Show The Slate Ma I Them ny A reader nt Ilttsburg To sends us nn Interesting letter and states how he secured eggs In winter from thirty hens by the USA of a stovo Ho pays Wo hnve thirty brown rghorn hens olRht of which are In their second or third peer thin others poultry from last May They nro Inclosed In two coops each Oxl feet with plenty of light clean quarters being denned twice n week and dally In summer end floors covered 1 with cut straw to tile depth of tl rco or four Inclua Alio a free range ot two or three acres In felr weather Our method of ceiling Is I aa ollowi Morning meal potatoes or j a 501 othor Mnl of vepotnl wltll Bits i of tnem lIe of elr > brad maided sub on thi enough bran crushed bone anti One > rit to nick nil amount tn two n1 i ni halt nllnru Thli is I AI VII rs tel I nnrm nnd early WaItt also II lIttrol worhu alil renewed 1 at noon daIly M lion three or four handfuls of oat mm t mall rd nmotm nt IT In I evening almut one quart of corn or oatu alternately They start cjl to lay I In November and continued till Ulster whrn they slopped 1 for want of lufBrlent warmth We then pro calved a small stove and by running tIme pups through both coop warmed both Sine then n mAgic change bins come over them The stove wns In service but a week when the be an business agnln and an now keeping It up hnv Ing In February produced 330 cgr At pretenl March they average lltteen eggs a imp mmellmea leldlng seventeen seven-teen or elehtnn lam loll think Ih yare y-are doing n > wrllas lImp should nnd ha labor tuinriently repaid Would bo thankful for an opinion Anothei query A IrhlIll I of mine Is anxious lo TOM HUrk Minorca rorkerrl nn llruwn Ixfliorii hens Oioultl I there bo n gab as to ntiml er nn t sloe of CRRI or nuy other nnvantaRo nt layers by uniting the qUnllll 01 bolh There It no doubt that wnrmtli Is I the main factor In srrurlng egg In wilIer rhnnglng lime reason Into summer sum-mer conditions The objection In the above Is I a probnblllt that should the home be nal le ton warm the hens may become tender antI ratlly take cold In retard to the cross mentioned It Is prolMhlo that HIP lllack Minorca would Increase the site of the eggs but not the number We tec no advantage In craning as tt noon Ital Is to in on grelt If sit 1 la wanted In eggs whip notIce the pure Minorca without eras hug 1 < romi hlrO > s really goo < l qunt Itlw ot Imtli brn ds American Ioultry Keeper |