Show TD OF JAPANESE N NAVY VY Tokio Monday londay Feb 8 Speaking In the tho naval na al section of the budget committee Baron Daron Saito Salto made the tho fol following following 01 lowing Interesting statement as to the actual condition and prospects of or the thena navy na Ships now on the active list Bat Bal Battleships 13 armored cruisers 12 other cruisers 43 destroyers 59 tor torpedo torpedo torpedo craft 60 G total 1 Ships in course of construction I Name ame of ship Class Date Dato of completion louki Ibuki armored cruiser 1909 armored cruiser 1911 l ll Tone despatch boat 1909 Akl battleship 1911 Satsuma battleship 1909 1 I Ships projected Battleships two armored cruisers three throe second class cruisers 1 sub submarines submarines submarines marines two 0 I |