Show 1 AT THE TIlE GLOBE ROBINHOOD ROB ROBIN IN HOOD You have hae read It Dont fall Call to see GOO ItA It ItA ItA A Good Story AND THE COAT CAME BACK The funniest thing yot yet All about a district Judge HYPNOTIC SUBJECT THOMAS BIRTHDAY AN INDIAN ROMANCE THE MAN MONKEY Antl Theory All strong features fe THE GLOBE Lewis Shoe Market Retiring From Business Every pair of mens boys bos girls childrens and In tn Infants Infants Ca ts Shoes Oxfords or Slippers to close at way below value Everything must go nothing re rc coned Its its complete Its our finish in tho the shoe business In Ogden Stock and fixtures for sale You know tho the place by hy tho the yellow signs and the crowds 2343 Wash Ave Aver AveIs i I li t I Y I r l lr lr r r df Y Is tho tiro character of tu j transfer wo we supply cur patrons patrona Prompt reliable and low coat Any Limo Ume you say Bay woOl bo be on your jour Job fob and handle It expeditiously MJ and well 22 or yours ALLEN TRANSFER CO 1 r WiVi PEARCE P CE PIONEER FOUNDRY MACHINE WORKS Manufacturer Iron and BraB Drua c Cast t I Ino Shafting Boller Boiler and I Tank Work and nd all I kinds kind of MB Ma Machina chino china Work 2 2651 1 Wash h Avo Ave f tI ns Bu Bui i I d w V J Your Y Tiie Is Short r r c Ii x 1 1 The Opportunity that i i Our Great Lease Expiring Sale 1 I Offers you to o Save Money Closes on the s I HAVE SURPRISED E YOU BEEN HERE IF NOT BE SURPRISED AT THE PRICES THAT WILL PREVAIL ON ALL MENS AND h B BO BOYS 0 YS S THINGS TO WEAR UNTIL THE TENTH i I I GET BUSY I ITHE I THE Ogden e and n neoe i 4 eoe r g SEEDS SEEDS I IDo Do you know you vou can buy all kinds of Field Garden and Flower Seeds cheap at Barrows Commission Co CoAll CoAll CoAll All tested fresh seeds seed I S I a L BEp r S 1 i a S FURNI RE d oy IL l c pU HM c Z 6 6 r FI to c ci 8 9 ae Eli t t i III 4 SPRING GOODS ARRIVING ARRIVING J TRAINLOAD TRAINLOAD I TO TAKE CARE E IMMENSE WHOLESALE ti 1 AND RETAIL TRADE 11 Six cars during the past week wee car of o Dressers geysers Ranges an es Linoleum Cupboards Wall a Paper Pape Paper Iron Beds eight cars on the way due tie here ere within the next ten days car o of Baby Carriages due Monday or Tuesday T ues ay car o of I Chairs second car of o American Amer can and an English Printed r 1 an and Inlaid ino second car o of Foreign and an i i Domestic Wall a Papers p fourth car ar this year o of Simmons immons Brass and an Iron Beds and an Steel tee Couches and an Springs car of o Buffets China ins Closets car of o Dining Tables an and a car cat of o Mixed Mixed Furniture including Parlor Goods and an Novelty Furniture o of Every Kind Special Spec e aJl Low Price e Sale of r e Rugs u from the e Wo e eJ Jo J Sloane Coo o New Y orko LIY e These Rugs were purchased at a special low ow price p rice if i we x e bought the quantity Y and an being the only Ogden firm capable of o ra handling such a large quantity weon we are area able a to make some very interesting prices on these the e beautiful bea weaves ib ibon I 35 Value In Axminster Or Rugs full Superior Axminster Rugs of extra quality 2250 size extra special value th IB la week t Very long Iong nap and considered one of the best Rugs in the Axminster fabric Sold 30 Value Rugs In beautiful bea floral flora and 2000 2 0 O 0 j Oriental de designs igns size 1 81 16 at lJ throughout th h OU t the t h e country from f rom 35 to 25 39 Special low price this week 21 Size Sire Tapestry Rugs Rug 1500 35 Value 06 Superior Axminster 2250 22 o e 1850 Size 8 16 Tapestry Rugs Rug 1350 13 e eY 50 Y I Our ur showing of o Rugs an and Carpets is is larger arse and finer than a ain n ever before and an is is without doubt the most varied I in in range rang e 0 of patterns and an prices p pu vices than was ever ver on display in in our city We e ca call especial attention to tot the e u n ar Wilton Rugs and an Carpets M J tits s Rugs and an Carpets r and an a varied selection from the Bigelow Carpet Cov Co Alex ex Smith Carpet Co a and an the Sanford Carpet Co o If you would buy at the head headquarters headquarters head S quarters q carters an and nd get the right price and an the right selection see us s EV Ever Y thin g Marked M in Plain Figures BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY s REm S 1 r r r a a aj j |