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Show . MITtt. POLITICAL The Wasatch county delegates KSrg instructed to Vote for Thomas Kearns of Park Citv for senator from the Filth senatorial district. Ti.o euatorid con- vention meets at Park Citv toworru . The Democratic Judicial convention held at Salt Lake last adturJ.iv an lOslen lilies, "Andrew Ho at and I.e i iran.le Young a ere chosen a tne mmiilates forjudges of the Thir 1 Judn i.il Dxirn't. OTllCB SOV1S Ilmui of ' Islcrtit (ilrtasd j Territorial Kiehaoge a lad bal Lake Star: C'aude oi 12 tears, was run over and kilted "by car No 2 of the Rapid Transit Company l.'evening. The acudeut lacurrs on their legs no more are rumor coyly hid from light of day; when the petticoat' forgotten with its swishing, demand wishing swirl', an I there- tor cotton, illle sorry for the girls. the Knuttoid is-who in sctiool he sorrv ti r j VI Ttie folloa mg aie the other judu.al nomination made h the limoitj'-Fouit- h Dietrut L. K. Hilou Fifth District J. 'A. Christ ,m 'llo'ei ite sreet, r.iin-nlo- ie-s- the 1 P.eas.mt Pyiauiii Flw.itdCitI .i t tl.e lh'jp.ld nthee'nis wees a ill e 'pec. men ot ri ;( .e. cauvd tie "kug oi is Coin.'i w n h mea varietv, a winter .q . lUe thil teen ' mi h"eiii e r H t er. dont ted lntg am llug.er ' Mt" 1 Wilkins Bldg., Main Ready Made. Made j Sill I'MiK 11 t i v The Greatest The Lowest 1 ,'. -- 't vi.e a Goods. i s,i Prices. i LIFE INSURANCE, AU.lMie tl IF INSURED, -- 1 1 SPORTRMANS HEADQUARTERS tan-itct- '! e- U 1 -- -- 'hell, ; 'i -! ' j -t Bli-tn- oi m g, ru - t DDHUMIMP DDAQ DnUOi DnUW You v a u in it Uiw all your Imotus whvu you ars i sn U nr lUalniit In AieMiit I HU PIIIKI.iT MITIAL AID 1 ATKIN I (rismiHsnti the Large! and Aisldi-ii- t n4 Halia Awocialloa lu ini',,-,- ! t! e t nil, it state It h die rvunirvil cah ifi wth Ih nt i altfornia amt Mlrsonrt, wh'i h, tie , Fmnlaml larxe , aetlivr with au anipte Keaene imilii-1- ' eenirtvate aitaoeilute auarauiea i u( ihe Millitnv id Its i.rot,ui,n to iimuber lUUMr Ajfuft H'aiifcrl. II'mI I'tah i .tjsncy Co., Joltn Ji. Athlon, 31'jr, lu- mourny cjefbnenf, A"J pnxjrrn Build-Judso- n t tln-iit- y, J-- Suit J.alt lily, Vloh. ni. Time F. M. - WRITE la-e- n Utah Implement Go. 1 1 V -- i u- -- and Spring Wagons, Henney Buggies and Moline Plows. 231 and 233 State Street, S< Lake City Utah. Mitchell 1 -- -t el-- -- ist. 'iia . , polii is of Life timimncs, . S In raw of ! death, suit t and iuf UMHijer munch hin-fsr pusd up oIi y, fniyiux aiaoa u t death or HKH) at ibe eud of U year; per mouth foraH!ident orlck,uei alii fru-- AZT?TfHT i I l, Hi . 'n.ubeie la-- i INSURANCE. - Furnishing Goods. ;The , ' 1 ACCIDENT Order Clothing. e deal ie-te- n i mam i . hut I First UiUuu.C. TU- - UaL dirdibeT' and ai o' In r augei aJ.il ihev lohi At the judicial convent ion ol ti e ',x;L e I wdl d.e a neck "mil " district, held m ( nclev i! e. 'atm lav , i. Tho'O were t e of words .( ,fietv V. McDaniel of Ukhtel a nom 1 ji.rbhc e prices ii" 'now , tv h 1'itueear f 1,111 uga!l. Remember the WunmaL Nl IlroW tl Clothilio m.Ml. mated as Denes ratic i an 'nlae lor I 'ni o h t st w t ed week lro a tha , w in.' i aliiilig teal s in duw nwaid glame judge , I J Mil' '! cf K il.fi, T A7 d.n 'he die w win n vou hear the urchin calling;; was the only other land.daie, and reut- -i !ai file r lake ge 'lit ijd.le mm did 1U get them pitlltS?' ceived but five vote, nil mini nr't d m this i tv t even m:. lesuit-- : i xv ill ee her yoiiti ml glowing, hut Seventh D strut - U. R1 . 1. v ' tig 'I. t1 e 'ol il le; ui tti ot t tits oh io i ih id icfiamrule can you tell if -I't Ikl K iiii.v, building on tie moth side ot she iJ go tig or is milling fiotn Si hool. out til Not ih, bi t w eel! hi st tllld be olid Tin F. J. Cannon, 11. M Wei- - a't C 1. ti have mt m ,n.. l(nr New Stock of turns and Rifles, and a monster stock it te il in a igui-- b for the pas when near it. n!i e , hh hiriiwli any thing you wa.ft. We stiip our Stmt, Allen, for the Btpiih.ii a: aic h,l cl to U -' and a sl.i'ne w hn !i thin daughiei - ail wear trousers that , is too, fo.lHoLu il.. nh .1 sh it H,, 11, vtt'., hv the i arlo vd, and i sn give yoa the best lowdei, Tie total an to ( ail Vnier-jspeak in Summit county as I o Ilu weeprevamped hum uni's, gisvlv at tin mu puce ns vou Imv e tieen in the lialut of (laying others on i. 2fi, at plan1- - di 'ignated by los- - w as aViou ! for second' conceded 'mg is i m wilting, and may gteat tear We handle the Winchester Loaded e Iii t'liketa ui 1mss c'licr aielyo.il-vill'dii.a ihannian county to 1m the duiugdav fan . ke (leans, starve I know what ltu linvd Har s'ork of Fishing Tat kle, Ianeball, Ten (no hv t Like t tty ( leirles ms andCru .t ipphes, llauiiii k. Ibintiiig t'lotliing, Kuhlier Ifixits ami in the evening 'iqik iiili-- r 117. t men lip to l'il t. g, toi 1 m Sony for tfiegn is. Kx. Iloes. Cutleri . alkmg Ntuiks, litev vies, etc., i' the largest and most comthe tn- of tl e wek was WHiislup, Ilovtsvil'e and otlier places in I utniner-iio- u plete in Utah. W t haiiilu Dnlont Black, Blasting and Sporting Bonders, and THK UE VL P IN AfKA. the morning, P.nk I uy in the even.ng. a titli poiiin! birif gaU bullion fion al-N.tro i Nitro 'porting Powder, Uiant Caps, Fuse, etc. value sev lie ter mid. It e'timtted r- -. HI- viol a v la -- I James L 1 ram is, Alderman. Chicago, for fentl Our ululviguc. I'HEE TO ALL. IIIutrulA(t H teg-arDr. Kings New Dia The lla'dv Mimntain Min- si-The following aie Mu speakers w ho I'm Ham Stnet, Salt Lakt Citfa Ideal 1anati as lor nil t is nil tight. Coughs, in i I Ihui will be mviiv IN 1 IN VJ 2I"1 Waihingto tr,Ogdn Utah will stump the ttii.orv in the inuie-t-o- t C iM' and bui g Complaints, having a boom utitti.it wav next season. use I it m my l.imily lor the last five Democracy . Tl e d. ti ot tin ir meetv to veai., to tin ixclusion ot phv'nians dr from belli bile lleia'd mg In have ih i vet ltd upiin( nut tn ings oi other pieparutions. Janivs 1 ox met w dll a bill will he. in ail probah.htv. m a short ltd .lohn lmgu, Keokuk, Iowa, of ihe the near uiiident 11. paint II. Roliei La, 1 time. J T. Came. a minister of the wutes. "I have n onnta.n. lit was bringing a Ion of Met h li- -t pisi oiml t linn h lor 50 tears L Uawlms, uv. Wi st, Judge liemk-r-son- , Iniv tot Ilai'ow 1 erguson ani the con- or ii.ru e, ami nave never touud anything Moses Tliatt net in i iiieeliwuod, tinued rubbing of one of the wheels on o laoieiii'iul, or- Unit gave me suvli jV.J.iVebcr. Dr. kings New Dis iei.it FOR PRICES ON the hai caused a blae which consumed pee tin- - Ideal Cough Remedy lfv vovery rori i . s . tneentire load end the wagon as well. now. ul hotties free at John Hoyden The Pojnilists at tne'i convention in Mr lox i ut the hui-e- s loose as soon as ,k .'on's In tig store. l.ake last fiitiikl.n nominated the lie discovered the tire, hut saved noth--i- i, Lis' Vugu-- t w inle n in king in the har-vefolios mg si ale t i Let i mw ri or, Henry g e ol the outfit. field 1 lieoomt overheated, was sudV. I.awience of l.ake, etritan ol Martin Hat ken, agent for the kndtews den. attaiked with crimps ainl was T. ( . ilaiev ot .'alt l.ake . Furniture state, Captain Companv, via- - arres'ed m tie.is-uredead Mr. ('uminiiigs t,e t, in.iriv H. O. Minnnit , oi Young auditoi, 'alt Lake Tuedav morning on the a dose of (.'haiulierluine Thomas L. Junes ot Dans: at; xif award o the bribing olficer charge ill tornev-geneint J. !. Weaver Sevier, fumiLiire jointiai t lor furnishing the olie, ('holeia tu d Diarrheoij Remedy of (iiihiic inch completely relieved me. I now' intenoem lnstuiction, ,.llv a(11 county building to hiicompanv. supei . kit pa Isittie of the remedy h ittdy. IrvineT. Alvoril ot Woi'er, congressindictreturned three lhegand (Uiv We take ptaaier of When v. u on !e mate to walk traitn Wa-i I 1, H Jatni'H len entvrvnle, iihii. i. if Cg lor ments ag.un-- t him, and ihing'iiiepKTfy VM man, gt ji id (ei t to comfort t'aroi crippled aud li (urmid hRa steel firato and auukual llm) of any de jii'tii t - of in '11,0 cine i on' l no l ion ltvelv oil that point. Later h poits me ale In John Bov den ik Sin. 't. a delormed kind kinsol made lor auy iriptfim, alxi n it im,- - ..ne made. to the elicit t rv.it Havken ha- - -I ND-. St., Coalville, Utah. 11 1 ! I -A- San Francisco, Cal. the hea 1 or foot t( ili-i- -, to I li be urrv for llieir looks, fot FOR FIVE TEXTS PER DAY,, tl ill v's w ill make their trousers, and, Etc. were who dont we know, g sal heaven W II L PAP, c tmliitf to the hazard of , from to Finest wceii, hen unable bus i,ut aie not now. sirs, that they'll to wrk throueb hurt bad enough It uj.Ixh i h.'y show if j.tu ere ccivi?utzS'ly kilUwl, MILL VaTtety, w m ou Jt.hiiuu wt aivih jmiitti hi iiiHUi mu c when-yam ; MILL V k mid limibig to work ru often am! knock you .t Its male, in L 11 LwMILL tiwfairt. hlka i j -l to see J lie yootlilu! blteie I'.Ws if .u littcw hn4 orfuotO? noweih which li up ins tha n man an examine mv Underwear, Genu Keckwcar, hPK.Vi.i?ULww ,1 - a fpe i; or wlmli is liiik if In coiueth j Dress Shirt etc md lie convinced that I have the finest hue an equal CVer shown to tile otic gueth tilde is qu-tMr will be a revelation to you. at Oi htmght v HEALTH Clothing House. y, 1 -t j "When the women all wear bloomer Our and their skirts are laid away; when Prom Ma-se- I PHILADELPHIA I' our Girl TERRITORIAL NOTES. u Farm Most Popular that Njvunif world over for iti duraYott want th one that bility. ia easiest to manage and U 4 Light Running ' Them is non in th world that can qul in muhmel con--I of working (traction, durability of nni-8ncn part. It a, .peai.no, or ba a bmy many -lioprovtouinU a tb 1 h, New Home Fd. allka It bal Automatic Twi.ton, Doubl no other haa tn brth side ot neill MteHttdi, wheel hinged driving it ; New bund ( on alfiHtabl cooura,thurelui.ing fricuoo to 111 f'-- -- (ill i il. Mi Lem.- laiiiui.. Linimuit. i ijiiui.lv - an he i oh oh aim -- toi kiuen, liiervtnt-and all handesuf home- ehould have a Is'ttlo ot tin-- n tnedv on n hand for mimediae e w i.ci needed. It will save time and motiev. Bine 25c, 50i , and $1 pel iKittle. Im rove Vour Stork. retm imi trom Omaha Javid yesterday, w here he has been w ith a shipment of cattle. When Mr. Moore lefl on fins tup, TheTimi' stated that on his return it wonedji form its readers as to the price received tor the blooded stock he took, in order to demonstrate to our heef growers t lie advisability of improving tbeir breeds. Mr. Moore states that he fouud the uiaiket for good steel s very fair, for goodeowg, excellent, and tor the fine steers in liis shipment tlieie was a demand bordering on a iusn. To show the diffeience between cattle of this kind and the common class we w ill state that Mr. Moore informed us that his Durham -- teers averaged him $55 per head in Omaha, nearly three times as much as the common steers. His blooded steers were liought for export to England, andtheieis always a gimtl nrnket for them. Do our need auv further pi oof of the advisability of raising good cable?. Ibex msLaaia&te lu raise than luongiels. but the j rice received fioui t lie haver is nearly three tunes us much. We would smgge-- l that our fanner think of this and govern themselves aeccordingly. stock-growe- The Wrong ISuild if An Idaho editor having been fie had ever seen a bald headed woman, No we neverdid. Nor did replied: we oversee a woman waltzing atound town in her shirt sleeves witha cigar between her teeth. We have never seen a woiaan go fishing with a liottle in her hip pocket, sit on tne damp ground day and go home drunk at night. Nor have we seen a woman yank of her coat and swear she could liik any man jnj town. Gad bless her, she that aint built way. The quality of the blood depend much upon - good or bad digestion and assimilation ; to maae the blood rich in life and strength giving constituents, nse Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. It will nourish the properties ot the blood from which the elements of vitalityaredraw n. $1 per bottle. que-bo- Wa-atc- Is lv 1 who-eon- Sfimwurv Snut JPJ3 OF UTAH, ? l.ake ( Ity. The next academic year will begin pteiulsT Bitli. Tin lollowntg courses are pno filed . 1. Louise in geneial r fence. KtlalUthtd IS year. 2 o. tuuise t. in ai Course in mining engineering. Advanced normal cour-llach of the above lead to the bachelors degree ; thenoimal diploma, by provision of law, exempts the holder fiom all examinations in the school system. 5. Normal route?, lemlitig to a cer- tilica'e of graduation which exempt the holder from examination fora period ' of five year. to the (5. lreparatory course, leading collegiate studies. Tuition is vtriiially free in all departments, a small registrr-ac- (, on fee only being required. A certain number of normal scholarships is fo each applicant for to such scholarships apportionment must applvtothe territorial commissioner of schools through the respective county upernitendents. The faculty of tfie University has been recently greatly enlarged, and the equipment, of the institution extended. For circulars and other information address J. E. Talmnge, president University of Utah, alt Lake City, Utah. 4. Dr. X.A.ICE1 e. W , CITY, nmm.mrnw EDUCATIONAL WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE EEW HOKE SEWIKG MACHINE yg 69 E Third South Street. -i tu minimum. GO. Mu VIUCA 0 a UTA.ir. J I . Wl k Board by day, week or month. Special rates to hunting and fishing parties. Good accommodations for transients. JOS. STORER, Prop . 1 ! 30 Joseph Jones, Shop, on,e block east of Stake House. Coalville, Utah. ms.BaiM siof. Shop on Lower Main Street. Everything First Class. Shaving Tickets fi.ro for $ i.oo. JOHN O O Always On A Iv W. t 3 t. MAG1XXIS. j. WEBVH MAGINNIS& WEBER. I.AIV1 Dll,. bad U, Blab Cuuipany Building tn, tX. UTAI tK.DES Hand at the FGH irki obta! a. and all IM-- J and Trd-I tat bun new conducted lor MosrT( Cvti, f Own oeT( omc fm. U can (acuta paienl in ww bma taan the ! renal from Whmgtoa. j bead model, drawing or photo., wit fr enp- of; ioo. M Mux. if ptntabl or not, r Scbwg. Our f not du bll paiant i ocurd. with Obtun How lo Heleot, A ,aMtrr. is th U.Eaud iureignoououie . , cot oi at fie. Addrew, i ,nd Lump Stove, SHEmyPrcprietor. $2.00 C.A.SNOW&COJ 1.25 caaEAT S, TRADE in MARii COPYRIGHTS. Chit 1 ORTAIK iwMf At in A PATEKT Nr frr opmtnn, writ A t O.y wbn hve bil nearly Any In tb iwUeut bwmi.ci. Cwininnr nn(Mutf il A IlMdbMii ol L C KinerQf tton jmeily fnflDHiao onneemtuff Patfiili and bow lo ihem pent free Ateo ft oaLatogu Of BiOCMt fin tnut fre. lent and Ffttonu token tbrowfe Munn m CO. foeon notloelTitbe rinliAe Amonrnn v tnnt broupbt wlU!y beioretbo poMicwtt Th oturtd t fYHit tn tbo Invent DENTIST. Will b in Coalville for ono week, at- - the Weber House,, fully prepared for : all kinds of dental work, i commencing Monday, Sept. 23, 1895. . P.- TINNER. Dr. W. VISICK, JS MV e Tinware, Stove Pipe, Bath Tubs, Garden Sprinklers, Galvanized Iron, Zinc, Copper and Sheet-Iro- n Work, etc., made aud Repaired by a. CIAL. I - aTLAnta JUC Home-mad- III PACIFIC HOTEL, ECHO. al. TIN-SHO- Thousands of citizens of Utah and vicinity have felt the wave of enthusiasm that is sweepiug over the land on account of Horae University League based on the Deseret News Edition oGthe Encyclopedia Britan-uicHave you joiued it? If not, you should write to the Deseret News Educational Headquarters, 217 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, tor particulars, at once. and Diploma. JOS. STORER, PROP. Choicest Meats in the County, aud prices as low as the lowest. . - CO. Jos. Cornelius, Park City, Utah. BULLETIN. Pricvs Cream Baking Powder Modal Worlds Fair Highest . FGH HEWfiETT BROSVrSaft Dike City. Utah. ly j HILGERT DEFORMITY SHOE Walt After a careful test we find that the grade of THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER we have been making is the best that can be made for the price charged. We have determined to manufacture the Purest and -- Best Cream Tartar Baking Powder that can be made, and though the price will be slightly advanced, it will have more leavening strength and will be cheaper in the end. After August 15, 189s, there will be a Blue Label on HEWLETT BROS.' IMPROVED HIGH the cover worded: GRADE THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER. Every can guaranteed to be equal to the best in the market or money Refunded ' and ask vou to kindly givtf it a trial. L"I Coming luuksad a subject that interests every resident of Ufa iiH.c&y "ft 1 tl jvd ini es io n -orfiie Territory meansigrea advance- ment and rapid etrides in theright direction, the influx of foreign capital, and the conungofa new element, aim will he to build up the country, aud essentially to participate in the prosperity that wiU iuIJow. -- Detweeu-now and the time the new etarlsput on Old Liberty, manv things of grave importance will happen, and it should Ite the wish and the care of everyone to postni on the situation, and th? only wav to do that is tuget the new v regularly hv snhicrihing for fhe, . -- gricu-soeiet- 55 UNIVERSITY -- i -- tor a mere song. See to It that mu buy from reliable manu- -t uturcri that have gained a reputation by bonr.t and square you miji the get DONT LIMP Co it m oi i Dr. J. by Aft. W hen yon r about to bay Sewing Machine do nut be deceived by allur mg advertisement and be led to think you ten gel lb beat made, i.scst bniahed and h. kipped. A Tub me meeting of tin cxei y tive committee of the Deseret was Dual and M.inuiai turmg h of nehl yi -- lei day , at w hich the in Bark condition putting Agricultural dis-c- u was lur state fair giounds ed. No action was taken on the question. Suggestions w ere made as to what recommendations should be made to the firt State Legislature as to a permanent site for state fair grounds, and at the next meeting of the committee a coiir-- e of action w ill he decided on, anil the recommendation- - of the society will be drafted for the purpo-- e of memorializing the Legislature. li Wave: Thoma- - Broadl.ead, with a very painful met agellT. eident . Wednesday afternoon, on his fathers ranch east of Helier. While en- gaged in fiaiiling grain from the field to thestai-- lie had to cro-- s a ditch on the way and in sodoing he was thrown from the load. In the fall liis right arm caught on one of the sharp stakes on the rack, used in holding on the load, w hn li passed through the arm about half way between the elbow and wrict, holding the young man a prisoner until lie could i limb upon the wheel high enough to enable Inin to (mil his arm back upover the uj'per end of the stake. The Fall Election ill, beyond a doubt, he the greate-- t event in the history of Utah, because in the lives of even the oldest inhabitant, the pm ilege of voting for governor and all the state officials will begivento all males over twenty-on- e years of age. While it ib true the women cannot cat their hallo's at the comingelectioD, they can unquestionable cast their powerful inlltience, and even at this early day anxious candidates aie eeking for help You ought from the coming woman. to b familiar witli the true situation but vou cant unless yon get reliable furnished i:. The Tribune new- -. It dailv or semi. Onedollar a month for the daily and 75 cents for three months for the semi. Ical GET THE BEST l, o- -i Ollier, lluneo, PATBOHIZE HOME IHDUSTR Wasatch Dept. O. S. M. Co baifiirtl weekly, orld. Buflding 2 enpr, ftfttl wryrk in fi ff nnytUoeteritifle oent fioo. orvfue IMm? Kditicjoj lonnihi?, fi jmt. rao Vf fmtwni e rniMtfiaa HO fudA Kverj tn eolofu, n4 witb bKtre, t A pnans, ena line nii ium ur Cui MW tui onv, io of B V t. A4trf JOl Buuadwa. 4 , |