Show TEE SU ITS REPORT T 1 OGDEN WATERWORKS COMMIS COMMISSION COMMISSION COMMISSION SION BILL DEFEATED Committee Instructed ted to Work for Amendment to Proposed Des DesMoin DesMoines Moines Moin s Bill BillAL BillAt BillAt At AL the tho meeting of the Chamber of o Commerce last evening the commit committee tee appointed to lobby against the Ogden Waterworks Commission bill No reported that tho the bill had been killed l In Its report the com corn committee stated that tho the measure did not meet with a n favorable response Irom iron the legislators and that It ii required but little work worl on the part of lobby lobbyists lobbyists to defeat It The committee also reported that they ther had exercised their best efforts toward the tho enactment ona of tho pro proposed proposed proposal posed Des Moines bill which provides for tho the commission idea iden of or city cUr government gov gO eminent in the tho state of Utah Wah for titles cities of the first class hence If I the bill In Its presort present form were to become a law Ogden would not get the benefit of the legislation Tang Taking this mat matter matter mator ter or into consideration tho the meeting of ot the Chamber of Commerce concluded to propose an nn amendment to the tho bill billO so O that It might Include cities of or the second class The committee was as Instructed to re return return return turn to the capital and exercise their best influence toward having the tho proposed pro proposed posed amendment inserted In orte in the mea measure measure measure sure and then th n see to it Il that the bill becomes a law The committee was wasI also Instructed that In case the tho I amendment amen ment providing lor tor the law reaching to tho cities of oC tho second class should not be ba adopted they the should not exercise any Influence to defeat the bill in Its original form This committee is made up of Hyrum W L Russell and W M 1 Bos Boa Bostaph Those who attended the meet meeting meetIng ing In last night were very ery exultant over oer the fact that the Ogden Waterworks bill 1 had been killed i i |