Show NOVCLTY IN MINING Hy Oran r Mcnpl Srinrilli It llrmlly hlmplinil In the great WI tnlnera often lint rliera that Imp their lieda HIM with enormoun de < olla or ivcullar black and Thin mud contain lam qua tl ties of gold dual which however It li I extremely illillciilt lo wpante from the mud owing to the fact hat lhe rand has very much the same specific gray II > ni gait I and Mtllea In about the same ny nu the preclnuH metal This unit contalna Iron and It has been found profitable to a 11 mite I extent lo have the deixial elteil but thla la I not a very laying I bushes therefore a lieu Pisces lee Icon tried with marked aucoen II iy meson of magnela the Iron parllclea are drawn nwa > from tin gId having this aub ta > ice quit clear flir pauliiK throunh the aiparalus d IcC heed I for lhl > purK e ill l < found that foray tune of rand ylehth 1 I one Ion of crude solid and ore worth about fi ur hundred 11 lira n Ion If the machine that Ir l mm teeing leelpil > doe nil that In I clalmil rr It It will be of very great C alue ni It cost but nluut n thnuaaml dollars for a workliiK plant I l cn ILI of handllnii in ennrmoua nniount nf send Ir day |