Show BATTLESHIPS TO BE ASSIGNED TO DIVISIONS Washington March im 6 Tho battle battleships battleships r ships t of the Atlantic fleet will Mill bo be as assigned signed to the arlous various divisions on eu Monday The Tho Connecticut will remain time the flagship of the tho fleet being at nt the head of the time list The others in this division will bo ho the tho Kansas Vermont and amid the Louisiana In the time second division will be bo the I Minnesota alone for the present It Il Itis IlIs Itis is the time intention of tho time nay depart department department ment however to lo assign time the New I Hampshire Uio tho Idaho nail and tho the Mississippi sippi to this division when the t fleet reassembles The Georgia New Jersey Rhode Is Island Island land laud and the tho Nebraska compose time the third division while the fourth divis division divisIon division ion consists of the Virginia time tho Ohio the tho Missouri and the Wisconsin |