Show acE J r L J q 1 f V Vj f j F j I U I I t oI 1 i 4 h Y I 1 f N Y I Si L r r Vi i J rt J c It I Ic IF 7 i 7 j jIt J JI 1 F c l f l i J Ii t fi aa rr i ll I Ii i ic I J rt w ii r t k iC fr jt x a ar P tw iT iTi c v vM 6 J f r M i i t j 4 w K 1 1 r l r rc c af 3 1 c rm t y f H l if h c l r i Mt iii f U l v i ss S f ia S l ti x xi h d 4 w l 1 l J r 7 S f 1 w W i i a i iA t th ll JJ A Tr r IC I t r f x I mca l Z p L I F J j L I Il I HD HO American republic us os becomes s sn l C n nation with supposedly democratic Ideals Mellis In la I not much given hen to that pomp and splendor which characterizes the tho ceremonies c nt ot monarchic monarchial courts Nevertheless tho sovereign people p and the notional national government do cooperate onto every el rr tour four years to produce on an Im Impressive pr spectacle t clo that In II Imposing pa Pd pageantry pageantry I Is le quite the peer of or any state function to ho j witnessed w anywhere In the Uio world Tho The occasion for Cor or thin this climax ur of popular display la le tho the Inauguration of ot n president of the United States s and ond since f there thew Is always greater popular Interest nod and n moro more elaborate program when then n President In la Inaugurated for tor a now term terra than Is the case eos when whenn n Chlof Chlor Magistrate Is h Installed In for tor a 0 second term It goes without Baying annum that the Inauguration of or 1000 to be particularly furthermore each Itc ara surpasses Its pr om aa os a 0 mono mon monster rooster ster ter tree free show chow This Thle Is I b right and ond natural al 01 since the nation Is In constantly con pro progressing gree gressing ing i the population Increasing and the prestige of or the Presidency y growing As AI tho the only criterion by which to measure In advance the tile Inauguration of at 1000 Itol compared with that of former years It may be mentioned that the fund which has been raised for this years spectacle cUelo has bas reached much nearer III the tho walk mark than on any previous pr similar occa occo occasion occasion sion Ion Just here berc It may mar be well lo to explain ex explain plain that the i citizen of oC the national capital who ploy piny pin hORta to Incoming officials nail the Inaugural throng rolO tho tin money moneT for t r Americas greatest spec spectacle tate by popular subscription very lery much muchas ns DR funds are raised for tor worlds lairs fairs and ond other big bl events Ae As a n matter motter of or fact the Washington l to this thili expense fund In Invariably variably get their money back after the Inauguration for tor tho the thousands of or people p who pay PO J each to attend that crowning glory the Inaugural ball roll up a 11 fund that not oot only defrays the expenses of oC the ball boll Itself but reimburses cs tho con COli cons to the general fund fond Nevertheless less this popular subscription lo is n a very lery necessary means menne to nn an cod end for Cor the tile Inaugural ball boll admission tees fees arc not In hand blind until close clow clo to March arch 4 whereon whereas the spending of ot money on Inauguration preparations begins months montha In 10 advance An As 8 a 0 matter of oC fact the prelude to this stupendous one show Is found In more mOM than two months of or hard un J remitting work worl on the put part of n a large Inre number of at public spirited men The Tho first step In preparation for tor the ushering Into ollice of at a 0 Chief Executive la is taken when Ihen the chairman of oC tho thu na un national notional campaign committee of the vie vic victorious party porty appoints appoint n a chairman of or tho the Inaugural committee who Is In effect the tile general manager of ot tho the whole spec re spectacle mete This rids year National Chairman Hitchcock Hitch Hitchcock Hitchcock cock of ot the time Republican committee chose for tor thin this responsible post his lilo friend B E EJ BJ J a banker of or prominence at the sent Heat of or government To create the tho extensive machinery for tor handling an nn Inauguration the Inaugural chairman chooses the members of oC n 0 SIn gen general eral cral Inaugural committee several dozen Ioen strong stron and noll most of ot these th e men In turn become the tile chairman of ot subcommittees of ot their own ou selection These sub subcommittees committees have hove respectively r Jurisdiction over overall all the various lines linea of ot activity that go Jo goto Joto goto to mac ionize up au an Inaugural show For in instance Instance stance there are ore committees on decora decorations lions on fireworks on street Illumination on reviewing renewing stands on badges and on n a dozen other brunches branches of or tho time subject The result ot or this rather complex organization tion Is to permit of ot a n specialization that Insures perfection of ot detail The one factor of oC uncertainty that ef eC effects t tR the success of at on nn Inauguration one that cause eA no end of speculation and on un uti easiness eU Is 11 the tho weather For weeks be boo before before fore torp the time Bureau IR in besieged with requests for tor forecasts and prophecies Tho national capital being In effect n a Southern city cHi and ond climatically unique even een In 10 the South Is s usually treated to mild and open winters but even hero March Is 18 n a treacherous month and his history history tory records that she fOlIC has hOB bestowed etol d ri a win wintry wintry try tr nod ungracious un welcome upon more than one ODe president pr In 1811 President William Henry Harrison on caught his biB braving the elements element when In accordance o with custom and ond tradition be he took the oath of ot oUke otice standing In the open on the East EHst front of ot the Capitol When Lincoln was Inaugurated the first time the streets were seas fens of o mud mad and It was wan raw row and cold cole when wilen he be took tool tho the oath of ot for tor the second time temperature was near zero when hen Grant GrantA GrantIS u A as IS i Inaugurated the second time line President president dent ent Benjamin Harrison was wan Inaugurated In a n driving oln and Grover Cleveland delivered his second Inaugural address standing bareheaded In n Il blizzard On the other hand presidents Hayes nye McKinley and ond Roosevelt had lind fair weather F k a 1 7 If r t lit l r r lJ f jr f J ti f 4 r ruie kr tt uie t y j jS S n k Y a 1 r P tr 1 y 5 vis Arf t iSit tl s t 1 r s y D Dt It 1 t v vr M y w r tx 7 rA f l VU v r G ac rt fJ r S s J O l d c C he maat j a cy z It Tt Is because of oC this tula bugbear of ot uncertainty uncertainty as 09 regards the weather timot win windows windows dows overlooking king the route of oC the tho great reat parade command n premium on 00 the event eventful ful ul day do Prospective spectators can cnn se secure secure cure seats Beats on more or less pretentious re rc reviewing reviewing viewing stands nt at priced ranging nil the way from CO W rJ cents for n Il camp stool perched on top of or n a store bor box to 5 for tor n a parquet chair In the covered stand opposite opposite opposite site the White House and directly foe fac facing lag ing In the Presidents reviewing stand nut Cut all nil these stands are oro moro more or less Ics ex cx exposed posed II oiled to the weather Comfortably fur tur furnished furd l and well heated beutell rooms are nature naturally naturally ally oily preferred by persons to whom ex ox expense penile pense Is no object ct However Ilow ever It II Is dim dim IlIJ cult to secure me toe tn smartest window over overlooking overlooking looking Pennsylvania avenue for tor less les than thou 15 l or 20 nO and nud from that the tile prices range ronSe upward to 10 75 5 or per window There have I Ito been Instances when 1000 and 2000 was waa paid weeks before Inauguration for tor fora toro a o lease leose on large IorIo rooms with n number of ot windows overlooking the tho Av Avenue A Avenue There are cro four tour on the Inaugural rat ral program the exercises at nt the Capitol the monster parade the display of at mire lire works In the tho evening and the Inaugural ball boll All 11 save alo the last of oC these are arc treo to every citizen providing the sold cald citizen has patience and amid ont Ingenuity enough In lu buffeting crowds cro 9 to get within sight of oC the memorable moving picture Tho Inaugural ceremony proper which takes place about noon on the time steps of ot tho Capitol Is perhaps the time most roost dignified nail significant 81 feature of ot this busy days do lags All arrangements for tor the ceremony at ot the Capitol ore arc lu In the tile hands s of or an nn om committee consisting of ot throe three mem members members bers hers of oC the United States Senate and a tl similar number of ot This committee spends about In mak making ma lug ing lo preparations Including the outlay necessary for tor erecting on the till steps of or the Capitol n a monster frame structure with a I rostrum for Cor the President and seals Beats for tor distinguished spectators spectator By ny nn an odd coincidence ence Senator Knox who Is s to be ho secretary of ot state In the Taft cabinet 1 Is Il chairman of ot the special committee Ibid year eor and It IR is probable that his last duties ns as n Senator will wilt be he In this imper Important Jr Cant tant role Following the precedent established on similar occasions In the tho past post the Pres I dent elect will bo bt escorted to the time Capitol on Inauguration Day by bi time the committee on ou arrangements orr and will enter the tho Senate wing win I by the bronze door 11 00 r Ho no will go o di dl directly directly to tho the Presidents room where he lie will remain until the same Iome committee waits walls on him and escorts him to the Sen Senate Senate ate chamber Ho no will then occupy the sent seat reserved for Cor him In front of or the tho Vice Ice Presidents desk dek The procedure In the tho case capo of or the newly elected Vice President will be similar to that Just jest described e with the exception of or the fact that ho will ot of course cours be escorted to time the Vice Presidents room thero to await the opening of ot the time proceedings In the Senate chamber Just before the adjournment of ot tho mho present Senate the oath of ot office will ho I adminis administered terell to the new Vice President Ivy Isy I y the tho tb president of oC the Senate pro tempore Then after prayer by br Edward Everett Hale nale Vice fits President Sherman will deliver d lher his In inaugural augural address null administer tho the oath of ot elute to those whose terms begin on the same day da At the conclusion of oC the tho t organization of ot the Senate those assembled n In the theS Senate S nato chamber and Including all the foreign diplomats In iii full Cull court uniform will proceed pr t In carefully prescribed order through the rotunda of ot the Capitol to the platform In the center portico of oC oCtile the tile Capitol When nil all are assembled the tho oath of ot office once will be administered to the by b the Chief C lct Justice or In his bis absence by I y the lie senior Jus Justice justice tice present The President will then lien de deliver deliver liver lIter his Inaugural address At the con conclusion conclusion of or the tile address tho time President Is driven quickly to the White house and after n a brief Interval for Cor lunch takes his hlA place on the tb reviewing stand facing Pennsylvania avenue directly In front of ot the mansion to review the great parade The Ile retiring President rides with his successor to the Capitol I when the new ruler goes to take the oath of ot office once and heretofore It hiss hus also been customary for the time man who has been suddenly transformed Into an In ex to 10 Journey journer back hack to the White House with lilt Its It new tenant However Theo Thee Theodore Bore dore Roosevelt noo will 1111 smash precedent elent In Inthis this as In other timings things Ho lIo will not return to tho the White House HOD e with President Taft but hut will go direct from the Capi Cepl Capitol tol tot to tho mho railroad station and nOlI Imme Immo Immediately Immediately begin his hla hi Journey to his ids home borne at atO Oyster O ter Bay nn If It tho the situation of ot four years earB ago Is du Iu duplicated perhaps to OOOO spec Opec spectators spectators tutors will witness the administering of ot the oath of or office to the be new president on tho the cast front of oC the Capitol The rhe mon monster monster ster Iter parade being belli more dazzling ns n a spectacle antI and visible over oyer n a greater area will attract n a far for more numerous throng throne If It the weather Is auspicious year probably not less than people will watch the tile vast list army of ot civic and ant military marchers sweep up the twomile vista Isla of or Pennsylvania Avenue escorting the tho new president from Cram the Capitol to the tho White House and requiring four tour or orlive live hours to pass I In review before him The military and ond naval features arc are always al always ways the tho climax of oC spectacular achieve achievement achievement ment nail this year they will surpass anything of or tho the kind heretofore attempt attempted ed Il General licit Bell chief of oC staff BUrr of the I I i i seas r M E n i q f c t tr a R t tt t t y I Y 1 It a lr e efat fat ii y fr 1 1 g 4 4 1 c f t r r fi tra jc 6 X I vr tv HARRIS H A AH a O w 1 f of o we rr c 1 m I I United States 1 Army Armi who Is la the grand marshal of ot parade la Iii one ono of or the tho 1 closest personal friends trl of oC William H Tuft and he has spared no effort to have base havethe the military and naval show e ow eclipse nuy any anything 1 k thing of C the tho kind heretofore seen on this continent Upward of ot seasoned troops fresh from tram Cuba Cubs will have place i In the military division whereas the backbone of or the naval contingent will 1 comprise from 2000 2500 to trans from the tho principal battleships of or the Ille I round fleet representing tho the pick of or our globetrotting men raon The regular soldiery will bo be over oler overshadowed shadowed In point of ot numbers by tho the National Guard representing tho the great grent majority of the tho states stales of ot the tile Union and by a civic division that will encompass R marching clubs of oC all kinds from all nil see sec 1 of or the country The Presidents personal pe escort Is 10 al 01 always whys ways of oC great Interest to Inauguration I spectators Famous cavalry organize organizations I inns such KliCh as ns the First City Troop ot of I Philadelphia and Squadron A of ot New en famous ns os horsemen and ond ns as wear wearers ers of ot gorgeous uniforms seek Beck t hI honor This year car the distinction falls to the lot of ot the renowned Troop A of or Cleveland Ohio the crack cavalry or organization I of oC the middle West and which I served In n similar capacity for tor Presidents Presidents dents Hayes Garfield sad and the theother I iother other Presidents of ot Buckeye birth Cot CoU t Webb C Hayes son on of the late Inte ex cx President who wilo made arrangements for to 1 this years escort service by b the troop to 10 have hae ICO l O troopers In line each ench mounted on a horse 11 OIB e Tin fht night spectacle I of at Inauguration day lioy outshines that of oC the day tin On the Presidents F dents SO nero back yard In to the tho rear ot of the White House there Is the most pre pretentious r display of ot fireworks over oer de e 1 vied 1 and at It the same time tho mho streets adjacent to the White House time tho public buildings nail a n Court of oC Honor lIonor are I 1 I suddenly aglow n masterpiece of ot fan fantastic j I I electric Illumination This year will be spent on this electrical free fre show ns compared with ex expended ex 1 mended four years ago ngo At t the huge hUle Pen Pension L sion |