Show r I t H H Pi P HH I TOE M PE R AoN CE J M EN T t I CONDUCTED BY W C T U TJ I I Iy y EDITORIAL COMMITTEE T jT j MISS FRIEDA DRESSEL MRS S U WAY V A Y c cI I I 1 04 LL 7 I ON COMMON C GROUND No o man differs from another hi m opinion so o widely that there Is 15 not net some Home common ground on which the two may ma stand together In harmony While there thoro are aro many things to which the Rev He Thurston Brown Drown gave voice last Sunday Sundar evening In his ser sor sermon mon men on prohibition to which we can cannot cannot not nol agree there thoro were some to which we are arc glad Ilal to lo subscribe While Frances Willard no doubt Sympathized with many man of or the tho alms aims of o the tho Socialists ts she never neer for or one ono moment wavered wavor In her loyalty to the Iho cause of prohibition nor ceased to wish rush the tho saloons to lo bo be abolished from every over eer land No on who has read road her hor biography or studied her life closely can doubt that had iod she fihe he decided that she could bring about the golden age Dge of man more marc quickly through desert deserting desertIng deserting ing the tho temperance t cause and work workIng ork Ing lug through Socialism she would have done so ro even If she know she sho could live but bUl a few CoW days more She would not have waited to live her hor life m over again if she sho had become convinced that prohibition of or the liquor traffic was the wrong step She was too conscientious We Ve arc are forced orcel to be believe belIeve lieve here then that no such conviction over overcame came to her herH If H Frances Willard had ever over be become become become come a n Socialist she never would have havo become the kind that defends the hue sa saloon saloon loon or Is IB afraid that thai the absence of the open saloon Baloon will cause hypocrisy hypocrisy But wo we started to quote what we liked on the tho above mentioned sermon It was as this and followed to a n logical conclusion It will do away aWa with any secret saloons There Thero Is no virtue merely morely In cover covering coverIng ing lag up any an evil ovll thing no virtue In pro promoting promoting tootIng ignorance of or any social evil I So long as the evil exists It Is moral morally lv ly Imperative that every eer member or ot ortho orthe tho the community know It IL It Is an Infinitely greater protection for or your our daughters and nail your sons ot any age that they tho know knew all the he of social vice rico In your city than that they bo ho Ignorant of or thorn them Those Tholie people who say sa We Wo dont want to know the facts about bout any evil thing aro are not good gOOtt citizens and nd they the I profane tho UlO name namo of oC religion when I they ther call themselves religious What bat historical character can you I name who If tho the story of his life Is half true truo over ever know so much of tho ho physical l and moral and social disease I of o his tIme as ns Jesus did By IJ what right rl ht do these people who refuse to I know all the facts concerning vice dare daro to call themselves followers of or I believers In that man There Is no virtue In Ignorance any anywhere anywhere where And in no country countr In the tb world Is It so morally imperative as asIn its In this that hat all of or us know all the facts acle about every over social or ot political evil for we have no io function or duty dut so Imperative or important as that of or dealing squarely and Intelligently with these evils In a democratic form torm of government whatever under undermines mines not merely merel tho the minds and n 1 bodies hut but the tue moral sense of oC the people Is the tho supreme menace monace of tho the nation Tho The safety nail and security of such a nation as os this lies supremely In tho the I clearness of Its moral Judgment We Vo can all see easy cas enough tho the necessity that tho the minds of tho people shall be clear and on that ground we are Jus juis Justified tined tided In opposing any ny vice Ice or any bus business busIness iness mess which tends to dim or darken tho the mind or weaken the tho physical and men mental tal powers But Dut It Is not so common for men and women to seo the tho need of or a heal hoal healthy healthy thy th moral sense It Is easy to seo see that dissipation and open vice Ice are a dan Ian danger danger ger gor to society But these are not I half as dangerous as the absence or ot I moral sense I LINCOLN THE ABSTAINER Shortly after aCter was nominated for tho the presidency b by the ho Republican National convention some Bomo Democratic citizens feeling that Springfield lund had been honored by the nomination several baskets of or orwine wine to Mr rr house lie how however however ever over returned them thanking the tho senders for far their intended kindness After ACtor tho lie formal ceremonies con connected connected with the tho business of or the com corn committee committee edUce of notification had bad passed Mr Ir Lincoln remarked that as an appropriate appropriate pilate conclusion to an Interview so important and Interesting he ho supposed good manners would require that he should furnish the committee some something something something thing to dring and opening a n door he called out Mary Mary Maryt lIar A girl re responded responded to the call c ll to whom Mr Lin Un Lincoln Lincoln coln coIn spoke in an nut undertone In a few minutes the tho maid entered ga largo large tray containing several glass tumblers and null a large laige pitcher and placed It upon the ilio center table Mr Ir Lincoln then arose and gravely ravel ad addressing addressing addressing dressing tho th distinguished gentlemen said Gentlemen we must pledge pled go our mutual In the most moat hearty heart beverage God has given to man It is the only beverage I have hae ever ver er used or allowed In my m family and I 1 cannot depart from It on tho the present occasion it Is pure Adams ale alo nb from Cram the spring i And taking a tumbler he touched it to his lips and pledged them his highest respects In a acup acup acup cup of cold water vater Anneal ll for Prohibition Springfield 1853 The liquor traffic radio Is a It cancer in so society society clet eating asting caUn out its vitals and throat threat threatening ening destruction and all attempts to regulate It will not only prove abort abortive abortIve ive ire but hut aggravate ate the tho evil If It the tho pro prohibition of slavery Is good for or the tho black man the tho prohibition of o the I liquor traffic is Ig equally good and con can for the lie white man Juan There must be no more moro attempts to regulate the cancer It must be eradicated for until this be done lone all classes must continue to be become come conic the victims of strong drink j I I The Tho most effectual would ho he hethe the passage of or a law altogether abol abolIshing I tho the liquor traffic Law Ia must protect and conserve con ere right I things and punish wrong wron things anti and anI If there lucre Is any nn evil In Jn tho tIm land that threatens society tr or Individuals more than another It IB Is the liquor traffic tame tamea I a The above aboc address was delivered J over oer fifty 3 years ears ean ago In a city where whore only last lut month was disagree disagreement ment m nt about whether it was WM appropriate to serve sone liquors at a Lincoln da Jar day ban bait banquot banquot It was nOM finally settled Bellied by b erv 8 servI ervIng r t I Ing liquor at nt the tho tables whore where drink f I erg sat Bat and at the ab abstainers tables the being thus divided REPUBLICAN FLATTERIES The effort of or the InterMountain Re Ro Republican Republican publican bv by b means mean of or an nn editorial en on entitled entitled titled Past pait the Danger Point to scare BeMe the Mormon church out of Ita It attitude for or prohibition is the lie most mot flagrantly partisan move that we have seen for a long time Ume The editorial first pats tho the church churchon on the back for or not passing the prohibition prohibition prohibition law and then says s If tho the legis legislature legislature lature had hind passed the law there would have havo b been en a cry cr of o church Interference once ence on tho the part lart of non be bc because because cause tho the Mormons are so largely In inthe tho the majority In tho the legislature Now I nt that an tin argument What hat hatla is la to hinder people from front crying church I Interference If Ir it pass passed pasSed ed Certainly those legislators have hae a aright aright aright right to vote ote a iu is they wish regardless of ot church membership but It is only natural that wo we should hould expect a moral measure to be passed pas d by br them Just on the same ground that we wo would expect I it to be he passed if It the majority of tho the senate were composed of Methodists or Baptists for the tho simple reason that their early church training would nat naturally natI loath lend them to believe that they the I should support what Is for tho the best moral Interests of o all nil tho lie people It Ills is only natural to suppose that the tho present public altitude a of or their church leaders and their arguments should have some weight with these legisla legislators tors even If Ir they tho had by some mis ails mischance mischance chance missed a correct early carl training on the tho subject of oC temperance It would probably have hare such an nn effect on any nr church member but their voting for or prohibition would not therefore mean that they thoy had boon been coerced In any anyway anyway way wa by their church To the Impartial the vote as ag it stands simply seems to Indicate that those Mormon legislators who voted against t prohibition have havo not had hud an nn efficient church training on the sub subject subject subject of or temperance and It Is somewhat of a n reproach to the church whether deserved or noL not But Dut there Is nothing no to hinder both I Mormons and saying to I all these legislators who havo have voted I against prohibition Stand aside until you ou get got an aroused conscience on this subject We want s who will represent us better belter OUR FRIENDS THE SOCIALISTS While tho the socialists are writing against prohibition and thundering against our cause caUBO front from their platforms I the temperance people have havo ha vo all united for prohibition and are lr usually 11 51 all too busy bus working for what we want to tell our friends of ot their mistakes I But nut now make no mistake dear friends Almost to a man and woman you OU will find the temperance people In iii favor of referring every eer important question moral or otherwise to tho lie 1 people for or a vote vot Yes Yeso wo we believe In Inthe Inthe inthe the referendum We bellevo In the tho people being able to initiate any an law that a majority of oC them bent wants Wo We believe In tho the Ini mi Initiative And when an nn officer wont do his duty dut we bellevo believe he ought to lo be he put putout putout putout out of oC office by a vote oto of o the people Wo We believe bellove In tho the recall And some somo of or these days the tho social socialists socIalIsts if ts will wake up and find tind that wo we havo hare not only anly secured prohibition but I that we bare havo secured a whole lot of or things tha they themselves wanted but hut have havo been so 30 busy bus criticizing oth others I ers erS that lint they thoy tho have time to real ly I 1 work for them Ulem in an effective way Dear D ar friends it is easier casler to work for what you want than to work against a what somebody else wants Try lu ii I SUBMIT IT TO THE PEOPLE U it was suggested by b Senator Badger of o the lie Utah legislature that tho the ques question lion ion of or prohibition ought to bo be sub submitted submitted to a l vote YOlO of oC tile the people Although ho h did not net say aa w se but be being being ing opposed to prohibition It Is to bo ho Inferred that he thought It would not carry carr if I submitted to a J vote vole Well Veil we wo Just JURt dare daro the tho Utah legisla legislature turo ture to submit that list question to tho ho people If It the llIO people of oC Ogden Ogdon are arc any fair air sample of the tho whole state I prohibition would carry Tho Time people of this state who ate aTO not Jot In the Iho liquor business have some somo vested rights too although twelve of oC senators do not seam to think thin so Their rights are vested In theIr families and thoy they are aro more sacred rights than the vested ested rights of tho the liquor dealers Yo YOA by all moans just submit it to the people Daro Dare dare daro Double darel BY WIRELESS WI r The Latest Latent If f wo we are aro correctly informed by a little bird this session may mar yet et give ghe Utah state prohibition by hy submitting an amendment to the constitution to that effect to bo be voted on by h tho the people It is said that a majority of oC tho the senate Is IB willing to submit the ques question question tion to a n vote ote of ot tho the people Jf If l this is true tru it Is la good news Constitutional prohibition Is as ns much hotter batter than mere more legislative prohibition tion as local option is bettor than leg legislative regulation of oC tho the saloon In tho Ito hands of the people Is where tho the question belongs We Ye believe bellec that thal It would carry cart by a It very large largo ma inn majority But If It it should not It would certainly go to prove that Utah wad wat not yet vet ready for the law for or tho the pee peo people popie pie must bo le back of It to make mako It ef cr effective But we have hae no fears tears Hand us our trusty trust ballots and the sooner the quicker SOME THEY MISSED I WIllIe While It was impossible of oC course I for or the tho dally daily newspapers to print all nil the notable utterance of or Lincoln they thoy thO thOI missed some flome that wo we feel boy thoy tho should I not nolo Wo We clip these from Crom his biography phy THE ONE GREAT LIVING PuN PRIN PRINCIPLE CIPLE OF ALL DEMOCRATIC GOV GOVERNMENT GO IS THAT TIlE THE REPRESENTATIVE I IS BOUND TO CARRY CARRYOUT CARRYOUT lOUT OUT THE KNOWN KOWN WILL OF HIS HI CONSTITUENTS Lincoln to Mr J LB B Therwin April 11 14 1865 the morning before his as assassination s After reconstruction tho the next great question will be bo the overthrow ot or o tho ho liquor traffic I That wo we here highly resolve that this nation under God shall have a now birth of freedom and that tho government of o the people by b tho the people and for the tho people shall not perish from rom tho the earth oarth The Tho people aro arc tho the rightful l masters of both congress and tho courts not Dot notto Dotto to overthrow the constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert IL it The Tile purposes of ot the Almighty are aro perfect and must prevail though wo we 0 erring mortals may ma fall to accurate accurately I ly I 1 perceive them in advance Let us have faith alth that right makes might and In that faith alth let lot us to tho ho end dare daro to do our duty as we under understand understand understand stand It ItI ItI itI I have havo changed my mind I dont clont think much flinch of a man who is not wiser today toda than ho was yesterday Gold Is good g d In Its place but living bravo brave and patriotic men are aro better beLler than gold For thirty years I r have havo boon heon a torn lorn perance man mon and I am too old to change I This country countr with its Institutions belongs bolonEs to tho the people who Inhabit it |