Show 1 I f I I 1 I 3 1 j I R 1 1 C r I A f J 7 t r F I pt i 1 1 M i II I fe oft a I 4 Ji I d y c cI I r x 3 f ti a f 1 r f c i fear t r r r r r C I 1 A h N C p Jc r j i l r Ya t a wr wry l lI I y v rY r T 1 aS ri 1 ocr I i le Cap Cp TOP roI OI Coffee in oom Ii I I What the e Easter Easier after Trousseau Must Musi use Include nc u e ee ll I m The e Traveling Gown own Must Be e Incon Inconspicuous 1 I Something Besides ai a i J I Kimono for or Breakfast Wear ear t I lIE brIll are arc having hating their hour bour now I II I CriB t On hand band one meets thorn thom i I bless you one ml them t I They Ther are arc to be recognized In n minute by b P their faces tn by br the plump pocket pocketbook po ket j 1 hook book books II they carry and ond by tho the extravagant t l f they gleefully with ell evi evidently dently mUy no rio twinges t of ot the tiro unpleasant economy prick The little Easter I ster brides 1 It la ht I surely sorely good to sea Ilea them In I 1 youth nod nod happiness for tor fori i now as tho dainty Indian lyric goes The Tho young preen green grays grass Is springing t tt t And tho marriage month Is drawing very Only One Otic Oll Dress Dro In a n I lifetime A woman roman may be as os times dines n f as she pleases pi In those these advanced but she Abc may maybe be I n rent brido but hut r m I once Tho The widow end and the divorcee hove have no right to the brides sacred privilege c tho the fly Illy white sown gown own with a misty j N veil veli or to her symbolic flower tho or orange I t ange blossom llo Mm So the little Easter bride I i with true truo sentiment sacrifices something j cite clo If It need be and for once In her rate flops forth lorin in Ia 10 run luu tho ua u PIl noply anu au I sweet dignity dl of or n a real wedding dress I Would that every bride could afford I II to wear her wedding raiment but the I I 11 l once laying It away with frith lavender hud nud dear memories afterward but wedding I i I gowns cost a deal deaf of ot money and tho limo thoI I i average bride must plan hers with a II slew I I to Its doing duty on moor many mi on occasion J t after atter Its Initial i Satin Is Joi the tho approved material for the tho i r conventional wedding dress end II years cars satin wedding costumes co In their soft ort draped pet effects are arc supremely lovely I I I I I It i The model mode shown shorn D In today Illustration I Ii hoe bas a n draped skirt attached to n a bodice III i of ot rich lace face which In IA laid over oer a n little II yoke of oC Irish h crochet The long onh sleeves J i of or r shirred satin MUn add odd striking Individuality I I to to the tho gown The veil lell of or point dAlon j i i i coo con Is draped with orange blossoms blossom i I Too Many lInn Frocks a Mistake j I r f Tho rho Easter I Ister bride and Dod also 1150 tho the June t I j r bride will do well to Invest plentifully q t II In la dainty lingerie but not spend lavishly for tor frocks tr ks She Sho cannot well I very lery buy huy I 1 I Ahead for tor another n Inter season when j who known we may mo all 81 bo be wearing I curls and crinolines Paris predicts me mp II costumes London LO prophesies early I Victorian styles sLy Ie elso eiso eso Insists Inti 1st I that the th mode moje will bo be after neter the Louis XV period At any nn ante summer I I II Is III fleeting and n a host ho t of ot pretty foulards j i i pongees and linens linen which run Into nl I most as ns much money for the making ua UI I I I I most moil mOl substantial stuffs will not nOl be he ns nB asi i I satisfactory n start for the r sea sen son son on ns tw a n little bank bonk account In to reserve resene l Some essentials c there are arc which the I Z spring bride must surely purely provide un no less her honeymoon la is to bo be spent doing dol II Europe Euro or out on a n ranch much She must have In the first place beside n built bollt traveling unit suit of oC Forgo er o or mohair I one coat coot and skirt costume of oC cloth or pongee silk two hio afternoon frocks lu fu I dressy style n a couple of ot dinner gowns a dancing frock treek and n handsome evening wrap To these thelle really necessary Items may be added d as pretty summer Bummer I I frocke frocks an and nd d various dainty blouses as IlS tho lie summer Bummer plans call coil for tor torI I Tho Traveling Suit of ot I The going swore Is Ie almost il ns Df Important In to the the brides f estimation ns Ol OlI the tho wedding re I gown Iown Itself In her bel travel I 1 log ing In garb she sho bl Is to enjoy eoJ nv the thc m first fi t anil l faction of or her newly acquired a matronly I dignity And she sIlO may be quite sore sure th If It her complacent reflection lint she Is II Isnow now a n married woman traveling with her hr r husband Is li always paramount In her ow own consciousness nel the fuel fact Is b also patent to 0 nil all beholden So the thc wise little bride selects a travel trace traveling ing log suit Bult which while perfect t In cut an and style suit Is rather Inconspicuous n travel travelIng rave log Ing In suit NulL which will weather dust on an II dampness rain and sun Run nod and which will wl como come home from the wedding trip In good condition for tor or many monr n a weekend jaunt nil summer Pl colored stuffs In hard twisted c weaves are favorites with tailors now no I and though the traveling suit will whit bo be built simply mud even s se SC severely sorely verely It will not bo be ns as mannish In III I style as ns such ouch suits hove have been In other othery oth years y Buttons little Bilk all Ilk neckties and ond particularly tho the long close clos lilting fitting nUl sleeves lee give Ie the spring coats coals a distinctly feminine character and though thou the lint lines do 10 not define the figure hut but h mi n effect from bust hust to tOJ knee there Is no hint of ot masculine loose loos looseness ness of ot Jit lt Sot Not ot Too Tuo Ilch n Color olot for Cor Traveling nJ Navy Nary aI blue failed faded cadet carlet dull stone slone green khaki brown of or course courso the Ole brides own color gray rl shades shale for this years nulls aults Tho Thu suit snit In III the tile photograph photo IK Is of oC stone gray Ira serge with braid trimmings smoked pearl buttons The Tho lapping front In waist waistcoat coat coot effect anti and tho the neck opening guilt guiltless guiltless less of or collar or lapel are arc distinctive features of this years best tailored gar Jar garments ments With thin stone steno gray m null snit hero thero In Is a n chip hat trimmed with n humid of ot velvet nud dark gray split os 03 ostrich ostrich plumes with undo under layers of ot blue split spilt ostrich the blue hhie strands showing ns as tho the feathers move with each passing breeze Mohair Suit Satin the Fail In Purls The newly discovered process by hr which mohair and wool threads cnn can bo be mingled to take dyes dyed In soft and beautiful 1 color Ings In has ban lifted to the p class among fabrics Some of or these th ge new non mixtures have hoe been taken up e by II Paris tailors who commend the th lightness of oC the mw nee I I stuff ns as wall well ns os Its Us dust lust resisting qualities Qua II 6 From F n u veritable princess among tailors for women comes n a de do little going suit stilt of oC clove dovo gray wool and mohair built on straight ht lines nod anti decorated only with Hues lIu of oC crowd crewel embroidery tho coarse needlework with which our mothers were wen familiar The rho coot cent of oC this suit f calls to tho the knee and Id fe hued through throughout out with chiffon In thu the soft dove gray shade Top Coals Alno Alao of ot Sometimes n a arises which line hns the or of being litIn n a really practical style One of or these commendable fancies of ot fashion is the top op coat which lies has made its It appearance title this winter In hi BritIsh looking as nil well cell an III lit in smooth faced cloths Tho ho top tOIl coat lOa t covers cowers the th frock from t om neck to hem beta but la ls not lIot to be confused contused for tor nn on Instant with the an nn ulster or even the he Ux lo louse sc e anti nud motor coat coot though undoubtedly summer top tOl coats of or mohair or linen lineD will bo ho for Cor motor wear The very ery smart toOl toi to coat Is la cut on Oil rather line but It has hag a I shapeliness dash h find nud swing unknown to the motor ing 1111 coat cont which Is iii It designed simply to keep out dust It Is trimmed with rows roIn of or big self covered buttons null and there thoro r n 8 t j Q O t t S c ct t t t I y ya I t w G 2 AJI I 1 a j I 1 J J f 1 7 d x sC yr j y I a at G Gr 1 r I l 1 r S fa b c r rn n V 1 f f S1 FN 1 y 7 T Tl t L l l fT t I t j t ar t 1 I Ly r c F FI Fd I d cG 1 1 a r n S LS V 11 ri i b ll y 1 r a I p I ti r Q tk r yr e R rl r rr I r i There e e lie e at air lease leas b i O one ll pl i 9 Lm LIP e It rOG C t r I 1 J it t I II t JP i A ArK cl T I rK L f i P l 1 tit t tI it k x I 14 I 1 G wv Od iS C r F a I t 5 f A jJ 1 L r J i iJ J j r j I 1 i iJ J Tit Tiie tf Dr a ni 1 1 l II l E r I are turned back blek cuffs and oud a n turnover col cal collar lar fastening with wilt a n hoard board silk tic the Such uh Sucha uhn n a coat cont made of ot stone atone gray gruy gru silky sll mohair will 1111 be b worn by the tho t he Roster Caster r bride over light hl silk Bilk lingerie rocks frock during the summer anti will III be he useful on nn the tho warm autumn days when 1 1 light cotton gowns 11 S look fibs r l l the he woollier weather Is too sultry for tor the crisp fall tall suit of wool When hen ho eho Out Oil The Tho spring spring bride ins hns little lit tI need rJ of or elaborate evening costumes By Cy tho loo time the wedding wet ln trip trill Is III over orI and the thu young youns pair rare aro hack beck In town society hits has IIII gone genie to sleep for tor the so till far nf as urban lire re ami except for n low fus June taking place In the tho day time limo there wIll be lie no call Lall for the glad glud Iu clothes of or the tile troU enu Two pretty dinner gowns there should be for tho limo bride will Inevitably be bs dined anti and wined whined ninny limps tumor dinner gowns need not be of ot expensive ma lOa tennis but hut they should ho ilo graceful and smart with trailing and one be ho In effect the time theother other laving having a n high h yoke of lOt some very ur sheer material for Cor or hear or for Informal dinners gowns Downs must ho be In effect If JC there Is lit a n bodice 1 of or sheer cheer m nitric It t must match Ibo tho color of lOr thu skirt t exactly mint n a high girdle or shoulder straps must tho the whole gown Idea Iden Nothing Is III In worse wo taste for tor dinner wear than barn the Iho separate waIst rind and skirt suggestion The Black Fro I n Dinner Standby This year black Is extremely able next nest winter sinter promIses to sea Beo It In quite ns as high favor for tor Therefore the tho frugal bride will bo be b sure lire I to fO own wn nt rat n t least one on useful rul black dress soC of net lct or bier over IOn Black satin gowns are seen but Oils fabric Is II apt I In to make even limo tho Ih prettiest woman look several years yean older If IC unrelieved l liy by h any nn airy clouding of nf softer oter material mn The met metor or r should la ho M built over n r II a i satin frock molded melded to tJ the but hill the thu drapery I ro per should hang haug han straight from rom the bust or shoulder nud should l follow folio the clinging lines of or if the time Flounces i l ap ate absolutely out of et date and anil n o not or r chiffon frock no mat matter ter how haw prett It be he In to Itself would he marked us its II hopelessly sl out nut of ot dale date Gold slyer silver trimmings both bath very 11 effective with Ith black blat costumes and when nay nuy nf of this trimming In IR shown shoon on Oil onn n 11 gown Jon n II of oC gold Jold or silver ribbon to match should bu Ito worn In lu lb th hair Jet Is very vey cr fashionable anti many of ot tho the smart black costumes for gaslight wear rear laws Jot Jet bended panels lauds sequin sewn emit tOil foe surplices or net lIet skirts embroidered with cut emit Jet beads Jet trimmings how however however ever must be he very eQ skillfully managed or It will suggest middle ago ngo end and pon 1100 ponderous derous deC matronly dignity F Fry One Ono For I or wear over oer tho dinner lInner frock frO tin in III fact net to give Iru Inestimable service on hundreds of ol occasions oc there will swill bu hu n a 1 long Icing wrap of ot souse warm material either ot of broadcloth In n a smart ind not too dellento shade or of or satin trimmed with gold g nail amI Interlined with This Thill wrap will bo Lo made In capo cape style tle anti and v r An Evening L o of course Ls eM In I TOT Foy e Trip I I will 11 fall almost t to tho lira ankles The rhe capo cape shown Is la of IC dull rose roso ro o broadcloth und J from froll a n Somali yoke ole which If I iii v ex ended on one olle Of Or the f lIt Inlo a aIon along Ion long ong stole with and weighted hy by tassels eIS Thin fila 11 Ij cony he turned back baek iek to 10 sinew show hot the tho satin lining or It may mayi I thrown the shoulder anti allowed to o hang luini down rown the back bock of nt tho limo aipe attic Tho The Kii i t r Su Slimmer aim Frock So o n many mall pretty pr t Iy costumes mAY bo lie evolved ut at trilling when one olle plans with summery fabrics that thit tho the spring bride rinds finds It herd hard to tn decide on specific anti colors the time oC pretty things displayed In the steeps shop She Sha should select nt at least I t two cent anti skirt suits aults of or linen one In n medium hoto for outing wear rear and tho be other oilier In inn rose rone ro e mauve or some somo other dainty color for dressy wear Tho limo latter salt Milt If Il muro mudo with a n princess frock anti antia a n long Iou cont cost trimmed with buttons button will prove n II very cr useful summer costume for tor weekend trips rlpH t A little dregs of ot pongee ponce or foulard silk slit will servo seno for tor mOn runny many occasions of oC course courm there will bo lIo nt at least one very ery dainty frock with snow white lint hat and to match mutch Pretty Morning Frocks FroH Should lie Ile cred Lacey negligees i will not lIot provide a n suf sut sufficient equipment for fr or the tho hours bours before ceremonious Is II Many a love l e Is disillusioned by tj slat Hint slatternly t breakfast garb ninth n a i plc spit nail and span slain PS itS IS cent cornea comes nearer n the tho average nerD man mans o Ideal of ot n trig trl little morn morning mornIng ing outfit than lhnn the lire most moot engagingly bc be bo frilled peignoir So tho time n wl Iso o little J bride keeps her lur nail 11 blue ribbons for her boudoir nod nud starts out on ou her new ne homo If with n 0 plenty of ot dainty yet ret simple little lit Io morning dresses dr anti and easily donned damned blouses Sot ot And for wear there will certain certainly ly IT be beto In the welt well supplied n host ho t of or bewitching negligees warm linn net nel and albatross dressing gowns gown trimmed trim trimmed med with lace Inco nud hand embroideries I cool 01 of ot dotted swiss lawn or printed organdie n gay kimono of ot Q fl ly i ercil silk and frivolous little to sill blip 1111 on when one docs does ones cures hair heir And Anil speaking of or doing ones ODOS hair haira n somewhat lengthy process In these th e of ot mini puffed coiffures every bride should provide heNelt with whim ono OM of ot tho the fascinating tUl orm ulle breakfast cops en III A picture of ot one ono of oC these pretty cap caps Is shown fI ho 1111 and almost any nn girl gift I IcI clever cI er with her needle could make ono exactly like 1110 It A puffed crown of ot sheer lawn lown Is I attached to a n straight strip of at eyelet celet embroidery Insertion long tabs of ot the thu embroidery |