Show llollinllti VVu full of hllnlry Poor Qold ai he won fondly I nicknamed nick-named later In life sill not look much like a knight Short ot mature with a homely face deeply scarred by limo sniallnox awkward In hli manners anti movements he would have condo Inlo but n lorry figure In the lordly I tournament tourna-ment or nt a royal banquet And yet he had within him not n Ilttlo of thin knightly spirit leneroiis to a fault daring even to foollurdlneu tenderhearted tender-hearted Impulilvo he wa Just tho kind of a man to rile through the world aeekliR adventure end Hiking his kl r life In detente ot the helpleu and Innocent In-nocent Had he lived In the days ot chivalry he would doubllci have been In iplle of hlo UKllneia and ungalnll none a famous knight errant roimlu rmrlllr1 Hl A primmer on the itonepllo broke open a big limestone and rolled out n perfectly petrified fob nt Portsmouth Ohio the other day The specimen ll complete and Ii I now at the mayors olllce salmon I Ii I said by experts to bo a |