Show MICHIGAN LUMBER COMPANY CAPITALIZED AT Grand Rapids March G The Michi lUehl Michigan gan Pacific Lumber Jumber compan company capital capitalized capitalized lied at and owning acres oC of timber limber lands in British Co Jo Columbia lumbia was organized In this city eur yesterday All of time the capital stock Is I subscribed The acreage Is estimated e to contain 2 feet reet or of lum mm lumber bar ber a large percentage of or which is hard wood were elected as follows follos President O 0 W T Liken LilteD I Mich L C U Moore I Seattle The directors Include C P I Mon Men Monroe I Iroe roe W T Coleman and S M 1 Coch Cochran ran of or Seattle and 13 1 13 n Caldwell Coldwell or I Nosy New w York I |