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Show V A Y li! make nn official t; it is, how Ung the bail ing has etond , nil atjfthat time, it anv, the weakness in it R flSt diacovered. COALVILLETIMES. luCt riltlt. TIMES PUBUSMH8 COMP AMY. BVBBT T TNI r. U. PINNEO, Editor and Manager Turm of Subxjrtption, imVMf ... Six Month .... .... Rot' - Jure Month .. isxle Copwt fcET-.- Advrtialng' . 1 Inth I r.' "ifl I 7 mlnmiT t afutumn 6 if) Trt vr r rrt a source vJ mo 8 mo 0 mo I w ' hv tlie t ! r geijjii j mi I 1 orr n tvt tifrrr arum than t! e MM) rrf.t 7? w the m ctu-- -. heme tout tin ini ,he dilen-- .i re III Manr famine 1! : o-- Hr '.-- , fete ditches; cltfhken ofirn an l we llieve there kttpa full hue id Men's Home Made Suits. We -I - declare del litrr 1 1,17. tern f.,r Homs Made Hosiery. d. i Iteth- itle tukeaant iurtl er jmm Hi tl.- kenl'ji kv c.itnpaign, altbougly he l,,. there Mi f(l ma,',ilp 7rf nnnd to make toy.e e? l.e. The origin of the , . tobethut doitht tewnie friend in ken nek) lmve of the state until Our daughter, Blanche, now r j prnenlurlv noticeable etnee that of I'eteware tame out in of Mr. ( leve'und for a third term ,umx ,v xU Mf. dcveian hIioui ftilisr y tint he uouM r wul t ' j ,r iit'-Sa- lt 1 ' BCLLOl'S, Brigblon, - j Cures., I I'cusad. wifi be a There holder The Timet Publishing 10, at Com-pa- ' H Ihreetor. Judge Henry Shields eittne down to Coalville Monday. This i nothing unusual, lor the judge often visit tta. With Mm was Mr. lownian, aa architect, f Salt Lake, an,) together they mad a visit to theourthoue. "Judge Shield urt.tlly hut buainett when h come to Coalville, and the writer naturally auppoted he would get omeueus, probably Tn the.probuie line, and ofcotirae mad inquiry in nature. But no probat work waa done. He and Mr. Bowman just mad a trip to the courthouwe, and took a look at the building. They even went into the lutwetnent, took general aurvey of the structure and Vatflrt auppoeed quietly departed. that perhaps the judge waa looking over the etrm-turwith the view ot making onto addition to it, building on an extra win g or two , or o n iething of that aort,- - in rase it should lw nccr-ar- y when the county eat removal ha beeh defeated. If, however, that was the object, tmtliii g w hatever was said nlxiut It by Mr. Shield or the archUet t, and we have to snrtniae tlmt the atiove ia the case. Then again another thought struck JUU Yv a wander if Urn objoct of the vi-- it waa not Tor Aim purpose of condemning the building, to aa to make it necessary to conatruc- L- a new one. There might be something in his, and in all . probability the last guess is thcurare t to the truth. If this surmise should prove true it would make a good argument for Park City In their county seat fight, although Tax Tiers doea not wish it to be ttnder-itoo- d to mean that Park City has had in ft. It would bead right baud any if they did, and if the building it unsafe it should be known. Perhaps it was a private affair, and as" it unsafely has keen hinted at before by other .county officials, maybe the judge wanted to satisfy himself as to its safety before bolding any more session of the court there. e Of if - course there we la-e- n would like to know sny danger of the building T'i)TipMiig at Uni'parUcular time, after it has stood for twenty years with no apparent teadenry of that kind, for two of our citizens, the county clerk and recorder, are eldige-- i o be there nearly ail thh time, and should run no risk. - As tefore merit tonclt we do not kntw that either oi otir tsimi-H-is fight; we on reconla tesr. timpy Eat if nr gme is correvt. we think It ia wa-t-to- -v duty ol tbe proper aaibsritiv.a'ty CO-O- Cash Bargain Store j - -- - Ca-ti- le GENERAL -- I ltein Mmkthixu ix rut : h ixi. yy .1 H p. in. All stork holder me req netted to be of importance oil1 fesviitt as biisinecome before the meeting. Ily order of hoard of -- 1 the premiae ic!uapcr and plea aider than work in a a k loom. meeting of the stock volt Thursday, Ortolier 1)1 the army, will r nch the ae of retire-- . ,r.int"s Itee Hive Laundry ap. ment "it the IfUlli mat. Hi Mice or t, rant's Electric Laundry Soap, h.t not aimonri d. t ion, Xel- - n tirant 5c. I.aundrt J'tA. Mile i the -- enior major general of! ,,Ktnl . tirstit a lerlect floating eautp. the army, and under ordinary eircnni- Wk at told by the nmiahata that it i Commercial Toilet liar Soap. DEALER IN- be tlen Scholled tii mi Bath and Toilet Soap. unfair and nnrigliteou to judge a Htances ( ill e oantOln 5c. Micceaxtr and he mav fie, but there i Soap. man by uluf be l.a i it m i tiuin wb.it s ,oooa Bartaatile Toilet Soap. 1,1 Bob'll lo ll a! o poeiUon to 1m aclee-' e t Hive Tuet ir.ini lie i. Yet there i g un-- i ti a turn i ant' lllde of I tnh .t Ji. cloaw eurreaMindence what a g Njda. liter Wlifftlier flepubltma or rat. 'a ( rt Mai. 'Vitiiing man has Slid what ben. The man of You -- urey want to keep iniiv abreast You nut only want to any ureount uaiiuliy has Something, of the tui.e . . know how the situation i in Utah fig . COALVILLE, even if it ia only a bad leputition. UTAH We are dosing out our Rent Wheols lletier M. Wells and John T. Caine, tun vou want to know wlntt Reed or McKin- and have a number of baigam in second I.at week's Mt. 1'yramid ley or Cleveland and Whitney mav U bam) Bicycle, ranging from $50 to p0. n yt ; loinjf in the way of rustling for the All hate been thoroughly overhauled Preaulental char. Thaonlvwav t g- -t and Hit hi first-daCur VTheCoilvii LrTjMRh reads its youthinformation, locsf and foreign, pondence solicited. ful readers a strong tersou on cigarette Bern a newapapet a real live metropole &L CO Ladies Felt smoking. T y the lenet it ia a harm- tan, u iv newitpaper, and tbe, Mt 02 AY. 2nd Smith SALT SMlorS.-CrW,- I LAKE CITY, St., Walking ful and deplorable habit, and one that Lake Tribune i the only one in the Tewho ditier in politm with rritory. lVopIe ilmuld not lie indulged. The TrHmne admit that it ha no comTRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. BOYS' & GIRLS' SCHOOL CAPS. iw tii- - westem One country. petitor If ou cannot purchase a new hat All styles, and at prices to suit BUKUX'S AUXHAHLie. Correspondence dollar a month for the d tilt , evert- day Tbe best naive in the world -- for Cut, in the month, amj but 75 cent for three Solicited, Uangcw, have the old one the times. Come and see them. Bruise, Sore, 1'lrero, Salt .Rheum, months for tbe great , (rocker) Fever Sore. Tetter, Chapied Hnml, Fine assortment Ladies & Children Underwear, Union Suits. Cilussuare, Manv persons guller from diorden in Clulhlrtin, Corn, and all Skin Erup-tnand poeitively cure 1ile, or no tbe kidneys and bladder without know- (lock. It i guaranteed to give trig what l the matter with tbtm. Fascinators , Mittens, Hosiery, At prices as low as the lowest pay required. And even thing else necesjierfect eatiafactinn or laonev refunded, They should know that disorder in sary to iurnieli a home. : : rrice 25 cent per box. b'or eale hy tho organ if Allowed to remain will and examine my goods. Respectfully, H E AXE SFA EX VXDEKWU) John llovden A Son. result fatallv. Dr. J. IL MrLeine MAGGIE Liver and Kidney Balm will restore H. DIKWOODEY FURNITURE' CO., ir.t.Sf.YurO.Y LETTER. healthy functional activity and thiia eradicate the die.ie. Price fl per BALT LAKE CITY, hottle. Fima oca Ktoi'ui rHtaeibrT . W.ifciiisoTON, Sept, iti, HP5. L)r. Prices Cream Baking Powder Worlds Fair Highest Award. Secretary Citrlmlea axsirtiuit-a- i e over PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. doing the making of piotet azninat -- orumored preparation for another bund PCY Nu J7t LAV'D Thctr ntemorie imiet be short. NOTK'F For PI HI ll' ffiInLf iMv. t ln Vll- -' J )S'5. Bros. Before each of those tdher lonl .stuei - Niim- 'I is! I'mL'lmwtn liu I1! A unfa ti i ii iu., m these same protest were made, but the iisuiol n.ase final prucf In up.. .rt m hi- - isiiu,rid bond were also issued Tho-- e w ho are that will pruuf ill U- in'U kfn tl c ntie-- r '1 receiver at at ike t v lip. v r ivt-- - F njvv saving that Hie imtul synd.i ate, u, H f s , r,i ' f r iIk . ' - F i,, K w huh officials admit HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STA TI0NERK COALVILLE. to be the wile re rtsltd Jult bailee of Pecretary Carlisle in keeping K opm him h.Iuih)1w tipi)pu the gold reserve near the hundred mil- mtmifMP tuUhani(i of Mtui mho. nirfr Wun n'sn lion mark, will -- iijrily remove it props Ktrt 35 V. 1st South St. SALT L YKK (TTY. onutf fM f U )nnslrrp- - 'iiiiimik uh. HYivN and force another bind issue, which LtSfU'Pf T t Bulu, At'ursifs underheir contract they will have the Co. Rove, Morris,-Snmmerbarefusal of at the same price paid for the SALT LAKE UTAH. CITY, -- DEALERS IN- last issue of tiouds, may ! CO. wrong, but iMilers In lean m to prnlttbihty see quite markedly Constitution Building. ,W Maui -- t 4 Hi(k Wool, Sheep Skins, Furs, ic, SALT LAKE CITY. thtjir way. The ohhgatinn f the synfor m our dicate to assist in maintaining the gold Headquarters evervlhiirg line, Aiiciita or W S Wtl M,1 o reserve will, according to thoM- i COMPANY. PlaiKMi (rum " (177 ft) t loc, no THE UTAH TANMTvii i. it) with the administration, tease llrgin. trull) 0) (0 d When you wins to Suit Lake City rail Mfts'htup fnn ifi iap) U ( tk'tol'cr i. Iu other worde, the admin4 j munlrsm (! and see uh; if you are not coming, write m i 10 Violin istration w ili have no ground for com- MiukU'H fom us, we wnt to trade with YOU. . o from i,i 4) And UfArly eerthin in ths Im ot M ak la- Highest market prices paid for everyplaint should the syndicate o noily raid tktrunn ni. l L N fIF-h- IFK I Mi 'I' thing we buy. the gold in the treasury on the morning of October 2nd. If that le true the 5,X0 ( oip Miref Mumc t 1k j - jtlkUHdppf m h,i; r wAQ,i syndicate will probably do whatever it UHdfuHp PU'EiirAinriiSMtibiN., Kixturvi for nil kliuh of s ut us Mh h is most profitable for It to do. regardless Tlie of the interest of the United Matt govLATTER-DA- Y SAINTS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, ernment, or that of any body else out-dJConfs n n s' to ATo.d U uow open for the cure of While aUpn1i of the syndicate. to what According nv Bk le re ith hui s, Tobacco Habits are believed to be trustworthy figures, iietsl U be REPAIRED. !rof u s,'etxi Litjiior, Opium and we will mt ou ni tin trn We the syndicate mad J bHIfFlN.u4.tler t profit of $UMX), line ofnundrie. of TR ULIE E. KEFIKY pr the USEHLoRlLE 000 on its last purchase of Kinds from OK GOLD REMEDY tKJlBLE i is-tlie government, and. upon another 1 Thi Institute is a 'Jirect hmmh of the Home sue of equal amount would doubtless j Institute Dtriht. Ill .nutter rhe Tnnazemeiif irho hi Tv'i furli of DK. J. make m much or more. Is there any JUMteyEi Keoh ylunDDituforthei'a-- t four car. Slicep Inspector W. 2nd North St. way that the ivndtcate can make as lustitate: much by helping the admieistration to Postolbee audrcYM Hottsti, maintain the gold reserve? If not, the I Dr. Summit to almost ill irndicat certainly try County,l t.ll li Tnce DETHT and Surgeon. other bontnisM'.'" Profit is w hat! ' In counection wjth our line of , uh the syndicate wants, and will get when j Huber C, f tehrns, I! ntvT '"nut t i . Vah. v Bowrtt. mil Coalid , of south door Office first rk ever it can. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, SHOES, ETC. For nearly a year sink has liven dune ville Ilouse, Coalville, Utah. OSCAR F. LYONS, towards the artistic improvement of, " Ve will "carry "a stock of MACHINE EXTRAS Uncle Perns paper money, and in the and Public which we k. have ordered direct from the factory for all kjuds of Conveyancer, Notary d., near future new one. two, five and ten I and mowers binders that are used in this section of the and Surgeon, PhysIrUH that be dollar bill will lie ismeij country. Ye also carry wagons, mowers," binders and w ill be The iiue-- t art.Mlc ofiicutle Kdi-v- e (Hy jiutl tjuarantine Phystctao. hay rakes not and many other things. Call and gc--t our prices' before ever issued by any govet nment. Coalville, j purchas- for u j Ttie Ii0,erare the wolk omcei. n.e in offlre at all hours esceyt when away iug r. se where; as we defy competition. POwTOriTCTUU Ilod-Ihe of three leading Ametioan artiststl.e II.IYIX;, j "ofiltf and res.denee at William Semmit Cutiutj. I tah. son' old residence. Sc G. five and ten dollar bills byAI slter SLer-- . YOUNG, you Important Xetlre. Home Made Brooms. ( - Lalmr Home Made Leaf Lard. full and complete stock of 11. uit-Iiib- thing A HOME MADE Pickles, HOME MADE Crackers, HOME MADE- - Cheese, etc., and the celebiated Reed Bros. HOME MADli Harness, with a complete line of HOME-- MADE- - Harness Extras. And ast, but not J Oran. Pros J F (.rant, ilreas Jiihn Henry ninith Vee I're. of a we beautiful have MADE HOME assortment least, CO. GRANT SOAP w e are a HOME MADE Babies Cloaks. Don't forget J F Grant, Maiuiprr Tnl - IrdVVri.. Ofl.ic and katbiry, 7 ,1 Firm, and gie us a call ar.d learn our prices before purchasing rector. F. (.rant, elsewhere. Julia lit my COALVILLE until, H J. (irunt. P. Respectfully, B. F Grant, Nathan - ara I before . Hr Mile' ts sold on a poult I ve fuarai.u v that llm tlrt IhiIIIb will At aruz.'i.i sell It u t tl, buttle (or (a, or ll will be tent, prepaid, on receipt of price by ttie br. &lilu iluUical Co., Lltbart, ImL - ' The Utah Slaughtering Co.'s unadulterated i - , Home Made Candies. Dr. Miles Nervine I not Hcript aroMierHfiuuiation ; tlint hi an iiijU'i,,e to other j.romIik mrnt members ot hi party who might b trv for the nomination. Secre- " tarv I ainont, who prohahlv eniuvsthe , ' Iproident conliiiei.i e to a greater ex-, yard and the ditdie, and we think' i nt ttnin t any othet iiieinwr of the i t'o-rof sickness and lliet. went to tirav t.ableato see him mi ill lie fewer case a better feeling nil n mid. lo not w ait i tl.i week i nd it thought that the ot Ti.e family i third '.cim .nmiinaiion waoneuf tinuiitilaouie die, the Grocery Department - IS Oihrr pftie are the same experience. ami tin- Lake lajiert attribute moat of it to the same cause. a h)ef ! li Thk Tinvft nine time l fore all to water l)if Using, eopie and they will find that the ,td vice should lut e Wn heeded. He c.ircful of thewater ued ; clean up the wells, the andprobiUy consider this rtepm-- i In right arm. ,,, ? currv the renow tied ( irunt Cum pants We St. Vitus dunce, and tried the btst physicians, with no tieuetlt. Home Made Soaps. Mie has taken tnree bottles of Dr. . , , . Miles 'eriue and has gained 31 wnigr.t s tuuua.ch pou.id. Her ueruiusneBi aud symp- ' Home Made Laundry Blue. loins of St. Vitus aance are entirely Ye handle Gustav esons famous gone, she attends school regularly, and has recovered complete use of Home Made Axle Grease. h. r arm. her appetite is splendid. dilicious and TucLit.s pure K. UUs. k. N. Y. - mam trouble lie taken dotyn, fif- ue oflier lost the enure The celebrated Provo L7mhrae.tr, Flannels, Lindseys, Blankets, Yarns, and teen year of age, hud beta terribly afflicted with uervomnesa, and hud utter tie. timi. Tin, frrendi ofllieolh-- r wouhtlu iy.i didatla for tlie pri.l-n- 't nomination are growing revive nn !. wash , Home Made Silk Handkerchiefs, Etc. Saved from St. Vitus Dance. of b, a iv. ted bin. Children's Hoine Made Overskirts, RightArm ParalyzedI 1 t tl.e fcllcwiug cocstartlx in band, The isopinoa Bros, and Z. C. M, I. . Home Made Shoes j.r.-.,r- -ii'. Ct Co-O- p. A complete line of Men's, Ladies' and tear . (Mr! her Mr t mr i apples and other fruit 111 the ditih and then detour them. Manr too, we ur.fer- tiuml, ue ditch wa'er for nearly all mr , i to U i' d ..r ant, o Mi'' 1 J i H l LI 4,, f r to stjy out TEXXlfl) XV. M From the Coalville ti. e .in cut ion of next 1 l!ef.OoI. TiHOtf OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Home Made Articles home, tKHiti..,. 'nt cmie, WVtak fl)Wof enm hu tf BiUt'i at tatol Wi hout an ' h h'1' inieruation tt Aj.r id i it- - for it ,1 toe Texas lhoimcrati J L hg.ue your supplies iu By purchasing iun. and hi fieIn,. dodge, or t'eui.t to if not the nU.r j, I.,., ,,,.1,1,1-11- 1 the Kver from of Novenibur. Mills of Texas going he defined on the silver qil av ihedennmnn the habit o(. diuujung Jitb ill jl.ee line tot fiftt tlliff, til AC?, w WllU pt ditches, and aa in tome jilime Uie wilier TMts; ft IXUU l45T Um Ut klon flow at all. hen rtt will be itnrtlf t'lbere i to lining to the cleaned out, dih hea not fein .r..f-rl1 CaJuWt. (KifMf t ti Hst&glef e 1994 4 5cjU CflM Mutter they fnrmtii a liotlied- - lor dieca-e-b- n it it mg gate and other lnitirilie. COALVILLE. FRIDAY, SLIT. 20. IS05. - M hut ! iiirreanJng iiuoitr f mm of ty d Tnri tmit fo photj (Jiulv 1 ' t iieolumu of PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY , j WAT Lit., TO Til K Surely a louder mte not be sounded to our i i oo . L-- f .0 OK rr . The fivedtiUarl the two bv Will e. that will note will be the nrf i.sued-jui-- l robjbiv t i the hand of the pnhij,. j lut MERCHANDISE, Except Groceries. Wa-hin- Second Hand Bicycles, Tit-a-a- res-su- ch ia NEW STOCK FALL MILLINERY. Caine to-da- te jtcei Semi-Weekl- u, LCall MISS SALMON. 0O Y D E N SJ3 R u GTO R E Robinson , ! -- - , oj.-n- - o, Prescriptions Filled. SHOES fA. . t.-.-- -. 4 and saye money. rv-- v i a ys WILSON BROS. YOUNG BROS. rn con-nwt- ed . I Ju l d j t - ton Keeley Institute, Lump, per Nut, per ton HEBER GUNN, i i - - - 1.50 - .50 HOOSCB, J. J. CHAMBERS, Physician ! - $2.00 At the Mine. Siiiiiitft I - - Stove, per ton - d DRY-GOOD- S, james hosme rvm. rs, W ROBT. VVanahip f r.W dScr- - . |