Show The lrri Irul i > in Tmart One of tho mOt dlngraceful feature In our modern style of Jourunllim Ii I that thin 1reslilent of tho United Stated whom very elation nhotild command respect for him In nindo n constant target for dlsreepect wrltea Edward W llok In Iho Ladle Home Journal It mike not Ihe illghtett difference whclher no ndmlre or do not ndmlro Ibo man who oceuple the iTeildcntlnl chair Ho Ii I placed there by Ibo ex pretned iiiffrage of the people nod when ho Ii I no placed and Ii I tho occupant occu-pant of tho high otnce hn han n right to tho respect of the people of the country coun-try over which he preildei Hut thin ll denied our frctldont The decent respect which wo mete out to ordinary men U I refuted him We excuse thin by najliiK that ho 0 not our choice or that ho hold the poiltlan by Accident Acci-dent No man elected to Iho onico of President of the United States ran boon bo-on accident He Ii placed hero become of hla lltneai for Hint office And although al-though we may not agree always that ho li J na nblo ni Imo other man It Is only pure Justice that wo nlvo lilru the benefit of the doubt |