Show NO FISHES TALK lucre li IXHninny from a Ian lhn Thinks They II We hate heard of the Ungtieg of monkeys and of the language of hen and of the language of crows and even of ants but It will tw n new Idea to moat people probably that flthci haven have-n laBgusge of their own An Kngllsh Sherman Mr hash l Tleld his been nakltig some Intestlgstlon that load him to nppoe that fishes have someway some-way of communicating a notion of their experiences to other fishes Mr Klcld coaled on his experiments In the fishponds ponds of Mr Andrew at lullford England land Those ponds are full of trout which nt the time when Mr Held first visited them were so little accustomed 10 being troubled that when he throw a billed hook Into the water all the trout In IRbIa great number rushed eagerly upon II lie caught one and removing re-moving It from the hook threw It back Into the pond Then he put In a fresh ybalteit hook and only two or three rout came after It Ono of these ho aught nnd threw back Inlo the water Again he resumed his fishing with a lewlybaltcd hook and this time although hough tho pond wa swarming with lib It was only after a long time that bo lured another trout to his bait And nfltr n little further time It was entirely ImpoMlMe to catch a trout In his pond However by experimenting In another pond equally well atorked and not throwing back any fish Mr Field found that ho could catch trout as long as ho I clinic The fish did not seem to understand that the removal ot one of their number by this strango neans meant dancer to them but camp continually to the bait If Mr Held eaaons It la I only when the ruptured flail released goes back and mlnnl wllh his fellows that the danger ta I earned and then Is I learned Instantly It must follow that the release I flni Ita 11 tome mnins of making the misers tin lersland the perils of the hook Till whateer II Is I may be called n tin jtiage fortnightly Review |