Show lEV TilE I CUSTOMS LAW W Wr WJ J r Chicago March G GAn An Investigation I of what Is believed to be a huge eva ea evasion easlon evasion sion slon of the time custom laws Jaws in tho the ship shipment mont moat of o Oriental rugs ta tapestries etc eta to t the United States has been boen taken up by b District Attorney Sims on in information Information formation received today concerning the time seizure of or a consignment owned by Vital a New York Im ha Importer Importer porter The Time goods were iere entered at al atthe atthe Jhc the custom house at a valuation of or 2500 I Appeal has as been taken laken from the anI cial appraisement of or One deal deni denier dealer er in art goods ventured the opinion that the time rugs and tapestries might be I worth |