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Show VI X nM TUB TIMES d. voe-bego- If Tub Tibi FtrmMseisu Coupasy. . t. U, riXIiKn, i illhir and L'TAIL COALVILLE, L- -- Laagh and Grow Fat NO FISHES TALK?. laths dead head's virtues, accompanied MEN FOR THE ARMY. You shall o o toth, even If you aro t slab-'deby an argument that he was Inspired Her M Testimony from a Ua Mho dyspeptic, if you pallid, by heaven to his life work, ending with r Inf or direction. Impure tbe conversion re- f , Ihx Tblak. Tk.jr these words: and food OF into rich RECRUITS EIGHTY PER CENT nourishing blood, ami When did Shakespeare get his gen-l- u SHORT STORIES OF INTEREST We hare heard of the language of coves atpetlte and aieep by ibe svAien.attc e of the great renovator of "tU'klth, . monkeys, and of the language of hens, REJECTED. . Where did Moaart get hts music? TO OLD SOLDIERS- Hostetler s to in ft cl lilt-te.trenrth and Whose hand smote theJyre of th Scotremedies utblariaL kidney which and of the language of crows, and even nervousness contish plowman and stayed the life of rheumatic and trouule, Flrkevir Corps Out of of ants, but it will be a new Ides, to Thomas Says the German prlist? Grant A K- - alee, Cod, God and God our Araiy ts stipation and.1liliounea. most have fishes people, probably, that ths Hunt Bodies -- of Young sod Wahoas of Mrilith Would Hava Hera glone; and as these were raised up by A Craelsl Test. a language of their own. An English Inspired by God was Abraham LinActive Med la the World. CmMmta' Soldier bul for His God. You cad select a act of cho-r- u been you Basil has any Mr. a thousand hence and fisherman, years ua Field, coln; v W Ife Grunt til Japeae Ifes. mail? Get out no pirU by no will be epic poem story, tngedy, making some Investigations? that lead I ask is NTER1NO THE it Oh, enough. or easy foljutt be filled with greater wonder, him to suppose that fishes have some her opinion bn one snbject If she says United States army lowed by mankind with deeper feeling, OH Sierra HOt of their a notion of communicating m) that it Is improper to wear knickerof hlB life and is more difficult wajr crags enfold me than that which tells to other fishes. Mr. Field bockers on the bicycle, I know that she I death. than having your experiences Wheie carried on his experiments la the fish is not intended by nature for chorus sit alone; life Insured. It a of Mr. at Guilford, Eng- exhibition. Indianapolis Journal. ponds " no human ' Though t.rn Thomas. man can successful-I- S' land. Those Andrew, are full of trout, ponds rterfrtat A HHsm Makeee. of Vtegmla, Indian oak, on of th hardest of woods, longue hdth told answer x tba which, at the time when Mr, Field first Will sink ha water, ms ' xri sat In Chamberlain's deeply Interested searching questions visited them, were so little accustomed volume of substantial in a yet I know - that of the rec noting to tie Is goner- being troubled that when he threw a size, says the Washington Post. To a officer and pass the baited hook Into the water all the trout reporter hv ventures! 10 ask the title surgeons examina- In sight a great number of the book the General courteously Eug- the winds that rushed tion he may well erst were- sigh- - said: He caught one, and re- Manifest Itself In upon if. eagerly ptmples, bolls In "It la made up of 'Papers of the Mil- be proud . of himself. And it te moving it from the hook, threw It bach and other eruption hives, , which disfigure th In the swaying boughs oerhead, In to men have itary Historical Boolety of Massachusuperior necessary face and cause pain snd annoyance. By into the pond. Then he pul in a freshly-baHe Is dying! He is dying" setts,' and contains critical sketches of the army, for more than ordinary ited hook, and only two or three purifying the blood Hoods Sarsaparilla some' of the leaalng Federal and Now sre moaning, lit Is dead. mental' stamina are trout came after cures these trouble and clears Generals. I was at that mo- physical .and if. One at these he completely the tkin. Hood's Sarsaparilla overcomes to chase 'Apaches over the required water. on Into roaring. and ment threw the to devoted sketch back the caught, Till the clouds, symphonlnus engaged that tired, drowsy feeling so general at deserts of Arizona, trail bandits Again he resumed his fishing with a this season snd gives strength and vigor. Clasp the shiv ring mountain round. General Thomas. It Is a very fair and thirsty of the of Texas, and his character thorny chaparral through newly-baite- d interesting account Deep Into the canyons pouring hook, and this time, alservices. , Monodies of mournful sound. light the Ally Sioux in the biting cold though the pond was awarmlng with "I knew Thomas personally, for he of a Dakota winter, and anon stand fisb.-- R wag only after a long time that Is the was born and reared In my section of firm and allent before the taunta and true blood purifier prominently Quick, recurrent tires go reeling he lured another trout to hla bait. In the only . He was a 1 ; and Hgnt skies West man said,the six tor 85. Virginia military public eye today. Through missiles of a howling mob of strikers. was And after a little further time it of excellent parts, rather slow to act, Earths tumultous breast, revealing of Our 'men 25,000 army requires entirely Impossible to catch a trout In Hood's Pills Uou. lrH2cuU. hut never able to grasp the Idea that he All the storm's majeetle might. had been whipped. His bulldog tenacity about 8,000 recruits annually to keep this pond. However, by experimenting It up to full strength. There have been in another pond equally v. ell stocked, was a strong characteristic. And. behold! with aspect s ,lmn. DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS "I know a good deal more than thl High above, the god of war great changes lately In the method of and not throwing back any fish, Mr. OomblMd Seeorator, Power. Cooker, i4 Cborn column hook -about Thomas's predilection for obtaining these men, and more are con- Field found that he could catch trout Leading forth an endless Simple, star the Southern cause. In passing through Toward th one uncloud.il Practical, Secretary LamohL For as long aa he chose. The fish did not the state on his way from Texas u templated by Effective, was It the custom to Collect seem to understand that the removal of years many New York at the time that the legislaSoldier spirits long have slumbered. Durable, In cities at enlisted recruits the large one of their number by this strange ture i deliberating on the question of Deaf to bugle, life and drum. Cheap and Cood. Complete Uulrj In tteelf. recession Thomas said with emphasis: what were known as depots, located means meant danger to them, but came Waiting In thilr graves unumbereil. Rave Time. Labor feed "Theie is nothing for the South to do In New York Harbor, Columbus, Ohio, continually to the halt. If, Mr. FlW Wallin till the chief should come. Boner Book Mailed lor iu but to fight." It was well understood aud St. Louis. There they were. kept reasons. It Is only when the captured Free, write UT AO ENTS WANTED. that hla s rnj nthles were with the pete under instruction three or four months, fish, On they w"ep, a line unbrkrn. and back RANKIN A DAVIS released, goes mingles S. pie of hlsjntive section. Through the sky with steady tread when they were forwarded in detach-- , with his fellows that the danger is BLDG. A MFC. CO. "I was empowered by the Governor ei Though no "human tongue hath spoken. Chicago, HI, 40 50 to regiments. of or This nients Is then and N learned is dead. learned, Instantly, I know that Grant Thu i'lglnU to offer him an Important posi In resulted about 1,500 fish follow keeping must plan released has that .the it lion created for him. and tendered d with the full expectation that It would men constantly out of the ranks; a very some means of making the others unTribute to (grunt Ho married a Miss Marcy, 'serious loss, considering the smallness of a Hunt birthday be aen pt.-derstand the perils of the hook. Thi3, On the of New York, mid It is no doubt true of the army as a whole. whatever it Is. may be called a "lanprogram appears the following touching tribute on the part of the Chicago that hla wife's Influence had much to da When the regiments began to mova guage." Fortnightly Review. with soldier. It whs him on Hie Union side." keeping Press Club lo the great east they were made to recruit for written by John McGovern, of the prisa themselves, and the system proved a THE STORKS REVENGE. ,cu. Grant In .Ivp.Qf.fl Kyee Club. v Three times weeptrg for three men, -- In the July Century Is printed a trans- success from the outset. A better class Sat as Jails tall Jury anil Con- -, the universal pall of blAi k cloth has lation of portions of a quaint Japanese of men were secured, and they Joined they Any fit yon damned the Culprit. S3 to M Life of Gen. Grant. The following Is as their companies at once. Over half been hung on the sired of Chicago A very remarkable story comes to us tiai) birh. Mf fi r Lincoln. Garfield. Grant. Once only extract from It: the recruits enlisted last year were obIto Tim Two from Berlin. storks built a nest In the spring of his seventeenth year tained this way. JThe w I d has the city, for one msn, flung forth have been depots Cl ooy the evdor of. the Cnloa In every form, he expressed a great thought to Tils discontinued as such, and garrisoned upon the chimney, of a mansion, the xio. to Save owner of which, finding an egg in the Coot non from every window, smiling like a May father, and addressed him, saying: "I with fronfrom the regiments brought a hoj Queen. Then Grant, the conqueror, the have In my mind the thought that, whes nest, took it and put a goose's egg in tlmoaln on to bar tot rehave passed, I tier. Only small detachments of citizen, the silent kindly man, rode past four years from Its place. The female stork hatched of low who Is these regions gftxlng on seas of smiles, shall not be doing this kind of labor." cruits are now kept at each one, and the egg, much to the anger of her com- to flt roar wotroA forhtullnff The father, thinking It a strange thin,- - -these are Sent west Just as quickly as through tempests of welcome. gtoia.fodJer, He was good tothla city. He signed said, "Do you hate your father hered- enough are assembled to make it worth panion, which circled three or four are. hopm, Ac.mjNo, and itary trade? Do you hate to become I while. In addition to all this, the num- times around the nest and then flew repotting of tiro to It four millions for Its Oitlgfrff. AfVlrpw millions for 11a harbor, lie asked Conleathermaker, and spend your life thuvl ber of stations in the large away. EmpIroSirg recruiting F. O. Bos U, Quincy some For And a the to here. What fed female mint stork establish ta days do gress profession, then, you expect la being reduced as fast as poswhen the city burned, his was the adopt In future? Do you expect to ga cities the went and well all goose until young sible, half a dozen having been disconLYE EWIS sickle and strongest hand put forth. The laws Into the fields carrying the morning of the fourth day, when were made to quickly hide the ruins of hoe? Dor you expect to sell and bur tinued during the past year. axs Inmates of the house were disthe rmizo staUPA7XXTXD) There are some thirty of these Chicago, and the sinews of the nation things In the market? Or do you- fix turbed by a loud clamoring. This noise Th $tronQfst and purest Lpt were lent to make us strong. your eyeballs upon books of 10,000 vok tions now. Three are In Chicago, two lioiike made, other L?e, tt helnff 400 from which proceeded nearly birds, He .died on Mount McGregor, and umes, and desire to speculate reason! In New York, one each In Philadelphia, 0r.e powder and uu ked in a c&a were standing in a compact body, apjwtih removable l.d the content Pemberton of. Vicksburg .stood at. his and promote moralities, and become ere a)wy iv&ay for ue. WUJ and St. Paul, and bier and carried his pall. Then the man of wide knowledge?" GufWflda SC Louis, Cincinnati parently listening Jo the harangue of a make the best fumed Hard llhout bailing. It I iu JO minute Upei kekrtot Ah American nation, "bursting Kuen, replying to these questions, afl, the remainder In cities of large Blze stork standing some twenty solitary waste pi pee, for the beet clemming la one front Its iron and guidon band, poured "To cultivate the field and become a throughout the country. Every diotnfectlnir sinks, closets, waAhU yards off. After a short time he reboules, patuts, trees etc. a great love over tbs sacred dead on farmer Is well, but to spend th whole In charge of an officer, who ts assisted tired and another took his place and PENNA. SALT MFG CO. Grant, whose fierce and warlike sottl life as a hireling Is not well. T take a by a picked party of addressel the court, and In this way and behad hurled awful armies Into the abss Roroban (counting-machinGeo Agents PhUaPa officers and privates. Outside the stars the proceedings continued until about of death, that, by shattering homes, come a, merchant and gain profit la aelL and over the float stripes gracefully 11 In the forenoon. Then the whole homos might ceasf to be broken, and but along with It to make bad practice while a trim orderly paces to and court rose in the air simultaneously that, returning over the bloodiest path Is not my desire. Contrary to all this, door, fro, his belt a marvel of polish and bis and gave forth shouts. our ancestors. In the war of IndepenIn our history, he might bring glad tidAll this time the female stork was sitings of peace. While a million mourners dence of this country, sowed great gloves of Immaculate white. It Is his went with Grant to his tomb, there merit, I hear. I also, entering a military duty to answer questions and exclude ting in the uest, trembling with fear, schqol, will have to show my arm In the any person who may Be objectionable. which coursed Chicago's streets, the s perhaps as not altogether unhour, a solemn and mighty panoply uf time of great things. O Father Kuen, Inside are the office, the examination warranted, for suddenly the whole comths bowsls: assists dent tioe; cures the city's wee. The empty catafalque, how Is It? The father, being exceed- room and the quarters for the party pany of storks flew toward her, headed Bsgulsles and dysenery in the worst forms; cures the unmounted horse, the funeral ingly glad, did as he wished. and such recruits as are waiting trans- by one, presumably the Injured hus- canker sore throat; is s certain preventive of diphmarch, the military tread these went snd soothes all pain; invigorates ths portation elsewhere. Men are fur- band; he struck her violently three or theria; quiets Lincoln's President Picture. by, and Grief festooned her signals Stomach end bowsls; corrects all acidity; will cur moment a nished uniform the A they four times, knocked her out of the nest col c. Mothers try where Joy had welcomed the living s picture of President Lincoln griaing is the bowe and w.nd Halted recently in the Chicago Ree- - enlist, and from that moment also are and then killed her. He next turned soldier. this good safe Syrup. Prepared by the EMMERY hia CHICAGO. f rd Is a 'copy of the PROPRIETARY CO.. We meet this anniversary day-thatmule paid and cared for by the government attention to the unhappy gosling, which d several years ago by H. If. Zearlng, th Grant was born, under the almost At every station a stream of appli- he likewise killed; after which the nest For this study the cants, good, bad and Indifferent, is canopy of a temple Jfcullt by Chicago sculptor. was destroyed and the storks flew Ferdinand Peck, who played the games artist used a photograph taken In B;9 and going. But those no doubt perfectly satisfied in theiraway, own of childhood where the chief buildings by Brand, whose studio at that time aaa constantly coming If you want fREE It was In the hear of who are in the slightest degree Intox- minds that the law had" beea'vtridrcS!"'' of Chicago rise. Wo call to the praise ItrLak street. FARM along the line of railwnv m senatorial cam- icated, or who present any visible dis- ed and justice done. Indon Standard; of Grant an orator who rose out of our the Ltncpln-Dougta ALBERT or ihe SASKATMANITOBA, never orderand the the candidate oil with the daisies and dandelions of paign Republican get past qualification, for CHEWAN. apply particular to the prairies so latey close st hand. Be. was living at the Tremnnt house. On ly. That Individual has the keen glance HI o A L. A. HAMILTON. Irajror. side him sit two of the most renowned momlntf he dropped Into Brand's stadio pf a detective. lie lias seeiThundreds The almost August thickness of du3. Lani (ommliilonrr, HlkSIIEfl, to sit for a picture. living soldier of the North and South of men come and go In the army, and In the Iffimecee mhesfct harvest assured this season. I dont care how you take me." laid by the waysides during foliage h Howard and Lee, glorious Lincoln to the photographer, as he iat baa a very accurate idea of the kind our recent protracted period of dry assistants, guests, and orators. that are wanted. before the camera. '' weather reminded the Saunterer of that Once before the recruiting officer, the excellent were the While being arrangements Wattereon on AbeI.Inrnliw prayer for rain made by the made Lincoln ran his fingers through candidate is asked a long string of In hla great tribute to Abraham good old farmer deacon of New Hamphe looked that "too his reto hair, answera saying which are at Chicago, on the occasion, of the questions, the shire. Dear Lord, herprayed ferRome time after corded and celebration of the anniversary of the much primped up. signed by him. This record vently, "we need rain here terrible bad. taken Ake "Honest his picture birth of the murdered president, Hon. having If In filed War and the Department, O Lord, please send rain to ua for the presidency. For la soon; Henry Watterson said: I am not here was named he kept his face smoothly at any subsequent time the nan is everything will be dried up If you don't! for controversy. But when We are dead many years obto to used have was tr;tt tou rent m.,tUn cures ilsl, oumx It not until after his proved deception But not a hard drlvin storm. Lord, that and gone the private memorabilia of shaven, snd 4. Ugtfi'tfc court-marbwill beat down all the young crops, but those who really knew what terms were flection that he raised the beard which tain enlistment, he is tried by In most familiar his likenesses. In dismissed. addition to and appears 5o offered the confederacy within a good, days drizzle drozzle Rsn The plate containing the picture haring a good physical record, he must of Ita total collapse will show that in The lest nerve regulator known. It soak in. thatll fire the of 1S71, great through passed cures nervous prostration, restore the Individual judgment of all of them be not under 21 or over 30 years of age, was I nervo-vitastudio the but Brand's destroyed, l and sexual powers. 1111 the wisdom of th situation sold accept. unmarried, able to speak, write and 6 ltd lllae (Mercer a.) Fold by N MEN. And why were they not accepted? It proprietor, seeing that his place wis fbe English language, and be Drug Co. and E. E. Bruce & was the will of God that there shout 1 doomed, gathered up a number of his read Co., Omaha, Neb., and all druggists. B. L. Whitman, president of Colby negatives, among which vouched for by some responsible party. be, as Gists own prophet had promised, most valued of Lincoln, and locked He must also be a citizen of the United university, has accepted the presidency a new birth of freedom, and this could was the one The best known combination to build In his safe. The plate was slightColumbia university, at Washington m weak States, or at least have taken out his j.of only be reached by the complete ohllt- - them Aniemic hut jripe. IIU still D C. quint good ptp--' naturalization papers. Failure to com- ly damaged, Fold by RichardllnL (ilerrers) 9tfon nd extinction or the very IJe la stored away In the estabsnd The elevated C'o. lures, thirteenth son E. duke E. and recently a truce & Co., down Drug L,neoln Is m,rk ply with any of these requirements pf Hamilton, though young and handOmaha, Neb., end all druggists. In th moment of his triumph to attain lishment of the successor tn business to Instant cause for a rejection. some. with clean shaven feature, sufW.ur It; God blighted the south to obtain It, Capt Brand. fer from paralysis of, hi lower limb. But He dliKatUtn It. and here we are isH Last to The ordered orates. tablet the emftonapartA's German God's EDUCATIONAL. to by Watermelon. of will be attest It. thl night Millions Prof. Sloane, In his Life of Napoleon to be erected in honor of Bismarck In heaven! But dene on earth Thomasville Is the center of the peror the-Ju- ly In the precincts of Gottingen of reIn the Century, writing no let southern man'polnt his finger at university, covers which in watermelon district, bears the Inscription. To the Great ACADEMY OFTttE SftGRED HEART me because I canonlze Abraham Lin- turn from Egypt, says: 150 miles square. Including Chancellor Wilhelm II. About wind a Area to At last blow. favoring began Tt rear of Intttrttoa Is thl Aredaaur, OoHdrt4 coln, for be was the only friend we had of tho teerod Hrerl, retbracre th Hall Caine, the novelist, will spend the by tti when frtrnda were most In need; he was With lights extinguished snd st night, the southwestern portion of Georgia rum of rebjccta iffu pry loffoMHntcxFolli viKk the which strait summer northwestern of Isle the Man. at of He will UMl ra fined portion separate and the the one man who wanted to preserV us they passed dwatka, Propriety of drpoitmMt, pen tb prtfttiipire f morality are ob . Intact, to save us from th wolves of Africa from Rlrily. escaping the obseFlorida, and when the season open the take the chair at a dinner to be given utuU et ot ov lay uteatlM Kiieskva rroaiMU 1 mere passion and plunder that stood at rvation of the English cruisers sent from freight departments of the railroads In by the literary friend of Sir Walter fm4 Is qiU ovory foottilr for urtvl bod! y oxom tboir kooltb U u objrt if emuttirt relic it'ida, our doors; snd so ss that God of whom Nelson fleet to patrol those waters. this section move their headquarters to Besant to that distinguished author. ! Mcknre it th flotilla they ore ttetdml vltit maternal care When Henry E. Abbey arrived In reached tt hss been ssld Whom He loveth He Rklrtlitg Sardinia, oit turn ojolI Tueeday, 81 tl ' Frr farther October. Though, as Thomasville, and the telegraph com- London last week he waa compelled to tirelarm oddrere THK MlPkRlUK, chasteneth, meant that we should be Corsica early In was Academy bar rod Heart St. 4 ear pit, Ms, "deeply moved by pany sends down five eztra operators remain with hit family in rooms at hi chastened. Lincoln was put out of the he declared, he ocbusiness office, nt Thehotels were so crowded that to handle the Increased wt by the bullet of an assassin, hav- the tight of his native town." no of his early enthusiasm foul'd casioned byYhe purchase and shipment he was unable to secure accommodaPARKERS ing neither lot nor parcel. . north qr AJ?x5ALSA.-- . south, but s winged emissary of fate sweeten for Bonaparte Inthe enforced de- of the crop says the Chicago Record. tions elsewhere. Cleon o&4 beantiftw the hi A full account of Charles Stewart thharbor of The season lasts about two months, beday Ptuomms laxanant yrowth. coming from the shadowrs of th mystic lay nf several had to Bector Ony Fall Steer left far He behind to Is Parnell much In occupy and Shakesthe space which Ajaccio. the Auworld, Aeschylus with to and Toothful Color Bair ito ending with July volume of the English emotions of that primitive socletyand ginning a beir tailing. Cvn ecnlp dim forthcoming peare concentrated to tragedy. between and 7,000 8V qod ft and last year Vngf t to the was Indifferent gust, caof National combut Biography, the Colonel Watterson paid a high abounding outside the were carloads shipped the frlenda all to who of resses 8,000 the custom of the article, contrary crowded pliment to Lincolns powers In debate, tate. carrylng an average of 1,200 excellent work. Is not signed. An enhis wonderful acumen and hts skill at the decks to see him, evidently fretting Trade-Mark- s. One alone a fact makes which total Mr. to to be hss ts mad trkat deavor been gone. Parnell's melons to car, composition. his to his BxsmtnatkNi Advio m t a from at and career credit; features re- of about 8,000,000 melons contributed political PotoetahfHty historiI gather that he was not a civil Seritrietly Cnventtre.- mrrd Ire Mnrentorn tiatd. or How to Oat -- ' of view. cal ' vice reformer of the school or Grover laxed with evident Joy as he tenderly western standpoint tand TlZZZZ & & appetite. northern CTArasu. to WAtmaras, to the ' Bismarck has. according to the Hutt; Cleveland, he continued, "because I returned the greeting of the old woman 1 Omaha-Shla N9J. earliest attendant U ti, Hi ff. find among hie papers it not to Stanton, WhbTind been garlan GeneraLTurr. post Europe durStlgbk Mistake Only years no less In which, with not the falntestntlc',. was his last visit to the Island of his W hen ing the last twenty-fiv- e advertisements kindly answering a mistake in plight my a sum than 125.000.000,000 francs "You made as the birth, but not the last time the accents mention this paper. patlon of such apostles of culture Iloo.'w-veof Its dialect fell on his esrs, for It was poem this morning, said the poet He ha done this by produclt, Hon. Carl Schurs and Theodore editor. "What waa ing the condition of armed terrorism he bluntly says: T personally wish a Corsican who soothed hts last hours "Sorry. replled-tbREAP which goes under th name of peace. Jacob Freese, of New Jersey, to be ap- at Ft. Helena. "Well, I wrote The clouds hang In It? Ua IMS. which wehave been Hvtng for a ;U KnUtFXl and pointed colonel pf a colored regiment make west Goods miirkY it you the Taatea Congb ftyropL o'er of a century, each power vte-in-g lie How well Ml v In lima rerardless of whether he can tell the quarter Elderberry br dircyipta oer crowds my turkey The bang other In the She say, Bul with her then h age. color gaeh of Julius Caesar's hair.' asset preparation j,as He concluded with an eloquent tGbutj fcecnme to accustomed to It, you know. 1 desk, pf costly armaments. CORNER. VETERAN'S u-- r, fie-v- -J W have pretty much quit hunting for tb north pole and are bunting for the huntere. , Woman la very apt to return Indifference" for hatred and hatred for Indifference. . A great many people who have nc business to get married, and who are iXot fit fog aaeh jl etrp,.r.teiHr-T- ; ' titled to take It. x ' well-boun- d that ladles have taken to the wheel the men dont bend over so much. Now - "Even New Jersey has cyclones. The one at Cherry Hill, where five persons were killed, oulblew the average west-e- ra hurricane by a large majority. It may possibly be true that everything cornea to him who waits, but Harvard need not expect to win victory from Ya(e by playing the waiting act. - Hood's Sarsaparilla Aa a aeat of learning Harvard may do, hut in the higher branches of college knowledge, which uover- - boat racing and football, she Is "not In It with Yale lately. - rd Now Mrs. OLeary Is dead, and no one will never know positively whose fault It was that her cow kicked over the lamp in Chicago on the evening of Oc- tober 8, 1S71. Whisky, after Its consumption, leads to murder In other states, but In South Carolina the visible supply In keg form has the same effect. Thin shows race defeneration. Wagons' to-d- Uncle Dick Oglesby says; "I have graduated as carpenter, storekeeper, lawyer, soldier, governor and senator to become a farmer, and life in the country is best of all. post-offi- 98 A Newark policeman was shocked by 8,000 volts of electricity recently, but was resuscitated after fifteen minutes of insensibility.. Does the electric chair tiirely and Instantly kill?- - to drown herself because she bad lost her garters. .The boy who found them fished her out. And the next thing we hear about ULbe wedding. n:nia -- e) Michigan minora cannot marry hereafter without their parents consent. Many of the old girls who can get their parents' consent cannot secure the necessary consent of somebody else. "tfeething Sjjrup, dis-rh- Harry Robinson, aged 17, undertook to shoot Clara fisher, aged 16, at Jnd., because Clara had broket his Mum-cl- e, heart Harry la now getting It mended In the gloomy dungeon of the Mancie falL xElla Lamb and Ella Love, members bas-relie- star-frette- FARMS of the sentorelass in the Pennsylvania state normal school at Clarion wera struck by lightning. Tba faculty excused them from taking the examinations next day.Only an girl would think of adopting this method of getting out of passing an examination. as !' Flts-Hug- Another son of an Oriental potentate la to make a tour of Europe In order lo obtain a knowledge of European customs and civilisation. It la Prince Dam-on- g of Slam. Ills name, whatever It hlayniean in hla native tongue, will te &nfortunate comment In the ex-yl- bouatrleatharhi" Wheels for your Two Chicago aldermen have been Indicted for soliciting money to prevent the passage of an ordinance one of them had Introduced. Who aays this Isnt n age of reform? visit. IVletayr fly-le- A spectacle for gods and little fUhea: A British ministry creating a lot of new peers, and then appealing to the country with the cry of "Down with the House of Lords! !TrTrTncFptffTrEfrnrirff Impure Blood - This la no doubt because they like to ait up with the gtrls.J majr The sycamore tree In which Col. Crawford and a few of htagoldlers took ahelter In what la now UppebUandusky the night preceding hla fatal flghbwlth the Indiana in the war OL1813 tta blown over during a atonn recent It was a large tree and was once hoi- lowed out by the Indiana aa that It would easily accommodate twenty Lln-col- l al P.ich-ardso- n WELL-KNOW- U at-ifl- Kanladla. a Klckapoo squaw, took a shotgun the other day and stood off the contractor of IbaCMietaw railway in Oklahoma and alt hla men. She would Bot allow thrrata build a foot of track on her allotment until a bond of 82,000 was put up aa a guaranty for damages. The company refused a day or two before to arbitrate with her, and when the men arrived On the ground she met them with her shotgun. She didnt propose to allow a bloodless corporation kick a poo. woman after she was down. "Yes. explained Lucifer, as he stood at the gate of Hades and gave each lady a badge as she entered. iwe have to do it. The women la their new styles look so like the that Is to say. we found It difficult to distinguish hla mi-testy among a crowd of them? Think of Ihli: Lroy Brown, aged 12, drilled the large safe In the Nspa-neInd., postoffice with the expertness e. of a mature professional and secured 762. At last, however, be did something that a mature professional 'Lever doe he confessed. , 1 rem-na- v fJi ry ( Patents, I., (125.000,-000.00- e .- csr-rl?- nsumfvoo v- - |