Show ltuui Tree I Weconcnr with a writer In one of cur exrbnugeiitlio nay I I armen throughout the United Statm are nuiklnz mltlake when they fall lo plant treea an all their In ml not lulled I to crop inch along their lanei utile and highways Without I any other us pence than clout cit planting the young I I tree thev could provide or flue row of maple oak pine birch hickory cecil I nut and other Irw 1 on their tune all uf t which would be 1 Increatlng In Dine 1 I every year As cein thev might plant fruit treei and thu tcnr abundance I 101 vherriet peachet apl eii plume and I other fruit In rome at f the older pant 1 I of New Jeraey and 1ennnylvanla the armt arecrvetedrecrowolnnd boimdod 11 I by row of cherry and other fruit lIeu and the owiieri look upon thete treet cc reiuunf rutlxe and almott Indlapentable I |