Show A Church of the Good Shepherd Northeast corner and Grant avenue Wm W Fleetwood rector Services for Cor the Second Sun Sunday Sundar Sunday day dar In Lent nt March Childrens service a m Morning service and sermon 11 a m ra Evening service and sermon p m All are cor cordially cordially Invited to attend those these services First Church of Christ ScientIst Holds service at 11 a m In the new Masonic Temple Templo Washington avenue between and Twenty sixth streets Subject Man Ian Sun Sunday Sunda Sunday day da school at a n in 1 Wednesday evening testimonial meetings are held at S 8 p m The public Is cordially In Invited invited to attend these sen services ices Free reading rooms are open dally except Sundays and holidays from 2 to 5 p pm pm pm m In same building First Baptist B Church Located on Grant avenue between and streets Rev Rov H D Zimmerman pastor Services on the coming Sabbath March 7 1909 as lS fol follows follows follows lows Sunday Sundar schol scho at 10 Classes for all Prof Smith superintendent superintendent Divine worship at iLlS 1115 with sermon by br pastor Subject What Have Havo They The Seen In Thine House A service planned plan nod In preparation for tor tho the evening service Communion service and right hand hani of fellowship extended new members at close of worship Tho The B Y P TJ U will moot meet at C 30 In lu par parlors parlors lors lore of or church Topic Life Lessons fox for Me Mo 10 From the tho Psalms Loader Leader Miss Greene Greeno Consecration meeting Evening worship at 7 30 This wilt will bo be boa bou a u special service for tor parents Chief Browning of ot the police department will speak at nt this his service Young men and young younS women are urged to attend this service Special music will be a feature of the evening Special music Piano and mandolin duct Consola Consolation Consolation tion By B Mendelssohn Ruth and Ralph Johnson The Gloria Song solo Mrs Mra Irs H D Zimmerman chorus choir Regular church prayer meet meetIng meetIng meetIng Ing Thursday evening at Topic The IThe Secret of oC Some Somo Failures Ref Reference Reference Reference Matthew Matthow 1421 A cor cordial cordial cordIal dial Invitation Is extended strangers and visitors in tho the city cit elt to worship with wi thus us First Unitarian Church K P Hall HaJI over Utah National bank entrance on street William Thurs Thurn Thurston ton Brown minister Sunday preach preaching preachIng preaching ing service at p m rn Subject of sermon A Reason and anJan an Incentive for Cor Living I The First Congregational Church Noble Strong Elderkin minister Morning worship at 11 Sun Sunday Sunday Sunday day March ith Sermon The Con Conquering Conquering Law Lass of or Christs Kingdom Sunday Sundar school at 1215 p m Intermediate diate diato society 5 at 5 p ra m Senior Son lor society at p m Evening service at The fhe first of oC a series serl s of oC ser sex sermons sermons mons upon tho the problem of oC life Ufe after aCter death The Venture Upon Eternal Life LICe Music by b the Young Peoples Choir Swedish Lutheran Church Rev L IJ I B Benson pastor Services the first and third Sunday Sundar of oC each month Sun Sunday Sundar Sunday day dar morning at 11 II Mr A Norlin Nordin who travels In behalf of oC the tho Bethesda san sanatorium sanatorium erected by the synod at Denver will be ho present and anti Sunday Sundar evening the tho pastor will preach In English at S on the tho theme The Lord Jesus Christs Un Unwearied Unwearied Unwearied I wearied Diligence In Doing Good At M Atthe Atthe MI I the evening sen services Ices Miss borg will sing a solo ROO Sunday Sunda school at 10 a m Luther League LenUe at 7 p m Tho The confirmation class will meet Thursday afternoon at the tho church at 1 30 First Methodist Church 4 IS street Rev Re G W McCreory McCreer pastor 1000 a m 01 Sunday Sunda school Mr 11 B F J Newton superintendent There Thero are aro classes for all those for Cor the young oung people and adults being especially attractive 1100 11 00 morning worship Sermon by b the pas pastor pastor pastor tor topic The All Year Around Lent Anthem by the Chorus Choir The Lord Is M My 1 Shepherd 1330 I p m ax Epworth League of or Young Peo People People pie Misses Edna Middleton anti ami Ha Hazel Hazol zel zol Hufstetler leaders Topic Our Souls Bread There Thero will be special music A welcome to all p m Gospel service under the direction of the tho Methodist Brotherhood Members of or the Brotherhood will lead tho the ser sex service service vice reading the Scriptures and of offering bring fering prayer The pastor will preach Topic Can a Christian Backslide A reception to strangers will ho bo held In the church parlors following tho the service giving all a chance chanco to get got acquainted There Thore will bo be specia music by b the chorus choir accompanied accompanied accompanied by the pipe organ This will of Prelude Prelude In D Miss Jessie Welch elch anthem Praise God In His Holiness choir offertory Organ Reverie Miss Welch V soprano solo The Tho Lost oat Ship Miss MIse Frances Francos Van xan BuskIrk postlude Hall tho the Victor rictor Miss Welch First Presbyterian Church John Edward Carver pastor Morning wor worship worship worship I ship at 11 theme The Grace Groce of or Mom Mem Memory ory orr or Sunday Sunda school at nt 1215 1 15 En Endeavor Endeavor deavor dearer at Evening preaching at Theme The Tho Work of 01 the Re Reformer Reformer Reformer former and the Need and Possibility of oC Reform Morning music Prelude Impromptu Schubert Offertory In a n Gondola Bendol Miss Biddle Evening music Prelude Ava va Marie Gounod Miss BIddle Duct Tho Lord My M lr Sight Cleborn Miss Canady Miss Mies Il s Mitchell Offertory Nocturne G Minor lInor Chopin Miss Diddle Biddie |