Show THE GILL LAND DEAL City Attorney Do De Vine In ln his ver vor version r slon sion of or the Gill works real ad advances adi i vances ances very or little argument and vol volunteers voli i but a modicum of Information F which would tend to clear the city ad nd administration administration IIi Ii I I ministration of tho the suspicion of oC hav II f Ing Ine Juggled tho the whole water deal II I II What Mr De Do Vine says sas Is more in tho the thoI I I nature of oC exculpating the tho Ogden I Waterworks company from any charge of double dealing and no doubt the part played by br tho the private corpora corporation corporation tion was free freo from any Intent at wrongdoing but Mr Ir De Do Vine does doos not explain o why wh the records In tho County Recorders were allowed to proclaim pr to the people during the water bond election what seemed to tobe tobe be 10 a fact that the tho Gill property was wasu wasn u n part of ot tho the water system which the city of Ogden was about to purchase II when ho knew to tho the contrary that I Ithe the tho records wore were proclaiming an un untruth Untruth truth I I i There are those who declare Mr Do De DoVine Der r Vine Tine during the tho water campaign as asserted asserted assorted I sorted that tho the Gill property was part I of 01 the waterworks nt works system Even Een I though ho he did lid not in an affirmative way wn lead 1 the tho people to believe bellee the i GIU GUi wont with the system he ho negatively deceived them for tor he be should have ho taken advantage of the first opportunity to sot set tho the public right and that opportunity presented itself when tho the Gill Gm land was by others as being among the tho nets assets of ot tho the Ogden Waterworks W com company compan pan pany Tho The discovery that the tho Gill land transfer although made part of the tho deed from tho the company to the thie city means nothing has haa cast casta a cloud over oer every act in that whole I transaction and It has haG caused the pee peo people I IpIe plo pIe of o Ogden Ogdon to ask askas as does doe Mr Ir i Ace Agao who replies to Mr De Do Vine I I how many of these theo equities escrows rows or options are arc still sUII to be 00 settled for tor forat torI forat I at per escrow |