Show i I ENJOY ENJOYABLE ABLE H I EVENT OF i r Hu Hui YEAR i ANNUAL RE REUNION REI REUNION I UNION OF CHILD FAMILY I I II I I I i ii i i Family F my Traced Back B to Benjamin J i Child Who Emigrated to America In 1830 1 i I 1 j i I The Tho annual reunion of or 1 the tho Child family faintly of o this thu city elt and vicin vicinity I Il l I ity hr which was held at Riverdale alo Fob Feb February flUry 22 2 proved ono of the hc most en cu I events of or that nature which j tho tiro members of o this family have havo yet ct hold during their long Ion residence In InI Utah The morning session was WIS large largo largely ly lr taken up with tho lie appointment of or orI I I committees es tho the sustaining of or officers and voting upon othor other matters malters before J tho rho meeting A dinner was then partaken of fol followed followed J lowed by b an Interesting program rend rond rendered rod ered by lJ b various members of or the family famil r rI I A short address was given by C U ChilI Child In which he ho traced the family 1 from tho the time of Benjamin Child who I I came alto to America from Great Britain In the year car 1630 Phoebe Richardson I II I I then gave gao a brief brier talk to the assembly I which wag was followed b by bv a comic recitation recitation I I tion by Iw J G Child Chilli a duct duet by bv Nora Xora and andt andI I t ti I Nary Mary Allen and step dancing by Chaun Chauncey Chauncey cey Child and Glenn Stokes b F D Richardson gave a n brief ad acl address dress and was followed by br Henry C Child Jesse A Child and Andrew Bing Bingham Bingham ham In a vocal trio John C Child Chilli rend read a letter lotter recently received re elved from Julius C of SL Louis who de lie desired sired Information regarding the Child family together with the names and I addresses of those residing In this vi vicinity viI vii i Charles Shaw Martha lartha Shaw 3 J I I Mrs Nellie Porter and an Eva Ea Child Chilli then thon t I contributed solos and recitations and Henry T I Child a step dance E C Richardson gave ave a brief hilet talk lalk which was followed by b the Ule singing of Amer America AmerIca America ica and und the announcement that the woman with tho the largest number of or children to attend tho the meeting In 1910 would be awarded a prize the contes contestants contestants tants of o course to tobo bo be members of tho the Child family After ACtor partaking of sup supper per pcr which had been bel n prepared In hi tho flue mean local while tho the guests adjourned to tho tiro assembly ball hall and spent tho thu re rc remainder ot of o the evening In tinning dancing In the course of or his hi remarks regard regarding regarding ing tho thy history of the tho Child family amil C CU CU CU U Child said In part This book hoole which contains tho the gen geu genealogy of or the Child family so HO far as a we have havo It was compiled by b Elias Ellas Child of or Utica N Y who spent three years cars of his time besides about in money mone to obtain tic the Information which we ba have e In this work front Mr Ir Child through his liis l s energy and perseverance mice has given us liS who are arc assembled here today tola the tho Information which enables us liS to 10 trace an unbroken line of ot ancestry back to the year 1630 or for Cor a period of or years cars It appeals from a perusal of this work that Mr I Child was wag unable to trace any tun relation relationship relationship relationship ship between our ancestors of C America and and those of the same name namo in Eng England En land Jand Although ho lie 11 found several and some very cr prominent people thero there who bore boie the name namo of Child ho could find no ell dl direct relationship between them and rind the first emigrant who came from Great Britain to America in to the tho year car 1630 Ephraim Ephram Child born in n England In 1693 1593 came to America In 1630 accompanied as seems scorns probable by bar his nephew Benjamin Child Mr r Ephraim Child Chilli who settled In Watertown Mass was a man of considerable prominence In colonial affairs and was wasa a personal friend of or Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts He died dIe dIeon on the of or February 1663 Ho was not generally believed to have hae haelen left len any descendants ts to bear his namo He left a will however In which ho he homade made Ephraim Child son fon of or Benjamin Child one of or his principal heirs First generation The genealogy of or orthe the Utah branch of the Child family Vho are assembled hero here today tocla begins with Benjamin Child who emigrated from Great Britain to America in n 1630 and who by strong presumptive ei 01 dence was the tho nephew of o Ephraim i Child hild whose will I have just read to you rou rouThe The time or place of Benjamins marriage is not known Neither is the maiden name of his wife known All the Information we have havo in this re respect sp ct is that her name was Mary lar larThe They The settled In tn Roxbury Mass where a family r mUr of 12 children ren was born to lo them He died the day da of or Octo October October October ber His oldest son Ephraim who was the heir hell to part of or the estate of Ephraim Child mentioned In his will and md who was serving sering under Cap Captain Captain tain tamn Beers Been In what was WIlS known as asKing asKing King Phillips war was w ts killed in bat battle battle tle the by hy the Indians at nt Northfield Mass September 23 1676 16 5 Second generation The next In Inthe inthe the line of ancestry was Benjamin Child Jr second son and anal child chilli of Benjamin and Mary Child of Roxbury who was born In Roxbury In 1656 Ho married Grace Morris on the of or March 1668 They The had llad 12 children He died riled the tho of January 1724 his I wife having died tho the year previous Third generation Tho next In lino IIno of our ancestry nn estry was Ephraim Child first child of Benjamin and Grace Mar Mor Marris Morris ris Child born In Roxbury Mass Ia s De Do December cember 18 1683 and who married Priscilla Harris In 1710 1 Ho died No November No vember ember 22 1759 liS About the tho time of his hrs marriage he lie with six of his broth brothen or en moved moed to Woodstock Conn where ho became a very vary l prominent man was one of or the first of or tho the early earh defenders of or colonial Interests In 1763 1753 he held a commission as ag lieu lIell lieutenant lieutenant tenant In company 17 Eleventh Infantry Infant infantry try t in ill Connecticut He lie was also ac live In i revolutionary evolutionary ry struggles for In ln Fourth generation Ephraim Childs first child of o Ephraim mud and Pris Priscilla cilla Harris Child born bora in Woodstock January 15 Hi Jill 1711 married Juno Tuno 20 1734 l 34 Mary Lyon He lie died September 12 13 I 1775 l G They The had four our children Fifth generation Increase Child Chi hi mv His JIl great grandfather second child Ephraim or of and Mary r Lyon I on Child Chilli was born horn In Woodstock Conn December 13 1710 tilO iU married Olive Olho Pease No Novem Noem November em ember ber Iw 3 1763 Ho loo died June Junc 10 1810 They had nine children He was a avery avery very Yer prominent man iu lu his day Jar In 1775 when Israel Putnam was com corn commissioned captain in tie French war young Increase Child though thought scarcely 10 16 years ears of age In response to a call for volunteers was one ono of the first to be bo enrolled and served through tho the sex seven en years campaign of this warlie war He lie fought In tho the battles of Crown CrownPoint CrownPoint Point find amid At Al the timo time of Putnam capture In lu 1706 1756 1 6 young Child wits was marching near him When the war broke out ho lie en enlisted enlisted enlisted listed under General Schuyler as RS cap cal taut taliu Under Generals Schuyler S huler and md Gates he served through the war and obtained au an honorable discharge c When tho revolutionary war was ended ho lie moved with his family to Stillwater Saratoga county New York orl where ho he died ded Sixth generation The next was waa our nUl great groat grandfather Mark Anthony Child third son and anti fifth child of oC In Increase Increase Increase crease rand ami Olive Pease Child bron in Stillwater Saratoga county N Y May Mar 10 1771 He married Hannah Benedict December S 1793 who died dle In ISIS After her hor death he married Submit Peacock He had hod 11 children by his first wife and u 5 by b the second Seventh generation Tho next was our grandfather Alfred Bosworth Child Chilli who was Wag as the thc second child rui l first son of Mark Anthony and Hannah Benedict Child born in tho tiro town ot ur Greenfield Saratoga county N Y 1 November 19 1796 March 19 10 1817 he married Polly Barber who was our grandmother and a d a highly respected lady ladr she was During her long Ion resi rest residence resIlience dence In to this country I 1 presume she sho was as well welI known and as highly re respected respected respected as any woman in the tho country And I believe bello there thero are arc many man living today who knew her and who will bear I me out In this assertion Our grand grandfather grandfather grandfather father Alfred Bosworth Child moved moe from New York in to Kirtland Ohio He staid there thero but a few fow I months when whon he left let with his family for Caldwell Cal county count Missouri He next came to Lee J e county Iowa In InIS IS ISH 17 he lie started farther west and norl set settled settled tied at or near n ar where Council Bluffs km Iowa a now stands On the of July Jui 1852 1552 he ho started for or Salt Lake Lale valley alley whore where he arrived on the first da ita day of or the Ule following October having hewing traveled In wagons drawn draw n by b oxen and cows over one thousand miles tulles across uninhabited habited deserts and mountainous country He lie died on tho the 22 of Decem December December December ber 1552 e eThus Thus we have hene a direct and unbroken line of ancestry dating back for a per pel iod od of 29 years or to the thc time when Benjamin tho lire first emigrant camo came from Great Britain in n the tho year 1030 1630 |