Show Tits REOULAIt AKM 1 Neerateltewa inn 051 lheieUeerap n r lnltlr1 Men In Ike Nerittn An enllied man lervlng on the frontier fron-tier hoi opportunity for Jon tint woiill be sailed by kuMrcda 0 I weilihv men especially la till way cf hunting and Milling 110 play all klati I of outdoor gamii Is I regular In hii hablla hoi slated time for mail and for sleep which all tend to 1111 date opment of his phyileal power and the training he reeilvci itrilghuu his fume and give him an eay upright nrrljgi that never after lava him nn til old agn lay lite weight of Ita hand upon him Te peat i xebnng l fitted up with blllard room lunch counter and card room Only the beat oIIIdll of bert arc old there and ilrunkinn cannot can-not eilil under pnaetlt restricted moire 1 A plenum room b I always act gala asa as-a reading room where current Stoop peri are on file and In addition to thu each company usually maintain a library A poet achool I maintain for ill month of the year where M no y Improve hli mental condition If he dmlrei He I provided with scelleot elothng which whoa altered to it neatly 1s I the nattleit uniform know A drunkard or other queatloimbl character char-acter may possibly creep In among the men enllitod but he la I noon potted and under the law I that five pnvlow conviction by racist martial are ant flclonl to award illihonorible dlaeharge b la I won gotten rid of It la creditable lo the army that all men now aervlni lu the rank except poaalbly R few leftover left-over from the old 1 Arm are capable 1 nailing and writing the HfiKjIah I Ins I guage thai Ii I In n limpet MM To enter the service a man mint mibralt a certificate of character from hli UM employer and In many other ways MI lify 111e examining onieer that he h n worthy young man If he be Intelligent Intelli-gent hula service are nought by lhe different dif-ferent department chief M clerk yIn y-In iome other capacity The nw tat which allow any endued man of two year aervlce to apply for examlnntlot with A view lo securing a eommlaalM has already Induced many bright jouif men tn enter the ranka If th peopto can only be prevailed upon to call adds 1 the prejudice whlrh hat blinded thdr judgment of Ibo army for the pact N yean our young men will tor only I los willing enllil and enjoy the ben U that accrti during a three years ten of sertla |