11 r s A 1 t 0 1 r I I t r t t 4 iW to lf v It J 04 I 1 1 Ci A Y i t Jd r t f i j jr y t Sv k t f i r c cYp U d I o N f t 1 fr 5 r 1 fr I tj 1 0 t 0 I 4 i 2 A rn t 0 v l i t f r of r t y f W t r 7 B 5 f Ji t w a Y d f l I Aa p ry try t I I 1 Er z T 1 ix tf v t nv i 1 1 g r J I J J w S C 71 V r Y 0 r r d r i jo vor 1 t Z tl s r 7 r H n r o r 1 eraa i S QZ azz 8 the Republic of or Cuba Culm tapes lapso SHOULD Into tho the same government chaos cho that lien hon beset be et her throughout hor her stormy lol she will still have hae l for Cor which to thank tho the provisional govern government facet ment of o the United States Slates There Thera will re reo remain remain main tho the roads that t thug this country countr bas hns built hulU during durin the past paRt two lo years and there Is 15 no noar noway way woy ar In while which the th masses mouses of C the people Tan an escape n 0 benefit from thorn thom Governor Charles arles K l and acid the tho American troops have withdrawn from Cuba The Tho work for tor which they bad hod been n sent sont to tho the Island was completed ted Order bad lind been b n brought out of turmoil and government bad had been restored where her guerilla warfare had previously t l The people pt had hll been bin soothed and quieted from tho the heat beat h t of oC Latin factional strife and oDd brought Into the regular and peaceful Ii pursuits of ot the many Industrial opportunities offered by this fair land An oleo elec election tion bad been hwn held beld under the guidance ot of Governor llo oon which had hod been en a n bona bonafide ride fide election the tho first of ot HH Its kind In ID any nn of oC the Latin Lath countries J of ot America for far although many man of oC those these are nrc republics In name Dilute they are Such ucb In la name nemo only The foundation stone alone of or tho work ork that this country did lIll In 10 Cuba for tor the Ibo benefit l nent of ot that people watt wan the development ot of ot com cora Into tuto tho lut by means of or Foal l 1 wagon roads reeds When lIen Governor Mn Ma Magoon la goon 1001 assume ot control and began belan looking about him for some vital things thlu to Lo do for Cor Corth forthe the tho th benefit bandit of the Island ho he Immediately td hit ell upon roods Ho lie laid out n a campaign for Cor road Improvement and nod for or two years yearn y followed follo ed It consistently As Aa n a result r there I U la a 1 magnificent highway from Crow one cue oneto tM end to the other of or the tho Island and It U Is j at et a 11 dozen dOlen i by equally good soW cross reads r that t run rUD down to o the tho tai orts on the tho coasts C Cuba Coba was Willi la In n a frightful condition as to toi i roads in the tho beginning such highways M es n ho aho to bad lind originated from Crom some cart fol following following lowing n a cow trail trull In its ItJi wanderings lu fu tb the vogue vague unknown They Thor ran hither and thither without any noy system In 10 n 0 desultory tory torr ory way the previous Spanish and Cuban had bad built a patchwork of at ro road rOld d here byre and there ther hilt but without system m moed oed with no of ot policy VOlle that tint Would make the th different parts porta of or the thew island accessible to each other and bring them w In touch with the coast towns Those Thouc Tho e roads that had been built were not of or the thet h t grade imide and hud had been very rr Indifferently I I From the standpoint of ot the tho country as all n whole the Iho road rond over oer which the tho farmer was faS forced rea d to take his produce to market was w the me crow cross country cart track During the dry season Boason It was a o most moRt mo t Indifferent country road rond and dur during I Jog ing In the be half of o the your year cur In which the rains fall Call It was wn absolutely and the tha were w ru entirely cut cul oft off from communication with lIh the world This Isolation was occasionally broken by bythe bythe I Ithe the trip of oC a pack paek I floundered through the mud to the great outside but this was wai unusual Under these the coo con conditions the people f had hod found It not nol worth worthwhile worthwhile while to buy Luy wagons and even evea during durin the dry dr seasons beacons the pack train was wall the tho chief menus of oC transportation The wheel was carried on chiefly by means of ot the carreta the tha th native cart ot of the island If IC the tho Ingenuity of ot the people had led lel them to 10 search March tho the world war III over for tor a n less les Jilted fitted for tor their purpose they the would not oot have ben been eo able to hind lind It The Tho carreta U us n a clumsy cart with nn an unusually narrow tire Ure Upon Up 11 It U may bo be placed loads as great gr nt aa as four and live hive tons This males moke an immense pressure on the tho two narrow tires and those these cut deeply Into the soft soil soli of ot the Island The wheels are arc set Kot loosely ly on 00 the axle and this load rocks tack back null and forth throw throwIng throwing Ing all nil Its weight now DOW on one wheel and now on the tho other and digging Into the road In the mud of oC the old roada these thes vehicles 8 stink mink often otten to the th axle unit on 00 the tho new road rond they tb make constant re repairs repairs pairs necessary n The provisional gov Jov government government exerted all Us its Influence to die dia courage their use UE even eno going so 50 far nr as nI asto nIto asto to recommend their prohibition or to en cn enforce force forca orca tho rho putting of ot a n wider tire the upon them Under the old regime eight anti and andton ten ton oxen wore were to haul one of oC these carts CArlo to market and days were need needed n needed d ded ed for Cor a trip of oC a few tew miles Now ow a 11 pair of ot mules mule does d 3 the canto camo work worle La In a n few te hours Governor Magoon found that there won was waun un an accumulation of oC funds In 10 the Cuban treasury when wh o ho lla assumed control Thoun tho ho people ople were In a condition of oC famine amino the tho th sources of ot the thc revenue of ot the govern government ment went w were feN ni In order and nod the funds funda weN plentiful There TheN was wan as nil a D surplus that might bo be used In some way deemed most moat beneficial bl and the tho Provi Provisional Governor decided upon roads That was In tn 1000 1100 and since that time tho the camu cam campaign has been breu most mOlt actively pushed In 10 laying down the plan pion for tor the co ca system of at reads tho rho Department Deportment ot or Public Works Work decider decided on a 1 scheme heme of ot roads that t would consist of ot a II highway running cut cast and nod west from Santiago o de deCuba deCuba deCuba Cuba at thin tha tb uno end ond of ot the Island blood to lo loAs Los Ins As Arroyos Arroyo de do Mantua at nt the other oLber ex ox extreme extreme t mc This road rood would cut through the Uie heart ot of tho the Island Inland from end cod to end coil tel fol following lowing as ns a 0 general thing the tho elevated V Y Y M 3 f x t alt J e Yla fi tt f e tau e t R F if Y Ly St Str r r t t 3 Y t teC d eC G G G O ridge that makes up the tho watershed From this main malo trunk runk I lino lIuo would could branch brauch ort oft rondo roada that would load lead to the th chief barter towns on each euch side at least ono one harbor In each of at the six elx provinces to bo Lo so to favored In lu 1 this way ny every province would bo be I connected by good roads with every other and nol every cYer section t of ot the tho Island would IMS to given Ihen on no outlet to market The plan has been hlen consistently follow rollow followed followed ed el Contracts buve been b en let to native and outside men for tor tho rho building of oC these lh roads and In Iu seine Kome cases cn these bidders rt were not found tou to bo be satisfactory fa satisfactory tory to 1 the engineers of or tho the army of or occupation potion pation have taken hold bold and pushed the work Nothing has been allowed to stand In the way anti and such Much ft a 1 stir ot of Industry ns as the tho Island never knew before beCore has been bt n In 10 progress prO jrR Realizing that the torrential rains of ot the tropics would soon render dirt roads useless the tho government undertook und to construct n 0 highway built buill to lo last It ItIn In In the on nn n a solid foundation of oC 1 macadam of oC the best stone atone native quarries would afford und and further that the tho roads rondu be hie finished I throughout without neglect of n uny any de tie detail tall tail necessary to durability The roads first rot wore were graded sharp turns being Io avoided and only nn ao Incline of oC f six nix per cent being helo Six Sir Inches 6 of oC rock In Jagged pieces nu flit big bh bigan hi an as 01 a n mans two lists list ll was Wi placed upon this thin grade Then came tour four Inches of ot small smaller er or stone tone about the size sire of oC egg eggs after which tho the fine no stone was placed luN on All of ot this was wan parked packed Into Inlo a compact muse by the Immense steam steamroller steamrollers rollers roller In time they will wt under the action of oC water and nOlI air combine Into one solid rock roc road n foot fool tot thick that will wi bo be 10 nearly as 01 permanent us U it I Is possible to construct a u rood road roat The Tho roads rands urn H uniformly 31 SI feet teet wide Ilde of o which tho the heavily paved section oc oe 0 oeR R IG 10 feet fact All culverts are made of or cement und and are aro nr built hul for Cor I once Bridges built throughout the lalund are the thc most mot modern of ot steel structures structure where this Is I found necessary nce nr or aro are of ot cement cem ut or wood os as the th occa occasion oen slots sion Ilon demanded Where It was wag a found to lo protect the roads from ditches have hoe been dug duS to drum the lowlands Prom Irom I rom every overy o 1 r standpoint the construction hus iris liven l n thoroughly modern and and modern too to from the be standpoint of o tho the most roost progressive salve sive Ily nation In rho world A pretty feature ot of the tae tb completed d road roud Is I the roadhouse at lt Intervals of oC IS 15 1 miles ml s At these thc stations live 10 tho the caretakers and crown crews that look after neer the th road after neer It I 1 It is completed A special Ipe i cial duty of o these caretakers r Is I to de dc develop elop owl and plant trees trec along tho thu ad t vay So readily do co trees grow grew In Cuba Culm that tant It Is hI not difficult dU cul to foresee tho rho time lu in the not too for far distant future when every ono one of t these roada rOi lb from ono one OUt end to the other of ot the Island will 1 bo ho hon 11 n 1 bower of oC shade hll In which the lh traveler con can ao ruin from morning to night with without without without out feeling the lh rays ro of oC the tho tropical sun SUD These o roods rood will wil bo be like that thoroughfare of ot Japan upon upa which In yours years cars gone by a poor baron Inon plant planted ed Id choice shade trees treM because of oC the fact that bo ho was Wil n a poor pr man Uon and could serve tins bin hil country with only his labors Iners His nia work lure lUl outlasted them all ull Lil anti and IB Is II hundreds of ot years yearn etOl after his bis death dent still mill serving senIn the people well The people of ot Cuba were svere In 10 a n state slate ot of revolution re and threatened civil war r when hen tho rho United Stat States a Intervened Famine a 0 wax was abroad In the land and the tho Indus Industries Inco tries trip were paralyzed It was Wal In 10 such Ilch nn on emergency ns os this that the opportunity to work on the roads reads wn s d given tho the peo people I plc pIc The latest latent revolution for j r I Ir r r I the War ot of August 1000 1900 had bad bat I broken out In ID the thu west Wet Pinar del Rio Hlo lo loI had suffered from 1 II cyclone which added I to the tho strolls In lu which her people found Cound themselves th mlee Tho The prospect ot of a tight fight had hod drawn to 10 that lust province thin adventurers adventurer anti and malcontents from n 0 great part of ot the Island anti and things looked critical It I was unit wasat WI at thus this juncture that the Provisional Government Gov Government decided that this province was the point at nt which work worl should be begun Labor 1 on theme roo lH was offered to all 01 the Idle nail and Inc unemployed Int but bat with the tho understanding that It was WOI ibe work worl of oC peace and nud that lawlessness should cease C l le The rho opportunity to earn r an In Immediate competence wa sync 1 readily grasped l by Iho rho t hu factious and soon fOn the Uw was os tranquil und mid before long prosperous The same principle worked throughout the ii Island and with the th building of ot the roads tl came cn me peace and 01 prosperity As Al the tho various sections Medians were Ier opened up Ul the forming farming people Immediately grasped the opportunity that was offered them than to market their crops cropt and planting was WIH be begun he heni begun of or the time gun ni Despite the shortness tm since the road building began beson the tho opportunity opportunity opportunity rOd th making possible to t they ore orn orl abbe Is II already being fell n and the country Is la II again In a mi 1 condition con of or proa Yet the stem m Is IR still meow pleto plate perly and the tic time t has hn ha born so 6 short hardly had to ta ma maThe mature mature that crops cro have haTe hanl ture The area of the unrivaled tobacco lands lunds of or Cuba that will he h In this way brought 1 will be he h greatly In Increased under cultivation will wi he creased The TM country will wi be b ape opened crl up tip lp of ot farming grade to a n more pro in every way D The Th huge sugar sugar p plants an a added to by be ions of o the Island may mn 1 orlle tons accessible 1 others that am oro now may he exported export from a I greatly and n lack of f norl t The Tho area add I If If t with aud ud the thin Island Inland Is 15 s Is la II done on 0 wih f f given an aa opportunity to enjoy her ber opportunities OK ON she hc never enjoyed them be before hc before foreIt fore Core foreIt It Is hard bard in to appreciate tho he fact that those these th roads root In Cuba Cuha nr thin tho best beat bel In thus thu world The natural thing would woul not bo but bolo buto butto to lo attribute so 8 progressive pro a 1 thing to a desultory re republic public In the tropics Yet It is II unquestionably the truth The Ibe why ot or It I can enn he be readily understood The lle whole system has hero been built hult within the past post two yeast years C toad building as ni a n 1 science ins hn been de do developing most mORt rapidly In the thus Jost Jast decade Things are now known about road build building buld buldIn lag ing In that were not dreamed of oC fire lIc years rear ago lined nond building has hOB become Iw me u n 1 na national national and nud International question and 31 thus country has ban shown n a very active neUve Inter Interest est In It I I Iel Well el these roads rands In Cuba wore were practically I tenly built by IJ the United Slates SLut a ROV gov government ov AH Ail AI the Information that has bits I been heen recently developed as a to road build buildIng lug Ing In wits was applied In la title thin Instance |