Show WilL fiG HT SPOKANE RATES I I Every Possible Means of Legal Obstruction will willBe willBe willBe Be Used Portland Ore March G The Ore Oregonian gonian tomorrow will say sa saIt It Is considered practically certain that every ever possible obstruction will be placed In the way of enforcing the Spokane rate case caso decision by b the railroads of this territory While rilo It Itcan Itcan itcan can not be learned definitely at pres pros present present ent If this step will be taken talton nor what process will be resorted to It is believed tho the railroads will fight the ther rate r te order just made and at least do de deJay dolay Jay lay Its effect to the utmost even If IC it cannot be defeated The Tho Spokane rate decision was or ordered dered to become effective May 11 a 1 1 This Is said by br nil all to be he practically Impossible The Tho readjustment and publication of tariffs made necessary by the decision causing the time checking over of all the rates to the territory affected will take months That this means menn of detail can an bo be arranged by bj May 1 1 is said to bo be out of or the ques question question question tion It is expected tho time committee will consent to the tho postponement of or the tho effect of the decision until a reason reasonable reasonable able time can elapse but this it Is thought will not satisfy the railroads It IB IR believed they thoy tho will apply for In injunctions junctions or take some ome other step to overturn the recent decision Meanwhile e the Portland chamber of oC commerce will bring suit before time the Interstate commerce commission for lower distributive rates out omit of Port Portland Portland land Suit will too be flied Hied probably with within in the next two weeks |