Show onEAT EXCITEMENT j Kttrh I otd p Ih filter Or l 1100 l Ieti i > r InlMtt Alniit tin dsy 1 ego Ileixr M illlntr film down from a lirfujwlrj tripnp I trm lltrr hoeing In Ida powfinn rock Iou I-ou h II clmrmler M to MI eservhels 1 I will whopsw It It WM ahsst l pure f lrm 1 11I1 Mr gulling rlnlmd tu 1 Imte illlfoiirwl tlenty of n hue If fnivil h itetir toirivc the lurttlmi of the 01 wov even to bin runt intltniitf I filrmlf tlilflnrp A Illll fwtltr nurk no < in JIII1 In by Hmlnli UI > ln atJ I ether nlio I rlmilnwnl Mm ni rhl arch tiny 1 lorn week MrSlnlllm however WUriil he nonhl l Ioot llt hitrlnlin for Pin monthr and nn ilrtennlnnl Ib throw thu MKT prvi > Fton ua thrice thr-ice litHe lit-He went Ifl Oiilen arul l Hr 0ndeeelatlll t l h < RMWUIHI wllli him h h bile LRtnna l MeMr Miiltiiil > A WI Iwr A party from Perk City his ales mill Imiiirliiv uronml Conlflllp for mrn iUv who once iKitlrcil to tote timrli I interest In the ullnni nix cKrllo ol Ml bulling AHIoiili ho trM hI l to avert niplrloinif thin kln1 tee ninler I Uml I lie HAH tiKWtflully throxnoir I the Kent Hill Ililrlnh Ullkln I nn piety net hoi nn tlm trail soil un Momlnv hit ii 111I the mach MMigliibr rnlirml 1 cluliii end 1 they pradrnlwHI unitIn I mOl kf their locution Mr Wilkins then nine hom and mi Ttt < ldav l In Inll rmrheil IwIvllK told tourthnw Elf bile soiree Orel 1 eomeehene near mhlnlKhtJ S xntimin J T llolon uml John Mclinon bllrhwl oilon Lurk I bminl HIIII want np Mr I 813111110 both liwitwl ourcl imf hell lit the limit ul I Mr Wllkloiilfpur turf Iu had nut rttnrnnl In them and w III rwi ilmibt Iw greatly 111011 iK < l when hvilmi ttt then to flnU iwnrin of lopl liatiln iiriHiihl lil puee flY HM 1 lucAtliiK the HilJoliilnitvlAliM ljnll a iiuinlwr bare you ai And when the Imiiloii become JItIItINIlif known vie luck I In HP that country ullitwitli lurttw 1 persona V could not ft Hio vxACt locution hill xlwmnl > noaieh to moist mylnx tint It It I not over II mil nr two from tlw lIOn rand About fix ile from Kuumi tud I fllhirltt or wry near tu Hmvvr ranyoii riit wlim > n < are nllhwtt doubt 0011 nn any thnt husve ever best found In the territory niul It Is l Hkl there Aplenty A-plenty l > l ol It |