Show E JLJ CANNOT DETACH 1 111lit IIU IYll ter Or f al town at rrnl DIP city council met hwreannt In ml I jotirnmcrit on t Momlmr nlilil lue l laul I urn Mot the nmmll Mm the report nl HIP tpirini miiimitlMr Irolnl1 to look Into the llllon of J IL Italltt ol 1 > hliU for the rotting duo n of the ill Illlllto Mayor riflit 111111 the nrttu g to nnlr uml all iiwiiitwr untttiMil to roll cull After payer by Conni lltMii tt Ililu tin mlniili1 of the jitirlom nicttliii wnr rend and iirnYtd 111 lif vrhliii the frcUl ninimlttiM r Kr1td at folio 1 fol-io I 7 > < lAr nmmUr Vty rnuiJ Cfi win elf UmcrtKHiN 1 Your wvUt cum mlllte liftVlnu IH rliitnja a trillion lghrllvJ 1 IL IUII mil 1 other Mkln < IhMt a trrmln iltxrltivil portion of the Ivy 411 CunMllo be ilclmlifl Lucy beer Iu rrpurt tlini MM h tltlnn Burs I not Inert tliv trqnlremuiuof the Inw I VrtlriPlftof hallrr II I ol the 1111 tort el minim ralntliiR in tin Itivurimrn 11 < in of cities prutklin Hut UIn I willlnn In writing ilgnr1 br not Ieee I Ih inn lhrffoiirlljf of thv lecture l re lil NRwIlMn ihr territory il lmelrrd l lot detohd l UrlmlHm Ihr doter of the city nun II to ttlliiii t hue question to the wliiModlietitjrut the mxtniiiiilfiinl election etc w > found upon i Humiliation of the imlltloii tlml IB pMple haul signed II Old 1X2 flftir 1 err found dtly two whin were i itlimtiiulli district Ie Jotl dttornel t l untl wliowrrc qimllHnl to rgn mil 101 litttliliintintl < > rlli how litcushy lie who were resldenle of the Ilitrlrl toW I to-W lltftWllfll Illlt is elm hluug olnttn 111111 mid elntulnefrom tlm I rvtmilixlcr I ul I tlirclly the nuinlwr m lil iitvlwlor In the tirillny 1 ur < otil I lu Iw ilrtnchwl li j ixttllvv 1 nrover I In order to meet the lepul IHUM inriilk dirty nine Idoll ole or ot llm territory to I Iw lUitMhwl 1 ihunlil save rlxnoil mill petition I four oimmluoo having glom the I stutter proper intention iiul romllrr 1 Inn I but ihe > bare completed their lithe ester ntlnrlnxl huielo the Mid 1 petition of J II Hall old uthen JII UIUM W K Ciumu WM Iliiwr I tolllllllltfV On laollan this report of the commit lr nslulvhed Adjourned benedlitlon br Cumuli nun Clmppell Mr 1 15 E Ibvlr of Hun MIHil Cnl B > H Imn l tryluit In I ft mmunrelo repay re-pay the manulHctnriiriofChninbrHiiliii xiiijli liuinctly fur tli great gooil their rrinnlj hula < hits rue Iuresrs I nat 1 t coniiuiit nuaewr front week limp end iromliliil Mlliniu My irtt nt night vine dint nrleul hiy II barking 1 rough n slut I I toll lulwrnlili Iho greater lesrt I ot till Imp Mm I rcmnilm iniiliiinviiilnl Irloiiln n ire triiil tour iiUlikli posts mlmlil to my CHH I did not ex i rlfiiif der tnlioflilil riiultn until 1 l vnn luklnie ChlnlllIln 1ouiOi 1t11ll1 l After Im latrlw1 l f the long l olr 1 hove been used IIIIIa I plptiwl to ttalc the htllh luiivitrr thin It lull limn Ir yeses > The orenm hn heft l my liiiieo end rlmi 111111 I run Imntlu swell It hnn iliiii I im KI murk ittK > l lust I want nil who v n sintering from Iniur ironlili Mol 1 so I nice II A triAl Ior isle 1 IJI Jiilin llojlfn A w < in |