Show J U D DI Dat I at j EXAMINER TELEPHONES I I EDITORIAL ROOMS Ind and Phone two ring ringe No OS lS 1 4 I i Boll Sell Phone two ring No BB 65 j BUSINESS OFFICE 4 1 i Irv Phone one no ring No 58 ISI I It Self flod one ono ring No 68 5 J H TIlE THE ELEPHANT ELEP ANT BAR BARWo i iI I I I Wo carry tho finest ot of Domestic rind and Imported Wines Liquors and Cigars In tho city Our service la is latho I tho Bet Best J I H i J F SMITH CO I PROPRIETORS I I H CITY LUNCH ROOM I Good Place to Eat I Private tables tabIe for or ladles Indies j I Meat pies Individual The lic I Iii i Excellent dinners served arved Oc i Short orders day or night 1 I i Dont forget the tho place 25 St SL StI 1 I i i j NEW SPRING SUITS L ARRIVING DAILY DAIL Y I I IN ALL THE LEADING SHADES AND AD STYLES i YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD i I J i The T he Mercantile Installment Co 0 j ST HARRY Mgr f I I I Extra fr New Shirts for Spring and Summer added to our special Shirt Sale at each See our o r windows then come in to enjoy the rare opportunity KUHNS Modern Clothes Cloth s ii J TELL kO WASH AVE EVERYBODY SHOP 3 M AT 2365 I CHICKENS r re We Ve e buy and md sell pure juro bred chickens also al sell Incubators Brooders and Eggs for Hatching Barrows Cominis nion Co Doth Both phones s AMUSEMENTS Utahna Theater Moore Ethler Ethle Proprietors 7 Week Commencing Sunday March Much 1909 THE MOORE STOCK COMPANY in the beautiful heart story In five tivo acts entitled To Save Her lIer Honor lion or I Prize Matinee Saturdays Saturdays s Seats Seals on sale fale one ono week weel In advance at the thealor Both phones A Yost water motor 1511 cr will be given away Saturday Eve March All numbers number from rom Feb to March M good for or this thie drawing I H t j I I t The dearest suit you can buy nay be bc the tho lowest In price A suit sull wear or hold Its shape IB Is diar cIar no matter how little you pay for it IF WE TAILOR YOUR SUIT its first cost will bo ho no more than you ordinarily pay Us Its better lit its Ler ter wear Its permanent good shape however will make mako It really in tho end than any other suit sull you could COUil buy Come in and be You need a it new suit uIt anyway hy not have the tho best when It costs no nomore I IR more t tR R W ANDERSON St Ind md Phone Snively Hendry Electric Supplies Estimates Furnished An Alt work guaranteed We sol solicit solicit solicit your Jour patronage Phone Bell 2450 2150 Wash Yash Ave J SI 20 PER CENT REDUCTION Monuments and Hc MITCHELL BROS dont pay commIssIons to t agents sent but see lice ua WI Yard opposite City Cemetery Ce m etc ry I 4 |